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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Gaff, try not to taunt them before we are done ripping each other apparts in A2. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  2. Come to think of it, my fav axis favoring tank is the Archer. No single piece of hardware is most favorable to the Axis. Beats the PantherG hands down. When playing the allies, the PawBroonMk1 is also a good german asset. See you in the SuperBrawl... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 08-28-2000).]
  3. My girlfriend does pretty much the same. My fav is the Churchill VII. But for a useless piece of fun The AVRE is way cool O I must say. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  4. First post and you made it a challenge. Cool... marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr Send a setup. Try a 1000Pts or so Quick Battle, they are easier to start with. I'll be playing Deadline starting tomorrow. I guess that makes me a warring guy if I do fight all on this thread. Welcome onboard BTW... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 08-27-2000).]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikeydz: Yes we get it. No, it won't work. You may be able to load and "play" the scenario, but the problem is that all the vehicles and such are hard coded into the game exe. The graphics and textures are seperate files so they can be modded, but the actual vehicle data and such is in the program itself. What you are seeing is basically the scenario telling the game engine... "This vehicle is a Jadgpanther." The engine is responding, "Pardon me, but what is a Jagdpanther???" Since only the vehicles that are in the demo scenarios were coded in, the game engine doesn't recognize non demo vehicles. It has no idea what textures to use to draw them, what weapons it has, armor values, ect. So your out of luck. Sorry.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that was exactly how I should have said it a while back. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  6. Tiger1 It's easy really. You don't have the vehicule/armor/gun showing because they were NOT hardcoded in the demo in the first place. The fact that those which were showed during the scenario are because they are using resources that are included in the code. That's all. To make it simple, you can't play a Churchill (for sake of example) because Combat Mission Beta or Gold Demo don't know dick about what a Churchill is in the first place. Wait for the game and you'll be as thrilled as the rest of us hamster lovers. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  7. Not sure about what you are expecting. I mean, seeing as you positively CAN'T do it. What more positive imput are you waiting for? The demo has the included vehicules coded in it. You can't add new vehicules because the EXE wouldn't know what to do with them... In any case, welcome on here. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  8. Waow, an all french thread. Ok, I was kiddin' obviously about the AVRE. It does need tweaking... Eventhough I am not found of the beast I can see how more "accurate" it will then be. Imagine, slow ROF, when you want to fire it you have to stand on the tank to load the mortar. First sharpshooter you stumble accross, you're out of commission. Only thing I love about them is the lil' "earthquake" you have before it actually fires. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  9. No one is willing to have the ROF of that baby reduced pal. We are all Brumbar/SturmTiger/Big guns addicts at heart I guess. Speaking of which, instead of tweaking your AVRE, go play the bloody setup. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  10. While playing against Cubes (Who beats me 99% of the times) I had a StuartV scoring a whooping 10 Infantry, 1 Wespe and 1 PANTHER. Yeah baby! ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  11. Nice work. BTW, the Sherman Croc's trailer is the winterized one even when you are playing a Summer Heat QB. Strange overall effect, the Iceberg trailing AFV. Tremendous work and quick skill improvement too. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DaveT: Please I do not want to start another grid or not to grid thread. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What?! Are you saying you're playing it with the grid? Sorry, the rodent in me couldn't resist it. Seriously, I positively LOVE Richard's work and it looks just great. I've downloaded Tiger's work too and even though it's gorgeous, I stumble accross a nice "bug". The Sherman Croc's trailer is the winterized one. Strange overall effect that... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 08-27-2000).]
  13. Yep I have ICQ it must be somewhere in my profile. What with me having ADSL, I am almost always online. So you can bug me anytime. BTW Von Shrad, having changed my comp, the rules ended up MIA. Please send em' back. I'll kick some Czech asses and take names (S panem Jadaynem?)... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 08-25-2000).]
  14. Same here, don't fret over your connection. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  15. Jay, It's not the SuperBrawl. I replied already. Just that I had so much probs with my comp I had to get a new one. Hence the not there syndrom. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  16. The Brits are there: http://www.negia.net/~jshki/weatheredbrits.zip Tiger will post the Yanks later on. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  17. Hi Tiger, Guess what I eMailed you about just happened... You should get a XDrive account and upload your Mods there. Or if you can't or haven't an ADSL or Cable connection, I'll host them on the Public folder of my account. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  18. Strangest things can happen. In the middle of the night yesterday my fellow hotseater heard his German distinctly yell: "Don't shoot" in French. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  19. Well, even though I'm french and had erred on the wild side for a wee whiley (75mm HTs are a plus) I am a fierce addict of the Brits. Love them all. The Vickers is a pain in the neck though when you have to go in fast. My fav is the DaimlerAC/StuartV combo. I'm a big fan of light vehicules. Shame though there is no Daimler AC MkIII sporting the 75mm. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  20. Depends really. Now, how much tiny you really are? Shoot a setup. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  21. Open an X-Drive account, store the files in and give the shared folder to all. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  22. Glad to see some women in here. As a proof of my sexual agnostism, I've been beaten to death by many girlfriends along the years with the game I'd been hooked with at the time... It's a good way to keep the lid on your ego. Welcome on board and congrats on your MOD Angela. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  23. 32 and it's my last offer. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  24. Neve Campbell is a canadian too Pat. But who wants a cannuck file with Neve "Screaming" on it? ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  25. Thanks for the tip. BTW, I installed the flag Mods from IXDeath something and they are VERY cool. But today they are no more posted. Any problem there? ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
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