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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: PawBroon, I believe, would be willing to stand as my second, you importunate little man. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd be honored of course. And broadly speaking, it's even not conflicting with my mom's view of the world stating that I'm second to none. Now Nonility, let's scurry back to the Pool and sharpen our lil' teeth for that Triste sir. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  2. Not before TCP/IP. It's coming, it's coming. BTS doesn't dwell on VaporWare. Be patient and you'll have it. I mean, if you have pre registered your game before the 17th of July that is... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  3. It was Herr Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel, the famed tank busting Stuka ace. How many cool points for that? [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 09-13-2000).]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Where is the mention of fitifully waiting each and everyday for Santa Matt to update CMHQ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Those guys never respect a thing. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  5. So you've taken those posts seriously then? In any case, it's true that since the actual release of CM and the following burst of questions, most of us tormented souls are resorting to thread terrorism. The Rodent Liberation Front might not be glaringly known by the networks but it is still very much active in here. Sometimes I pity the newcomers for they are not aware of what they could trigger by a mere innocent question. And NOW somebody find a bloody Ram Badger on the Net for 100 cool points. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mccooper: As a side note where did you get that color plate PawBroon?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here you are. http://www3.sympatico.ca/chrjohnson ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  7. Another view of that baby. The Badger is quite difficult to find really. Anyone? ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: That looks suspiciously like the MG turret from an M3 Lee. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here is the original project and it's actually M3 Based. For all of you Cannuck lovers, go visit this site. http://www.mapleleafup.org/intro.html ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  9. Sorry if Lost2Peng wasn't much helpful but he couldn't help it. Here is your Ram Kangaroo. Now why some of you should still post questions actually related to the game is beyond me. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  10. Send the turn back Jad. After all, Group A can't trust that thread without significant result.. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: The Sony Play Station II is starting to try to claim almost that kind of performance level now... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What?! CM runs on a SPS2? Jeez, that's patching awright... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  12. That MG was a late addition. Both in the game, through a patch, and to the AFV. Thus the MG is not swivelled mounted and couldn't engage at close range with any brilliant result (under 100 meters IIRC). A search might help you since it came up before in this forum. Your only other option is that my answer is ridiculous and that someone will point to that with hard fact and then you'll be better off in the information Dept. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 09-11-2000).]
  13. I've spent most of 97 in Prague. Chances of us knowing each other are however remote if you are not curvy and, well, erh, we might in fact. I tended to be in all the classical parts of the country. And I said classical, not classy. My ICQ number is in my profile and as for who must send what to whom, I think it's you to me. But it's not a factor as long as we get things started... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jadayne: Two glorious fun-filled weeks ... in a country where the women and drinks are tall, cool, and refreshing <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Could it be that you've been in the Bobby Centrum in Brno? ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  15. Buy it. Now that's the best piece of advice I've given in a while. Second one will be: Play a jerk. There are plenty of us useless dork in here and you'll be able to learn the mechanics of the game while seeing strange tactics from your opponents. Really, read the posts, many are willing to try and learn. CM is the best game around, so you'd better try and improve with it then with some other thingies. If it doesn't help, do a PBEM with some willing Grog and have them patronizing you at each of your mouvement. Try, Learn, Try again. Then beat some to pulp. If nothing else works, play Seanachai. Welcome in here by the way. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 09-11-2000).]
  16. Strange how things are viewed differently. If I was to grieve about something, then it will most surely be about the wheels "Octogonalness". And I had never seen a post about that. But the treads, the rivets, the slits and all are done ad libitum. So... ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  17. Recrewing Abandonned vehicules would be my absolute Fav. I'm quite confident about BTS doing what's necessary for tiles and urban combat because they WILL want to play Stalingrad too. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gaffertape: I had some e-mail problems, but we seem to be moving along again in group A. GAFF<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, Army Group A was somewhat stalled. Gaff had some Poltergeists in his mail, Jadayne is out in the boonies and I was off for most of the week. So, I guess it's still open to debate as to who's the best/worst due to the state of our game. In any case, I'm willing to receive any early in the game surrendering to alleviate the process. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha: Remember Agincourt? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Isn't it a football stadium? ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  20. Well, 2 frenchies in a quest for the Holly bride pic should do the trick. Deanco, you and I being both CMers from Paris, we should sometimes engage in a game. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  21. Thanks Pat for the Typexed thread title. I had to resist it since it would have been another blatant display of french arogance. Now then it's a displaying the Shine of french culture. If you come here in Paris, remind me to have you drunk on my treat. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Excusez mon mauvais français. J'ai besoin d'information de quelqu'un qui a voyagé en Lorraine. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Very courageous of you to try to speak in french. As everybody knows, the french are sub standard brits you obtain by decantation. Unless it's above than average krauts after an incantation. Boy! Ok, I'm french, I get it you want maps and if so there is the IGN here in France which has a monopoly over them. Here goes, http://www.ign.fr/fr/GP/cartes/cartes?COMMUNE=vic+sur+seille I hope you find it useful since most of what you were expecting is on the same page. BTW, for those of you who happen to read this thread, I apologize if I was helpful but I couldn't help it. Why I did it is beyond me. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  23. My must immediate answer to that: "I've offended a few people in PBEM" is that they were lucky it was you. It's a game. Play whatever and however you want in order to get a grasp about the game mechanism. Then you'll go for historicity, balanced troop composition and all. In between, change partners. If you're lacking some, play me. But try to enjoy yourself while schooling with your books. And when playing those guys, ask them some questions since they are so VOCAL. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 09-06-2000).]
  24. Nothing like a good self inflicted bump. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
  25. Don't you ever use SEARCH? It's "Skirt Buns and Water Melons". Go ask Al Bundy. ------------------ Either he's dead or my watch has stopped
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