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Everything posted by Buckeye

  1. Okay, Madmatt has laid down the gauntlet...who will rise to the challenge and defend Mac users' honor?
  2. Hey Scott C and G4A, that's good news. I know that Madmatt and Kwazydog and others are willing to share their work (or at least that's what they've said). Rather than re-inventing the wheel, perhaps the easiest thing to do would be to translate their mods.
  3. Okay, there are some really great mods being developed for CM by Madmatt and his crew, but they are PC users and don't have the expertise to translate them for us Mac folks. Isn't there someone out there with the technical expertise to do the translations (or whatever is required)? I wish I had the skills, but I don't. Who's going to step up???? Heck, CM was written on a Mac. Are we going to let the PC users get away with this? Where's our pride?
  4. Thanks for the reply, KwazyDog. The mods look great, by the way. C'mon, isn't there somebody out there in the Mac world who has the skills to get these mods translated for us? I wish I did, but I don't.
  5. I know the question's been asked before, but I wondered if you've made any progress on making Mac versions of the mods available? I seem to recall that Madmatt said something to the effect that you're going to try. Any luck?
  6. From what I recall, BTS said that Fausts fire independent of the target line. So squads can be firing their rifles/smgs toward other units, and still get off a Faust in some other direction. You won't see the target line change.
  7. The solution is to buy her another computer... My wife has given up on getting onto the computer that has the CM demo on it. She uses our older Mac.
  8. Don't worry, COG, I'll beat you even when it's a TRUE double-blind game. Not, of course, that you're entirely beaten yet in VOT, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. My wife is dreading the pending arrival of CM at my house. I suggested that she needs to start a CM "Widows" group, to commiserate with all the other wives/girlfriends out there who are in the same boat. For some reason, she didn't take me seriously... (Please don't take offense if your of the female persuasion...there could also be a widower's group). I WANT THIS GAME. Okay, I feel better now.
  10. Yes, firing a weapon with a backblast has the potential to be destructive, both to fellow troops in the same building and (I believe) to the building itself (i.e., it can cause the building to catch fire). Logo? Who cares about a stinking logo? If I designed a game this good, I'd sure as hell want something to remind the users who they owe their good forture to.
  11. Ahh, good point there, Compassion. The absence of beta tester envy will also be a welcome boon.
  12. Are you using full FOW? And are you playing against the AI or in a PBEM game? In my experience, my FOs are not spotted if I leave them in exactly the same position that they started at in setup. In other words, as long as they don't move, they aren't readily spotted. You need to make sure they have a good LOS, so you don't need to move them. If you don't have FOW on, or are playing a PBEM game against someone who has played the scenario before, then all bets are off.
  13. Great news! Having the game will be the best part. The second best part may be that we won't have to read any more posts on the order of "So when will it ship?"
  14. Just what I love, an eternal optimist... Yup, got that tongue in my cheek.
  15. Well, gee, I feel sort of special...not even a member yet, and I got a reply from Steve! In all seriousness (sort of), I appreciate your point, Steve. I do tend to group mortars when I want firepower and have what looks to be a static defense. As you suggested earlier, though, when on the attack, it helps to have a mortar squad attached to each platoon, especially if they are dispersed across the battle field. Seems like that is pretty much how things were done in "real life," at least by my reading.
  16. Steve indicated that they hope to ship by the middle of this week. The hold-up appears to be the arrival of the manuals at the warehouse. It shouldn't be long now...
  17. Well, I was a lurker for about 6 months before I posted anything. Now I still have a total of only about 10 posts. I post when I feel like I have something to contribute, but will admit that I didn't always feel like I had the knowledge of WW II or experience with CM to say anything useful. Silence isn't always a bad thing...
  18. Well, I had a great time as the Germs against the AI tonight in VOT. Got an 82 to 18 win with the Amis +50% and full FOW. My 75 mm pillbox got 4 tanks, and my Panther got the other 4. My concrete MG bunker had 45 casualties, and one of my wooden bunders had 34. I even managed to keep that darn 150 IG alive long enough to take out another 17 casualites. The highlight of the evening was a point-blank shootout between the Panther and the last remaining Shermie, with several richochets and near misses before the Panther brewed up the last hope of the Amis. Ahhhh....damn, this game is fun. (And, yes, I know, beating the AI is one thing, beating a human, well....)
  19. Oops! This was meant to be a reply to another thread. Please disregard....it's a late night. :0
  20. Actually, I prefer the 81 mm for that purpose!
  21. Actually, I prefer the 81 mm for that purpose.
  22. Actually, now that you mention it, I do recall from Company Commander and other books that 60 mm mortar squads were sometimes grouped pretty closely together when a company was in defensive positions. I guess I was thinking about attacking, based on some of the earlier posts, which mentioned detached platoons "behind the lines." In a stationary position, it might well pay off to have the mortars close by each other.But I think it'd be dangerous when attacking, for the reasons Steve mentioned earlier.
  23. I usually don't have time to check in at the office (although I make time now and then). I usually spend at least an hour (and sometimes two or three) each night, perhaps in three or four separate visits (damn wife and kids seem to expect me to eat dinner and do other family activities). I was a pure lurker for a long time, and only began to post recently.
  24. I wonder if separating the 60 mm mortars into a separate "battery" is something that was ever done by a company commander. From the books I've read, it doesn't sound like a very common practice, not least because the platoon leaders probably would have groused about the lack of protection. Does anyone know if detached mortar "batteries" occurred at the company level?
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