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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

    Anyone care for a QB and/or scenario?


    Why yes I would care for a QB and/or scenario, only not with you....Now sod off a lot.

    This is not the freindly, please may I have a game?,yes you may, shall I do the set up, oh no your'e too kind, I'd love to do the set up for you, thank you so much by the way I admire your trousers thread.

    As a newcomber you are rated as lower than cat spit and will be treated as such and you will enjoy it. You may of course find a lower order member of our clan to pick on, may I suggest Mensch or Croda. Given enough time and taunting, your mettle will be measured {SIT DOWN, Blowsmouse!} and then, and only then you may get the honour of a cesspoolian 'kick to the cobblers'.

    Until such time, go back to mewing and scratching at the front door........


    Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

  2. OK, technophiles, this question's for you.

    My little old monitor is on the way out. (it takes about 15 minutes for all the colours to come good)

    So tomorrow being a nice, fresh saturday, I intend on snavelling myself a newy.

    Now, I'm thinking 19" will do me fine, 21" might be a little OTT. But, what is the go as far as refresh rates are concerned? Is there anything else I should be concerned with? My current system will be soon getting the flick also as funds permit, and I'm thinking around PIII 800 will be the go there.

    So I'm looking for the best bang for the buck, something that should see me right for at least 2 years.

    Thank you all in advance.

    **Cesspooligans need not respond, as I'm being serious here and I know you lot couldn't be serious in a seriousness competition on world serious day**


    Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    Stuka: We are engaged in a lighthearted contest to see whose green troops break and run home to mommy first. the other side will undoubtedly be the victor.


    Herr Obelisk, have you been smoking toenail clippings again?

    My dance card is pretty full these days and is growing at an exponential rate, but I'm kinda sure we don't have a game at present.

    Wishfull thinking on your part perhaps?

    Well take a number, buddy and join the que!


    Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

  4. Squires!, Squires!, all the squires gather here please...I'm waiting.......I'm still waiting........Dammit OGSF hurry up! Stop dragging that gammy leg of yours, I don't care if it hurts!

    "I think it best for all of us to retire to the Squire's quarters to play the bones and drink barley mead, knights are battling and squires heads will roll if one of us gets in the way"

    * The Squires troop off to their quarters, already lit by the flickering lanterns as darkness falls. Sounds of merryment pervade the shadows as minstrells play and jesters juggle for the amusement of the Squires, bosomed wenches serve great drafts of mead as outside....knights gather..........*

  5. Thats right! More-arty's my knight and I'm his Bitch err squire, yes thats it.

    Anyhoos, anyone who wishes to laugh at his single figure scores has to come through me first. I'll fillet from throat to sphincter anyone who dares cast aspertions on the good name of Arty-Stook inc. and leave their giblets for the marmots to battle the ravens over.

    The hunting will be good my knight, the fresh winds of summer-break fill the veins of this squire with a blood lust of evil intention. The Mojo of Stook crafts claw of rooster and tooth of bat into a potion of war and thirst for conquest that will leave none standing.

    Beware!, for ye and verily I proclaim this oath, that the reaper stalks this castle! avert your gaze simpering squires and feathered knights, for doom is afoot!

    Coconut shells are cast aside. (I've only got one left anyway, the one mensch borrowed, poorbroom seems have got quite attached to)

    Did I do good Boss? Did I do good?

  6. *Clink...Clink...Clink*

    "Click", Glug, Glug, Glug


    Glug, Glug, Glug, Glug


    That, fellow 'poolers was a Jack Daniels and Coke being poured for my goodself as celebration for the final exam of this years university calender..

    "Damn, drank that one quick..hang on a mo', I'll just fix another......."

    Now, where was I?, Oh yes, as I was saying, my closer pbem opponents know me as a full time worker, part time Business Degree student, all-round good guy and partner of the lovely Libby, whom a priveledged few of you have been permitted to gaze upon in the comradely trading of family photos.(and have'nt your right hands been busy since then, eh?) Oh God! There I go again! This is what I'm talking about, my brain has ceased to function socially in an intellectual manner as the upper thought processes have been devoted to Economic analysis and the confoundments of Financial Risk management due to the stresses of Exam Time.

    The baser secondary mental processes have been left to churn out thingey based posts and pbem turns of, less than full mental capacity.

    If this sounds like an apology, well its not. There will be non of that lilly livered belly scraping from this proud squire.

    I fear that of recent times I have sunk so low into the mire of the 'pool that I was forced to rely on my fascinating ability to breath through my ears in order to avoid drowning. (Sit Down Kitty!)

    Woops, hard habit to kick, hehe.

    "Bugger, empty again? please excuse me....."

    Thanks for waiting. Anyway, the educated Stuka of old will re emerge Pheonix-like from the ashes of text books, lectures and interminably boring tutorials to befuddle and confound opponents both new and old. I believe squire Mace is betrothed to me for some Topplement and even Robotus Rattus is up for a kicking.

    Who among you wishes to cower in your trenches while the gull winged vole strangler rains death upon you? (note: No thingy references, I'm getting better)

    Its drawn coconuts at twenty paces for any squires or if a kniggett fancies a bloodied nose then I'll whip out the trusty haddock and slap you forceably with it. Shawn eechy no longer requires the slappy haddock noises as the seal died (albeit in mysterious circumstances) , however investigations into sparky the seals demise are now best left to others, as this squire now retires to his portion of the castle for a bit of a sing song.

    "Ohhh, I'm a lumberjack and I'm Ok........

    *Glug, Glug, Glug, Ahhhhh....*

  7. You are I will have 'words' very soon, Shawna chooey, but first I will require a bigger Thesaurus.

    Don't get your tiara in a tizzy over meeting a real man in the 'pool, your Liberachyness, an in-grown thingy is nothing to be ashamed of.....

    Like Hell! Hahahahaha.... ahem.

    *Back to our regular programming, veiwers*

    Soy, soy, bien, thingy, super, bien, thingy, thingy, thingy...

    oh and.."topplement"

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski:

    Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe-anyone remember that?


    S.W.O.T.L was one of my all time favourite games.

    hehe, switch to 'unlimited ammo' and take out a whole flight of B-17's in the trusty old Me262 with a massive rocket salvo.....ahh, memories. smile.gif

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    the front runners are PeterNZer, Shandorf, and Stuka.


    Aww Saanoopy, your'e just jealous because you can't scatter a refugee column simply by sky-diving over them.

    Listen carefully:


    Screechy: squeek

    Now run away and be envious of someone else

    [This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 11-14-2000).]

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