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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stealth: Maybe I don't know what to look for when I change the resolution? What should it look like? Maybe what I'm seeing is CM's slightly dated graphics and they actually are changing? I thought the graphics would look bigger in 640*480 and get smaller and smoother as the res increased. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Graphics changing? Not really if I know what you're thinking. They do however get smaller and smoother as resolutions increase. The change in resolution affects the quality of the image. Not the image itself. The higher the res, the lower the jaggies. I don't know, we've all answered every possible answer to this question and you're still having difficulties in seeing the difference. Take note though, the highest resolution that CM will choose is whatever your desktop is set to.
  2. I don't know about you all, but having crews abandoning their weapons to withdraw and save points is VERY gamey in terms of a final score. If Gen. Patton saw a bunch of crews running around the battlefield after abandoning their perfectly good weapons, he'd have them court-martialed or worse yet, shot. Yes, I sometimes run my crews back and off the field, but only after their weapons have LEGITAMATELY been disabled. Also imagine this dialogue: Driver: Sarge, I spot a Panther heading in on our 12 o'clock. TC: Corporal, what do you suggest we do about it? Driver: I don't know Sarge, maybe we should abandon our tank and run for it. I don't think we are a match for it. TC: Corporal, don't you think we should at least try to hit it? Driver: I dont think the Gunner can aim very well. TC: Ah hell, well I guess we better run for it then.
  3. OK, the scaling hotkey (Shift-C) works with distance. The further away from a unit you are the larger the unit will APPEAR. When you get close to those "enlarged" units, they don't look all that big. I play at +1 enlargement, because I find "Realistic" is really just too small. I also play at 1024x768 on a 17" monitor. It looks fine. Stealth, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but I can guarantee you that there is a huge difference in playing CM at 640x480 up to 1024x768 or higher as I can imagine. IIRC, I tried bumping the res down to 800x600 for a performance increase and even though it did, I couldn't stand playing at that res.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri: I haven't followed this Kitty business nor participated in it, but the above site says I don't have access, so I am still in the dark.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Same here.
  5. Bozza, Write an email to sales@battlefront.com and they'll help you with whatever you need.
  6. Well ever since CCJ came on here and mistakingly admitted he downloaded a Ware-Ez version of CM while he was waiting for his real copy to be delivered to Australia in the first shipping back in early July, he hasn't come back to this board.
  7. I have to agree with the Commissar, the T-34/85 was probably the best Russian tank in the war. It was manufactured in high numbers wasn't it? I don't have any reference books on Russian AFVs of WWII, but seeing that other games, such as Talonsoft's East Front, there seemed to be quite a few of them in late '43 to '45. Those big heavy Russian tanks like the JS/2 and JS/3, I would guess that there weren't many of those on the battlefield. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-12-2000).]
  8. That looks great Gordon. Are those the Hi-res versions as well?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pedro: I'd like a feature that would show the best places on the map for hull down in realation to enemy units on the map. Pete <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not gonna happen for the same reqason why you can't check LOS from any place other than a unit. BTS reasoning - you would know too much. Scott, So basically you want a RANDOM, random map generator. That shouldn't be too hard to implement, indeed. But for someone that really doesn't play a whole lot of Quick Battles, I can't really say one way or another. I tend to play ready-made scenarios, mainly because I hate setting up my forces from that single line of deployment along the map edge. ------------------ "We're not gonna just shoot the bastards`, we're gonna cut out their living guts, and use them to grease the treads of our tanks." "We're going to murder those lousey hun bastards by the buschel." "The Nazis are the enemy, wade into them, spill their blood, shoot them in the belly." "We are not holding our position, let the hun do that." "We are advancing constantly, we are not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy." "We're gonna hold onto him by the nose, and we're gonna kick him in the ass." "We're gonna kick the hell out of him all the time, and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose."--George S. Patton
  10. Rob still can't spell "want" correctly. It's not that he has a problem or whatever, he's just consistant with his spelling mistakes. For instance, with "want" he ALWAYS spells it "wont". So what's up Rob? Are you "Lisdexic"? (Dilexic for the rest of us.) or what?
  11. First of all, I'd go to the Terrains Mods page and get DD's Total Foliage Pack. It'll totally transform the overall look to the game. Then get Panzertruppen's buildings. They are the best building mods yet. Other building mods are Magua's. Either set is good, but Panzertruppen's is complete. And then get the other assorted terrain mods there. Then check out the high-res vehicle mods. The hi-res Shermans, both American and British mods are a must.
  12. Exactly my point, Simon. Were the British offended by the term "Tommies"? Hell, Gen Patton had no qualms in calling the Germans Huns. Check out my signature. Why does everybody roll up into a ball and cry when the word, "Jap" is mentioned??? Please give it a rest, because I'm sick of all the political correctness when trying to discuss historical entities. American troops called the Japanese, "Japs". American troops called the Vietnamese, "Gooks" or my favorite, "Gookers". So what??? If you can't take it, get the hell out of the kitchen. There's no room for wussies on this board. Because no matter what you say, it's gonna piss off somebody somewhere, so I just live life as much as I can. ------------------ "We're not gonna just shoot the bastards`, we're gonna cut out their living guts, and use them to grease the treads of our tanks." "We're going to murder those lousey hun bastards by the buschel." "The Nazis are the enemy, wade into them, spill their blood, shoot them in the belly." "We are not holding our position, let the hun do that." "We are advancing constantly, we are not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy." "We're gonna hold onto him by the nose, and we're gonna kick him in the ass." "We're gonna kick the hell out of him all the time, and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose."--George S. Patton
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucero1148: Maximus pretty uncool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Eh, BITE ME, OK??
