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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Stuka, just be glad your inner Croda went terminally depressed, but I doubt very much that it's dead. Glory in the time that it spends catatonic, it will most likely resurrect itself.


    Not dead you say? Oh dear, now I find myself wondering just what exactly it was that I 'passed' during this mornings oblutions. I guess it was just last nights Chicken Vindaloo.

    Hello? *Tap Tap* Hello, inner Croda? Are you still there?

  2. Scumbags of the 'pool, I feel I must throw a question open to you all (except MadMensch, you are beyond coherent communication).

    I need advise on how to best deal with an inner Croda with suicidal tendencies.

    The problem stems from my current Kniggett stoush, where my most recent arty barrage has spread vast areas of the map with little bits of shredded inner and outer Crodas. My own inner Croda, sickened and depressed by these visions of Crodacide, has regressed into an even more pitful shell of what was, in fact, a pretty poxy existence to start with.

    I had actually become somewhat fond of the little geek, especially after the ultrasound scan showed my inner Croda to be quite happily picking it's nose while slapping itself on the back of the head in order to drive the fingers in just that little bit further, in the eternal search for the "mother load"

    Now my inner "C" just sort of flops about, has lost all interest in nose mining and appears to be attempting to strangle itself.

    Frankly, I'm sick of the little buggers attitude, should I assist "C" to top himself? (which then leaves me with the hassle of body disposal), should I attempt to cheer him up? (hardly likely as the dismemberment of further Crodas in our challenge match is bound to continue unabated), or should I evict him in some manner as one would a family of Mensches that had rented out a room under an assumed name?

    The last thing I need is to share my subconcious with a terminally depressed inner Croda!

    Please help............

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    Besides David, you could never be an Australian. If you were you would contravene our prime rule: no pooftas wink.gif


    Tch Tch, come away from the neighbours fence, Macey. You know its not nice to discriminate against the heterophobes.

    And shawn-sheep-poochy, well if those taunts of yours weren't a challenge disguised as a challenge, then, well, I'll just have to accept it as a challenge!

    Roight then, here's the deal...Me: new system arrives this weekend OK? Time to familiarise with new system then Blam!, you dead OK? You: Surrender now, you know its the roight thing to do.


    Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

  4. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

    Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.

    There is only one Stuka on this board, and thats me.

    There is another, the artist formally known as Stuka who now travels as Von Shrad.

    The first 20 times this mix up occurred it was amusing, the next 20 times it became dull, now it irks me more than Mensch's warped presentations of my 'alledged' personel e-mails. Mensch, you know I am no more 'pommie' than you are 'human'.

    However, Herr Eye-Burst, should you wish to see how a real man handles his 14", perhaps you would do me the honour of a challenge. Size does not matter {Sit Down, etc} as my new Athlon system arrives this weekend, drool, drool, geforce GTS card, 19" monitor hahahahhahaaaaaaa!

    Goodbye pentuim 200 w/voodoo 2, hello real world!

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

    Stuka - Like you really needed to call in the damned French Navy...


    Why yes Crow-Duck, yes I did.

    You see it is all part of my fiendish plan to grind you into a paste that I will then apply to the wounds suffered by Sparky the company dachshund. As the paste is made from freshly ground Crodan I can think of no better application for stopping Sparky from licking his stitches.

    Youv'e gotta love that 14" arty doncha? Four rounds landed, one went long and three landed where? Right on top of your freekin head thats where!

    Oh, I laughed, I cried, I wet me pants...it was just so "sniff"...beautiful.

    I count nine Crodan squads lying amidst the rubble!

    tee..tee-hee..teehee heh haha, muahahahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


    Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

  6. Althougth I have been busier than a gerbil in Mensch's underwear draw do not think I have not been keeping a watchful eye on you scabby lot.

    Menschy, old fruit, poor form it is to post another's personel e-mail, poorer form indeed to edit it to conform to your own sheep induced fantasies. I will slay you to an even greater extent than our last game and leave nought but your coconut shells for the carrion birds to squak and bikker over.

    Croda: You beg for a cease fire in our kniggetts challenge while I hold the VL with an 85-15% score in my favour? I think not, you blight on the landscape of my mind's eye, I call upon you to surrender! I am perfectly happy to wait out the remaining 26 of 50 turns, especially as I have all my armour remaining while you have squandered all yours in fruitless attacks.

    Bauhaus: No I have not forgotten you my little liebling, now stop crying.

    Peng: What can I say about someone who is whipping my ass into a nice souffle, then fails to return files? Drunk or insane? I'll leave the 'pool to adjudicate.

    Kitty: Stop whining, it's not my fault your'e advancing your armour over wet ground. Gosh, they do get bogged easily don't they?

    To my other opponents, I wave my sporren in a jaunty fashion in the general direction of your Aunties.

  7. OK folks, I've nutted out a deal on my new gaming system and I'd like to hear the veiws from the forum on the hardware I've selected and if there are any big gains to be made by changing any of the components.

    Its friday here in Australia and I will be ordering the system one way or the other on Monday.

    Chip: Athlon 900 thunderbird

    M/B: MSI K7T Pro 200MHZ Socket A

    RAM: 128mb

    3D Card: Hercules GeForce 2 GTS 64mb

    Monitor: LG Electronics 995E 19"

    DVD Rom/20G H/D /Windows Millenium/Printer/Scanner etc.

    I have done a lot of reveiwing of these components via the 'net and am pretty happy with my choices, but before the money gets handed over I'd just like the opinions of as many of you guys as possible.

    My biggest concern is that none of these components will act as a 'bottleneck' and reduce the performance of the system as a whole. A faster processor is the only thing I may need to go bigger/better on I think.


  8. Ya Herr Menschenburger,

    Zis game takez me back to mein dayz as a yunge panzer kommander ven ve rolled across ze steppez in our kleine tanks to shoot ze ****e out of zer russkies mit meine grosse kannon unt mein uber thingey.

    Der screen shotz ver zo realiztic zat I crapped meine hosen ( or maybe that vas der incontinenz, I am 95 yarre olt after all)

    At ze Hannover retirement village for ze insane alt nazi-types, I am ze talk of der town, meine komeraden vatch ze screenshotz und think it is der newsreelz unt that gormany did finish mit eine gold medal in der World War 2 event.

    I rekommend zis game, it is der big fun, even for a girly-boy schulemadchen like you.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:


    weres my pbem round you twit... I almost forgot how much I miss killing your stuff.


    Herr Mensch, as usual your insanity knows no bounds. It was only this mornig as I was pleasently walking the rottweiler, looking for poor people to set him on, that I thought to myself "hmmm, watching Adolph chew the 'little people' is fun but what I'd reaaly like is a turn from Mensch"

    Thats right, butt-boy, it is I who is waiting for you!

    Kindly extract your digit and remedy this situation forthwith....

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

    What the hell does that little sweetie Croda have to do to become a Knight?


    The answer is alarmingly simple my dear, your little sweetie has only to defeat me in our current knight's challenge. However he has some ground to make up as I hold a slender lead somewhere in the vicinity of 85-15.

    *Edited for careless spelling mistooks*

    [This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 12-03-2000).]

  11. First business, To Lorak, sincerest sympathies for your and your friend's families loss, life really sucks sometimes.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    mammals gnaw at their extremeties.


    Ah hah! A thingey reference from the self confessed anti-thingite.

    My lords, ladies and gentlehamsters, in the matter of the Crown V Seanachai, I rest my case. A confession from the accused has revealed to the court that he does, in fact, revel in thingey references.

    Case closed. Obiter dictum, caveat emptor, and any other latin phrases I've forgotten.

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