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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. Don't you pick on NY, it is a veritable paradise compared to your corn swaggling state.
  2. No Michael, your sad attempt at a double negative to enquire as to my leanings whilst attempting to maintain the facade of your own non-hetero culture (not that theres anything wrong with that) will not work...I am NOT interested OK! Whilst it is faintly flattering to note your interest I fear you may have to look a little closer to home to find true love...have you considered buying a dog?
  3. Boo's invitation must have turned left at Albuquerque. It was a great night, shame you weren't there Boo...*snigger*
  4. After some research into the matter at hand, I discovered Mr. Emrys is absolutely incorrect. Ah, no, you're absolutely wrong. ...Michael's assessment is quite crap. And after some thought, I decided that Emrys is absolutely full of $hite. ...you´re - once again - absolutely delusional... ... Michael Emrys is absolutely insane. Michael Emrys seems to have bollocks it up.
  5. 'tis a common word in educated circles, no surprise you are befuddled.
  6. Note Buzzsaw's gamey use of grid contour stuff, gamey use of a [sneer]QB ME[/sneer] and gamey purchase of 8 Shermans plus 2 H/Ts against my sensible but flawed purchase of only 2 Panthers. The rest was a foregone conclusion hence my brave decision to end the debacle early. This should have been a 'best of three'. Nevertheless, welcome to the round table young Buzzsaw, you'll find it to be nothing like you'd hoped.
  7. English is fine, it's the Ohioan clicks, chirps and whistles that are incomprehendable.
  8. Dalem and I are Olde Ones so no need to fret and gnaw at your crochet needles with angst, the cycle of life continues...HUZZAH!!!
  9. The ones where I refuse to issue any orders on the ridiculous QB ME game you insisted we play? "it'll be fun...there's loads of trees and masses of contours" he says...lying like an Ohioan in court. What we have Cesspoolers, is a slightly buckled pool table of a map with a faint whiff of schrubbery, two honking great wheat fields that no-one can enter because the stooopid AI decided to put a small hedgerow around them, and a village in the middle that everyone has to run towards. Young Buzzsaw (no doubt awed to be playing me and wanting to show muscle has bought at least 8 tanks and a H/T) I bought 2 tanks and a sensible amount of arty and infantry not suspecting FOR A MINUTE that my kind and generous nature in accepting a challenge from a SSN was to be ABUSED by being conned into a QB. A rematch has been offered on a scenario designed by humans.
  10. I have a South African Red at the moment but I will not drink in Peng's honour...for he is without honour and wouldn't know what to do with it anyway.
  11. With all the fossil fuel powered De-sal plants in this country I believe we have the highest water consumption per capita on the planet. PS. it's free too! Mull that over whilst you count the cost of watering your hippy corn crop. PPS. Your video was less instructional than it was some kind of weird alien porn.
  12. How'd that cold shower go for you Boo? and no I don't want a youtube video as much as I didn't want one last time. I understand that your bi-annual bathing is cause for celebration in the Radley household but there's no need to record the occasion.
  13. Be quiet non-PBEM player! If your opinion is wanted, you will be told what it is then it will be beaten out of you.
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