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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

    After all, it's not lak ye hittin' anythin' wi' it.


    Perhaps I'm not hitting anything but with this new expolsion graphic, it sure looks purdy....

    As for Macey gray, I'm afraid it's all true, I've probed both flanks and assaulted his center, all that remains to try is his rear and I'm not that sort of boy so its 'thinking caps on' now for this little black duck.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar:

    Like I'd come to the CESSPOOL for tactical discussion, don't flatter yourself.


    Oh God! Now he's using smilies...have you noethics boy?

    Oh and OGSF, I'm dying by the numbers am I? Why is it that someone (you) is crying for my arty to end? Hmm? ...*tap tap*...I'm still waiting......No answer hmm?.....Go comb your sporren you effeminet git!


    Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

  3. Make him scrub the drawbridge!

    At least then we can keep an eye on him until the council decrees that he be allowed in, and then only to clean the butts of the peasents.

    Then one day, {insert various deity} willing, if he applies himself and grovels well, a promotion may be forthing!

    Oh ho ho! Pillock you lucky boy! Now you can squeeze the boils on the Squires back's!

    As for knighthood, "SLAP!", don't even think about it.

    So you see young Pillaroo, you have all this almost within arms' reach.

    Chin up, little fella, wipe away those tears and start scrubbing......

    (Unless of course some dirty great Kniggett happens by and decides that your pelvis would make a nifty drinks holder for the castle dachshund, Colin.)


    Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

    A place for people to ask serious game related questions and recieve serious game related answers.


    I wonder now that we have called, how many will come?

    After all, the cesspool is both feared and envied by the 'real world' inhabitants and the extension of the proverbial olive branch may well be scorned.

  5. hehe, no offense there Crossbar. Fact is, a surrender was the only wise move left open.

    After the early loss of your armour and the repulsing of both of your desperate infantry attacks on my flanks the outlook for your guys was not too rosey.

    I still had a STUG, a Hetzer, an assault H/T and a Puma, plus a field gun that was still being brought into position by the time you surrendered and lots of 81mm arty left too.

    Oh and Ted, my other game is posing a little more difficult, it started out promising as Gaffertape lost a panther early, then followed a tit for tat destruction of each others armour so much so that I had to fall back on one flank. Currently I think we both have one AFV left each so it could go either way, although I'd settle for a draw!

  6. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

    Listen up Von Shraddy!

    A second round victory over Crossbar has the Stuka juggernaught steaming ahead to the final victory.

    A cowardly surrender by my esteemed opponent has landed my good self with a 80-20 victory.



    87 casualties (18 KIA)

    4 vehicles KO'd

    Men OK: 146

    Score: 80


    125 Casualties (26 KIA)

    71 Captured

    3 mortars KO'd

    9 Vehicles KO'd

    Men OK: Nil

    Score: 20

    Thank you..thank you all...{bows to the audience}

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Okay you stupid lot - it is 1am where I am on Christmas day.


    Me thinks that Andreas has been sniffing mensch's toe-jam again. After the Kiwi's We Aussies get christmas day first!

    Go back to sitting in the lavvy, reading your Kings & Queens of England encyclopedia you Methylated spirits soaked boob!

    May all of you receive underwear for Xmas with skid marks already in them.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    I'll take both you bludgers on....this will be just like a typical night at any country pub!


    Yes, you boys go fight out the front while your old uncle stukey goes out the back and knocks off the stereos from your cars.

    I'll see you back in the main bar just after I get back from Cash converters.

    Oh and Macey gray, I'm gonna leave your car alone, 8-tracks have not been 'in' since the seventies.

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