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Formerly Babra

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Everything posted by Formerly Babra

  1. So few of mine ever survive to use up their ammo anyway... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  2. It didn't say impossible, just less likely. Personally, I wouldn't want to be in a concrete box with two-pound bits of steel ricocheting around inside, but that's just me. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  3. I just ran three games of VB to test out the new features. I didn't notice any targetting bugs. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  4. According to the readme, this is far less likely to occur in 1.04. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  5. Bump. There's some of that lend lease EDIT: Of course, I'll want bases in your garden and the right to store nukes in your pantry after the war... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me. [This message has been edited by Formerly Babra (edited 08-19-2000).]
  6. You might consider it "gamey" but I've read a real life account of a Sherman doing just that to a Panther -- He got in so close the Panther couldn't shoot him. Pretty clever if you ask me. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  7. The majority of us are firmly behind you and will "lend lease" whatever support you need.
  8. After exchanging a few game files in excess of 1MB, it's pretty clear I need one too. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  9. The Hetzer's MG is electrically operated from inside the vehicle and should be able to fire even while buttoned. I'm not sure if this is modelled in CM though. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  10. The Borg approacheth.... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  11. The download is an exe file. So the only way I can read the readme is to install it! ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  12. How big is the download? Will installing it affect PBEMs in progress? Do I need to save as in the 1.03 update? EDIT: Okay, it's 1.86 MB for the Windows version. But the other questions stand... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me. [This message has been edited by Formerly Babra (edited 08-19-2000).]
  13. You replace the Star Trek "Phaser - Photon Torpedo - Warp Drive" phoney switch plate on your dashboard to one which reads, "Move, Move Fast, Hunt, Target..." ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  14. They were incredibly fragile in the presence of artillery in an earlier incarnation of the game and have been toughened up considerably. There was much discussion on the board about just how much punishment they could take, and the general consensus was "a hell of a lot". Don't count on your artillery taking them out. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  15. Not bad. You're on the right track now. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  16. I've got some Pukha kit. I look mighty fine in it too. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  17. I want ALL my jerries in ambush trim. It's a good lookin' scheme. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  18. It's late and I'm far too lazy to check: Is an M3 and a mortar cheaper or more expensive than a dedicated mortar halftrack? It's certainly a more versatile combo. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: BTS is principled enough not to broadcast dates that probably cannot be met<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL! They learned that the hard way though ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  20. on an M18: I CAN drive 55... ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  21. I wouldn't care to try and fit it to the SdKfz 250 chassis. The 251 could probably take it, though it would be a mighty tight squeeze. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  22. Excerpt from "The Guns 1939 - 45" by Ian V. Hogg: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...By way of contrast, consider another German development which was one of the rare occasions when a completely new idea was taken into use. In the last year or two of the war, considerable demand arose in all the contending armies for light-weight anti-tank weapons for infantry use. The first solution was to use rocket launchers...Then came the recoilless guns. All these were well suited to the task of throwing a hollow-charge shell with sufficient accuracy and velocity to hit a fairly close tank, but they all suffered from drawbacks of one sort or another. The two greatest drawbacks were that they were all prodigal with propellant, and they all gave off a prominent back-flash... Rheinmetal-Borsig produced the answer in 1944 when they came up with the High-Low Pressure System'. The principle they developed was to burn a small quantity of propellant in a small closed chamber at high pressure, then leak the gas into a larger low-pressure chamber in which it could act upon the projectile. The design of the cartridge case included a perforated nozzle plate between the charge and the projectile. This was a worked-over finned mortar bomb with a hollow charge head, and the tail fin boom was attached to the nozzle plate so that the cartridge and bomb formed a fixed round. The charge, about 3/4 pounds of powder, was ignited in the usual way and generated about seven tons of pressure behind the nozzle plate, which had eight holes in it. This high pressure now leaked through the holes, expanding into the chamber space behind the projectile to give a driving pressure of about three and a half tons. This low working pressure allowed a thin-walled projectile, giving more HE payload, and also a thin-walled gun barrel, hence less weight for the gunners to heave about. The whole gun, which entered service as the 8cm Panzer Abwehr Werfer 600, weighed about 1,300 pounds in action and was so successful that plans were laid for using this system to supplant the recoilless gun entirely..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hope that assists. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  23. Looking better and better, Tiger. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  24. Request seconded. Tried doing one on the Jagdpanther myself, but it just didn't look quite right. It needs a more skilled hand than mine. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
  25. Cool! Thanks. ------------------ Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.
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