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: How about we just stop saying "Jap" on the board? Surely we can discuss the Second World War without using racial slurs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OH shut the hell up! What make the word "Nazi" from being a racial slur? Or Pollocks, or Spics, or Newfies (Canadian reference there), Sand Jockeys, Slant Eyes, or even Round Eyes for that matter. And while we're at it, let's add Cannuck too for good measure. We're all adults here and I think we handle the slang of the day. Besides, I think using the slang of the day is just fine. It's like Johhny Reb or Billy Yank. Big freakin' do! Why don't you all grow up and have one of those so called dark laggers and a nice big can of shut up the hell up. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-11-2000).]
  15. Oh I agree, there doesn't need to be ANY interface changes, other than the automatic ass-scratcher button that you click when your panties get all in a bunch. As for Lewis's second paragraph of requests, those have got to be the funniest requests I have ever heard. What does the size of a button have to do with its function? And "just clicking of the flags to make them go away."? Com'on, can we try to be any lazier? That's what the HOT KEYS are for. Following that logic, why not just click on a building to change it from transparent to invisible walls, and a click on the roofs to make them disappear as well. COM'ON!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:: So instead of highlighting a unit and needing to hit the Tab key so I can shoot down to his level; Lewis<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Simon Fox, Well I interpret the above quote as being the TAB-View #1. Note: "shoot down to his level" Sounds like TAB-1 to me! Actually yes, an option to automatically center on the unit with a mouse-click could be useful, but as the way CM's interface is currently coded, I don't see how it could be done without totally changing the whole interface.
  17. Just another reason to quit feeding those 3Dfx bastards.
  18. Well I usually had no problem with Lewis, but this time he's just being a pain. Basically he wants BTS to implement interface changes, namely Hot Key re-assignments, to accomodate his laid-back style of play. Well I say "Poo on him." Granted most other games have re-assignable hot keys and keyboard commands, but what he's wanting is the ability to have his mouse do everything. That's just pure laziness in my book. And what he wants re-assigned is very strange indeed. He wants the "locked unit view" to be an automatic default view whenever you select a unit. I don't klnow about the rest of the players out there but I scan the battlefield and issue orders at View #3 most of the time. I only get down to view 1 & 2 to more clearly check land contours. And I'll watch the movie in those views too, but to have the locked unit view as a default view would be cumbersome as hell in trying to issue orders in any battle larger than TINY. How in the hell can you see the whole picture at this view??? This isn't a FPS Lewis, it's a wargame! Granted a 3D wargame, but before CM, a player had to issue orders from a 2D top-down view or 3D(2D isometric) view ala Talonsoft's Campaign Series. I just don't see how anyone could toggle around the battlefield on every unit and issue every order from locked unit view. Yes you can play like this, but why???
  19. Why do you say that, Matt? People unawares of the release?
  20. CM2-"Barbarossa and Beyond" (Eastern Front) CM3-"Insert own name here" (Mediterranean Theater) CM4-"Blitzkrieg" (Early War) MikeT, Unfortunately, I don't expect CM2 to be ready until LATE 2001 to MID 2002. We're already at the end of 2000, BTS has guestimated at least another 18 months and they still haven't released the final v1.1 patch. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-11-2000).]
  21. I've made mittens/gloves for all of my Winter uniform mods. I just paint them green, brown or black and then use the "oil paint" brush to speckle them giving them a mitten fabric look. But yeah, Fernando is correct, the hand color is at the bottom of the sleeve file.
  22. That's why I don't give much credibility to the Flags as a Vicotory indicators. As I've stated before, KILL the enemy first and then ALL the flags will be yours. I use flags as follows: I look at them and say, "OK, that's where I need to head for...or...this is the area I need to defend. But the most important thing is to destroy the enemy so he is incapable of taking or holding the flags." In other words, don't just take a flag and stop...go get the son of a bitch! Kinda what Gen. McClellan should have done after the Battle of Antietam. Yes, he won the battlefield, but he let the Confederates escape therefore prolonging the war. See the third paragraph in my signature below to see what Gen. Patton thought about holding onto a position. ------------------ "We're not gonna just shoot the bastards`, we're gonna cut out their living guts, and use them to grease the treads of our tanks." "We're going to murder those lousey hun bastards by the buschel." "The Nazis are the enemy, wade into them, spill their blood, shoot them in the belly." "We are not holding our position, let the hun do that." "We are advancing constantly, we are not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy." "We're gonna hold onto him by the nose, and we're gonna kick him in the ass." "We're gonna kick the hell out of him all the time, and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose."--George S. Patton [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-10-2000).]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juju: I never open attachment from senders I do not know. Er, except when the subject line starts with CM, or PBEM. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh I totally agree, I even usually automatically delete all of the junk mail that I get. Hell I'm even skeptical of some of the attachments I get from my cousins. I've been getting these "Some word(TwistedHumor.com)" attachments from my cousins lately. What is that? They're not even proper attachments.
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