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Everything posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. PL, Excellent work here! Yep, I am surprised to see the various other site referenced for the screen shots and that makes this page way slow on the office LAN. Hehe. I am also surprised I nearly missed this FAQ. Keep up the good work! BTW, isn't that rubble in the pic after the graveyard pic? The mood of the graveyard pic is excellent! Psst! Please remove the ref to my name to this faq.
  2. CDIC, If you get yours hands on John Tiller wargames like East Front 2, West Front, Panzer Campaign series, etc, they have a dialog giving the estimated arrival "time" and contents of the reinforcement(s). Not as dynamic as your idea, which is brillant anyway, but it is something I have been asking for since Day One. Keep up the good works. Griffin. P.S. Any time for a friendly game? Ducking back into cover now...
  3. OT: Slappy, In case you care, I am still playing CMBO. I spent less time on this Forum (while I am spending a little more time over the one in CG Online) and play more. I am recently addicted to photography so I read more than I post. Griffin. P.S. I suppose there is no collective farm now, at least in southern China.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: GrffenCheng, I keep thinking that you have been captured by the main landers and sent to a collective farm, but you always slip back in every couple of months or so.<hr></blockquote> ROFLMAO! Okay, but I still find not valid explainations why you just cut off our last game! Wanna a friendly PBEM for some time? Meanwhile, keep reading...
  5. Thanks PL for your effort. I think we just have too many questions and too much expectations from the game. Keep your work up!
  6. PL, I think I have posted some questions before...humm, have they been passed? Some more: 1. It is possible to mix two national troops together in a scenario/QB/operation? Can axis minor powers turn their back on Germany? I read that after Romania "got liberated", they turned their guns onto their former allies. 2. BTW, would there be any changes in the way operations get handled from CMBO?
  7. I think there has been questions about various AFV appearence in CMBB, but I don't have the links right now.
  8. Thanks for the update. About the demo, I think CMBO will keep us busy for a long while...
  9. Manx, Congrats, my theory a fortnight ago is proven right. Hope to see more excellent works from you ppl. Griffin.
  10. Counting down...this forum will be flooded real soon...
  11. After "reading" through the review of http://warsim.net/ I find a link to German Amazon.com and then this: http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005O08O/warsnetalleub-21/302-5344102-0147208 Is it a known fact or am I missing something? Griffin.
  12. PL, I suggest this should be CMBB:FAQ, rather than CM2 cos you know, CM2 is something involving game engine rewrite.... Just come across this after so many moons!
  13. Ruzzell, LOL! I am doubtful about the "coolness under rocket fire". Why is only your upper body shown? Is there something about your pants? Also, the krauts should be firing when you are excerising. Keep them in-coming! Griffin.
  14. Manx, Happy to hear that everything will be alright and in order. Hear from you soon. (...clear throat...) As far as my conspiracy theory goes, I think Manx's site will get combined into CMHQ! (I begin to miss the o'CMBorg) Just speculation, okay? BTW, Manx, please remove the link to my "shameful" site. It should ease a little. Griffin.
  15. Manx, Thanks for your kind reply. Oh, I see, they are telling you their trunk/pipe is too small?! What an arragont company they are! (or greedy I guess) Is there any xDSL service (or any "The Last Mile" service) in your area? I know it is darn popular in Hong Kong and the States. I am not sure about if BT or Cable & Wireless. They are not as fast as dedicated lines but I think they are very acceptable (at least to home use). For ADSL, I guess you know already, the downlink to your machine is faster than the uplink. But if the price is low, you can subscribe two lines, each handle one direction. Many small business here use this solution and there are hardware which allows multiple user sharing the same line. I am not sure why it is hard for UK ppl to setup their own servers, sorry. But the site I know is based in Finland. Well, it may be due to their exceptional infrastructure. Alternatively, you can setup your server outside UK! Yes, if you can find someone or a company you can trust somewhere else. (e.g. I have a P2-450 + 128MB RAM and 9GB UW SCSI HDD) Just put a dedicated site server there. You can manage the site remotely. Talk about "global village" here. For hardware, I think many CMers are happy and willing to donate they old (or "pre-CM" ) PC or Mac to you. You just need someone to install/setup/manage the server for ya. Oh, btw, my web consultany hourly rate is....just kidding. Hope it helps. Griffin. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx: Griff -- Thanks for your comments, but i think i should point out that it's not a question of how many "hits" the site gets (i recently put up a counter that shows exactly how many). What is in question is "Bandwidth". