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Everything posted by THumpre

  1. Shoot at them from a long range with 88s, especially those attached to King Tigers, and you will have no problem....
  2. Ted and Moriarty are two excellent opponents. Both are devious manhooverist bastiches, but true gentlemen nonetheless The Capt. ,MrSpkr , R_Leete , and all of the gamey bastiches I have met in all of the ROW tourneys are great too [ April 25, 2003, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: THumpre ]
  3. How does PBEM work? Simple, Pick a scenario or start a QB game setup and then send me the file(listed in info) and you are off
  4. No, I will not give him a break. POS is a loud, obnoxious, braggart who annoys the poop outa me, mostly because he talks a big game but can't seem to back it up....
  5. Which one do I get to be? BTW, long time no see Capt, how's Pipu?
  6. Nope, that's not how it works sport. You stomp into the forum hooting about how big your yarbos are, talking the talk about challenging your critics. Well, I'm one of your critics and I don't feel inclined to rub shoulders with the "hard men" (yech, :eek: ) but I will take you up on your challenge. Send the setup or shut the hell up.
  7. Besides the fact that this thread seems like a deliberate trollification, all I can say is that the BoB is a very pleasant, close-nit bunch which doen't seem too obcessed with winning but seem to enjoy the playing Just one man's opinion, mind....
  8. Yes but Casba has a much cooler song associated with it. was that the Kinks who sang that? </font>
  9. On a serious note, my hat goes off to ALL of the folks out there modding away. Tis by their labors that my enjoyment of the game is increased. If I haven't said it before, thanks.
  10. I'll be there. You can't miss me, I'll be the one surrounded by all of the hot 19 year old co-eds.... ...or I'll be the one sitting at a table with a Hawaian shirt and a laptop
  11. I know this must have been mentioned somewhere, but I'm a lazy bastich.... what time on Friday?
  12. Oh yeah, like any self respecting female would have any truck with the likes of such Uber-grogs and computer geeks as us Still, good beer is to be had
  13. Probably the biggest impediment to speeding up PBEM play isn't the system, it is the players themselves. Any of the poor sods who play me can testify to my near mythical ability to lose turns and forget to send them when I do find them
  14. peer to peer cable? burn a cd? removable HD ( I have a jukebox20 that works llike a charm...
  15. All games in full swing.... Ted- He floats like a butterfly, stings like a...whatever I just wish his (Censored) would just stay STILL... Gunnersman- Any time his (Censored) would like to quit playing in the (Censored) my (Censored) are ready.... jjelinek- I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.... Zealotburner- I see either a Hero of the Rodnina or Knights Cross with clusters coming from this one.... Kunstler- All of my (Censored) are in place and ready... [ January 17, 2003, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: THumpre ]
  16. The problem that I see with this "tactic" is that it asks your units to do something completely out of the norm for that unit. Trucks are transport, sure the guys driving them are soldiers, but they are in the motor pool, not commandos One could argue that using trucks like this is just unconvetional thinking, but in the scope of CM I don't think that it is something that would likely happen
  17. I prefer to use landing craft on top of high hills to spot and draw enemy fire. But that's just me...</font>
  18. IMHO that is almost the working definition of gamey. I would be facinated to hear of any actual event that could even resemble that tactic.
  19. Rob, take several deep breaths and relax. Whether or not you have issues with Seanachai or not is your problem, how about doing us a favor and not burdening us with it BTW I love the splash screen but can't use it... I'm more of a summer colors than fall or winter....
  20. Maximum "effective" range! The Rocket will possible fly mutch farther....</font>
  21. I find most AARs to an interesting read, if a bit dry. This gem however, is in a league all its own. I find MG's normal frothing, near incoherant style to be entertaining...scary but entertaining. For this AAr he has likely upped his meds( or lowered them, as the case may be) and the result is a leaner, more focused MG, still scary but with at least an fingerhold on reality. Parabellum, as always, delivers a quality product, full of description and detail. This AAR has everything, action, drama, pathos, tactics(nobodies perfect) and even pictures I find myself cheering for the combatants on both sides. Great job gentlemen, thanks for the efforts
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