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Formerly Babra

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Everything posted by Formerly Babra

  1. Some very comprehensive lists have been posted on new terrain features that people want to see. Don't feel bad, I've read them and I can't find them with a search either... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  2. Thanks for the links, Simon. The pic links I already had (among hundreds of others). I haven't visited them in a while though. The discussion link was especially interesting. Thanks again. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  3. Oops. Allies I mean. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  4. Excellent points, Simon. On the issue of Fireflies in Normandy I do have one excellent (and clear) pic of a IC Hybrid there (complete with roadsign in the picture to place the pic exactly). I was never quite sure about IICs, and merely suggested that ICs would have been more common based solely on lend lease numbers, and I was wondering why they weren't included. On the Kangaroo (growl), apart from one website with the cryptic note that mentions turrets were removed and seats installed, I can find no photographic evidence (or any other kind of evidence) for them at all, and I've exhausted all my readily available, though limited, resources. I had asked in another thread if anyone had Hunnicutt's Stuart book and what light it might shed, but I never got a response. The lads at BTS aren't the sort to go making things up, so I wanted to know what info they had that was different than mine. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  5. Can't do it, I'm afraid. Can't edit a subject line. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  6. Gentlemen from the recent Secession thread: If you would like to continue the debates further, drop me an email. A friend of mine has a forum used for General military history discussion, and the ACW and its causes is a favourite topic. Shoot me a wig-wag and I'll send you the URL. Do not continue the discussion here -- This really is a CM forum (daggummit). ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  7. Sounds like a fair place to wrap up an off topic debate. I doubt anyone's convictions have changed, so there's no point beating it to death. I'm thankful such an explosive subject was handled with care by the participants. (Must be that southern hospitality) ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  8. What Herr Hofbauer is saying, Rarg, is (and I'm paraphrasing now): "Why, that's a fine question young Rarg. However, I think I saw another thread that covered that topic, and you can find it here..." ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  9. (wraps Hofbauer in comforting hug) Easy, big fella...there, there...it's all right... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aacooper: ...usually missed, ignored, or glossed over by friends of the Confederacy (or however you'd like to describe 'em)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I prefer "Southern Apologist" <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aacooper: 2) The second thing lost in the clamor for "state's rights" is HUMAN rights. Which right is more important? Southerners wanted the right to live like they wanted, but what about the human rights of the slaves<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Obviously human rights are more important, but that's a modern view, not an 1850s one, where negroes were barely considered "human" at all. Sad but true. As far as anyone was concerned, slaves were chattel, nothing more. Missed in this whole conversation, though alluded to by Mirage, is "The Meteor" -- John Brown. This well-intentioned terrorist scared the bejesus out of the Southern aristocracy. His abortive attempt to seize the arsenal at Harper's Ferry and march south, arming the slave population in a popular uprising, happened very close on the heels of the extremely violent slave revolt in Haiti, which saw the wholesale murder of white plantation owners. White southerners were justifiably concerned, and began the raising of local militias to quash any such servile insurrection. It was these militias which formed the foundation of the Confederate army -- without them, secession would not have been possible. Without the catalyst of vocal militants such as Brown, it is likely that the issue of slavery would have remained where it had always been -- in debate, until eventually it passed away as the anachronistic institution it was. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me. [This message has been edited by Formerly Babra (edited 08-27-2000).]
  11. I'm pretty much hoping that cbo is right, and that these are all IC Hybrids. It certainly wouldn't make much sense to change turrets on a IIA (though I doubt it's as difficult a conversion as suggested) when more likely candidates are available. Still no word from BTS on THEIR reasoning for inclusion of the IIC. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  12. It only works in full daylight. It's random. They'll buzz around and look for targets of opportunity. You can't direct them. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  13. I've seen it. ('course I was the axis... ) ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CavScout: Sorry, read the documents of Secession issued by the Seceding States. It wasn't taxes, it was slavery.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Was it? My reading of the Ordinances of Secession indicate Constitutional issues (relating to slavery obviously). "Those States have assumed the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution" So is secession about slavery, or is it about States' Rights to keep slaves? The issue had been in the forefront of North-South relations since the Louisiana Purchase. I'm just having fun with you and playing Devil's Advocate here. Actually, my personal belief is that Southerners were railroaded into secession by the slaveholding aristocracy. In six of the eleven seceding states, the ordinances of secession were not put to popular vote, and in those states in which it was, counties known to be pro-union were not even polled. So, to sum up: Do people have the right to self-determination? Yes. Should they be ASKED first? Well, duh... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  15. You can have BMWs if I can have Harleys and BSAs. We can have a rumble in Reisberg ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  16. It's a demo version. You cannot add new vehicles and features. If you could, you wouldn't need the game now, would you? I'd like a screenshot of that... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  17. Punt. I'd like to know the answer to that too. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  18. I'm quite happy to be wrong on the pics. It supports my original contention ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cbo: If you look at the hatches, they are the large ones used only in the Sherman I Hybrid and the M4A1(76mm) (Sherman IIA), not in the Sherman I.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are right. Am I missing something? A IIC is a Sherman II armed with a 17 pounder. Why wouldn't the hatches be the same if it was converted from a IIA? ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: LOL Why do you assume I'm assuming that? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because that's what most people assume. The only difference between abolitionists in the north and in the south is that in the north there were more of them, they held political clout, and were thus more vocal. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  21. This is more fun than my Civil War (sic) club. For a very scholarly and unbiased discussion of the causes, check out this site: The Glorious Principles of 1776 ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: So there were no abolitionists then? No people wanting to see more rights for blacks? Yeah, ok. Whatever you say...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Certainly there were. Why do you assume they were all Northerners? ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: Blah. It depends on who's doing the naming. From the Southern view, you'd be correct. From the Northern, they fought to do exactly what your definition says. They won and hence they choose the name. Civil War.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not so. A war of aggression aimed at defeating a foreign government and reclaiming lost territory does not even remotely fit the definition. Northern political institutions were never threatened. Now, as for secession and its practice, New Englanders had no problem with it in 1814 when they weren't happy with the way the war with Britain was going. I guess it's a double standard. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  24. Jesus. My poor modem would never handle it. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  25. Thought not. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
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