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  16. Manx, I hate when you are trying to do that again! You are making me cry. It is strange to me that your current isp is charging you based on traffic volume! I am not sure what it means but I strongly believe that your case is the first ever in the Internet world. Most sites closed due to lack of "hits" and now yours is just the other way round!!! Too popular is a problem? This is crazy! This is madness! (Okay, now take a deep breath and control thyself). Putting out a changing scheme on your site would not work, it will only make your "alienate" against our fellow CMers. I suggest you setup yourself a server! Hardware is dirt cheap -- get an o'PC (a Pentium II or equivalent is more than enough). All you need to beef up the memory (256MB is a very "mandatory minium") and of course a large HDD, Ultra-IDE HDD with 45GB is dirt cheap now (Yes GB, not MB, it is not a typo) The greatest problem areas would be: 1. Connection. Find a ADSL service providers. In Hong Kong 3Mbit ADSL providers are plenty and the rate are low (less than USD40 monthly). The speed is not great but I think it is acceptable. 2. Site setup. Linux and friends are cheap and there are a lot of good site software (Apache/PHP/MySQL just come into mind) available. The problem is you need time/skills to setup up using them. BTW, please don't use IIS! 3. Lastly, site management/maintence. Since your site is running 24/7, I am afraid you need more time to backup and look after the site since hardware comes into the picture. You need to do your backup, sort out old files and keep your hardware in the good running condition (like putting the server in an air-cond room, etc). The tools is not a problem, just the time taken. I am no expert here. But if you don't mind, I know a Finn musican running a site on his own (and he is not a full-time IT people, shame on me) using just Linux/MySQL/PHP all by himself (with his own UBB forum too). Here is the starter: http://www.photography-on-the.net/ (...and that site contains hints to partially explainations of my appearent "disappearence" in CM community). Sorry for the longish and hope it helps. Griffin. [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: GriffinCheng+ ] [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: GriffinCheng+ ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rodimzew: Could this Tank be designed within CMBB ? And if, is it possible to control this monster with target assignments for single turrets ? The T-28 was of similar design, being equipped with 2 MG turrets. Maybe that the MG turrets could be simulated in other ways, but the 3 bigger guns on th T-35 would be interesting to use.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't have to feel "sorry" about this. This is a valid question and just like Finns, it is one of the wanted units in CMBB. Where is PL anyway?
  18. Mine goes back when the project "Beyond Squad Leader" between Avalon Hill and Atomic Games died, I heard somewhere about another project with similar scale between Avalon Hill and Big Time Software. I have read their 2 pages web site, especially about the deign descision where all the units presented on the map is "enlarged" and not to 1:1 scale relative to the map. Then I heard they borke up and after a while, I learnt about their new site (battlefront.com) from the email alert system and then I read about this forum (which was having the black background) and registered for pre-order (but my plastic ran out before the Game was out so I lost all the specials came with the pre-order). What I experienced next was something shared by many others.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ales Dvorak: Sweet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> More than just candy, Alex. Think about the first thing you do when you get home (especially after 30 hours straight of work), think about sorting out all other nonsense email in your mailbox, think about exchanging taunts through email, think about why you are buying yourself a notebook computer for this one, think about why you forego your normal way-of-life together with 8, 16, 24... people, think about the frustrations/joy of losing/killing your/the other's jadgtiger to a 1-man zook. It is really more than sweet. Griffin.
  20. CarrotLover Welcome to the Club! Until you find youself having the copy in your hand, you may wish to play against (or if you like "with" ) another human. The "Gold Demo" allows full PBEM capability of the full game. I am not saying the AI is no good, it is just...well, the experience is too hard to put into words. I have played PBEM (since the "Beta Demo" days) and unrecoverably hooked. Of course, the real Game would be even more -- exciting, before I begin to put up some "comparisons using adult contents". Also, make sure you visit this forum regularly, read the posts, and don't be afraid to post questions. Some of the topics are for current incranation (CMBO) and some are for the upcoming game (CMBB). They will expand you knowledge and in the mean time, makes you play better. Anyway, have an enjoyable journey -- from here. 8) See ya around! Griffin. P.S. If you have get the full game and want a experienced-but-dumb "opfor" to try out PBEM, drop me a line. Okay?
  21. The rumors of me being dead or scare or even out of CM community are totally false! I am here. Frankly, I have never been to Shanghai, Guangzhou (Canton) is the farthest north I have tried. Shame. I always wanted to be there. I am very busy right now so I expect I may be free either towards the end of Oct or some time around Xmas. I am not sure but the current project is just too damn engaging! CDIC, how bout a PBEM to clam your thirst? You remember the last game I....
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