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Everything posted by Juardis

  1. Well I'll be damned. Seems kinda silly to me for a sharpshooter to be putting bursts into opponents and even then, that it would take more than one bullet each and every time he fired before he killed something. But, if he can take out 2 or 3 at a time (which I had never seen before until recently) then perhaps it's worthwhile to fire bursts. Does the chance to kill one unit get doubled or tripled since he's firing bursts?
  2. About half the time. I didn't know one tank variety was more susceptible to spalling than another.
  3. Situation: enemy Arty Spotter riding shotgun on an AFV. Crack sharpshooter with clear LOS. One shot, one Arty Spotter team eliminated. This was confirmed by my opponent. I have the file as it was PBEM. One two man Arty Spotter team gone with one shot. Question: Bug or what? Anybody EVER see this? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  4. Spalling with casualties comes to mind. In the 9 months I've been playing this, only twice have I been on the receiving end of a internal armor flaking hit, and neither time did I suffer any casualties. So I would say if you suffer a casualty from internal flaking, that would be <1% ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  5. How would you do this in a TCP/IP game? Hit save during every turn? At which point during the turn, before you hit GO but after you've plotted your moves or right after the movie phase is complete but before you issue any orders? The way I see it, once you hit GO, it could be any of an infinite number of outcomes after that so if you get the turn BEFORE the lockup, how would that help?
  6. Excellent idea Joe. A lot like how Fallout allowed you to aim for certain body parts with the appropriate reduction in hit chance. However, if the TAC/AI is doing the aiming, then this would be similar to a snap shot and in that situation, center of mass is entirely reasonable. Human targetting though should allow for called shots (yes...as in off the panther, around the Tiger, through the heavy building, right into the shot trap ) ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  7. Yes, but I have a V5 5500 AGP. I only have this problem on one scenario (so far), that being All or Nothing. We (V5 users) think it has to do with the scenario swamping the video card memory. Hi-res mods, rain, smoke, hi-res grass, hi-res trees, 1024x768, 4x FSAA...anything that takes up video memory is hard on the card. So you may need to bump back on the mods you are using or the options you have enabled within CMBO. Main culprits are probably the hi-res grass and trees. good luck ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  8. Not sure why November, but if I'm the axis, I prefer 1944 to 1945 because of the TO&E of the rifle companies. You get more HMG42s in 1944 (of course you pay more too, but...). So maybe that combined with some of the better tanks available in November? Just guessing. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  9. IIRC, Steve said way back when the original came out that they were going to look into saving, unzipping, sending PBEM files from within the game so that you would not have to esc to the desktop to send and receive. Don't recall anything lately though, so I don't know if this is on the list for CM2 (the game) or CMII (the engine rewrite). ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  10. Well, 16 inch guns didn't seem to phase the Japanese too much. Of course, they were also hunkered down in almost impregnable bunkers...
  11. Can you play it hot seat on the turn the fateful arty shows up? Maybe that will tell you who is doing the spotting if there is an area target line. Or it could tell you if the enemy can see your unit.
  12. Henri, I don't think anyone here is being serious (well, I'm not anyway). But even if they were, I would think most folks would not do what is being suggested. Just my take on it anyway.
  13. Hmmm, will have to try again. First few times it didn't work for me. Thanks.
  14. Yeah, wives are funny that way... Take up golf. It's more expensive and time consuming than CM. Gauranteed to work.
  15. I have zonealarm as well. But I have to disable it whenever I play online games. I also have to allow Yahoo Messenger, IE5.5, Outlook Express, etc to go through the firewall. So how does a firewall prevent getting viruses from programs you allow to run through it? ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  16. Gustav, I don't have any scenarios, but I suggest you have a section for custom QBs. You know like you did for Havermeyer and me? You could post the maps (maybe 20 initially) for people to view, have people send you their force alignments and you would populate the selected map for them, tournament lock it, then send it to them. There you go, my million dollar tip for you. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  17. 38 years old 3436 total yrs 102 total posts 33.6862745 avg age ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  18. Well, I believe that's what the original post was complaining about. Besides, me and you have the game so we don't miss it. My friend Havermeyer lost his copy this past weekend (actually, his 2 year old lost it) and he's going through some serious DTs right now, so be thankful you're not the one waiting on the USPS
  19. Was just pointed in the direction of 7 Roads to Hell which is about the true story of the US 101st fighting to break the German encirclement at Noville to get to Bastogne. Just in case you're planning on modeling that battle. You might want to get a copy and see what it's about so you don't duplicate your efforts. Otherwise, keep us (OK, me) posted. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  20. Well, SPWAW - ALL 300MB WORTH, was available as a free download. So surely there is a way to allow us to download the game with a valid purchase? Those of us with cable modems or ASL could benefit from that. Even those on a 28.8 modem would get it in a day of downloading vs. the weeks that it could take now. Just a thought, but not too sure that this would cost much in the way of setup. The one thing that BTS would have to figure out though is how to let us download once (and only once) yet prevent us from making illegal copies for distribution. Maybe making it a limited 2-3 week executable while the CD was being shipped would be palatable? Then, after the initial 2-3 week period the game will not run until the CD is in the tray or the executable on the CD is installed. ------------------ Jeff Abbott [This message has been edited by Juardis (edited 02-26-2001).]
  21. What can I say Will other than I agree completely. IIRC, it's on the list for possible inclusion in CM2. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  22. Well, as far as movement and targetting goes, you can get this info already if you show movement and target orders (shift-P I think). You can also turn on unit status to find all your dead guys and ammo loadouts of the live guys. Forget which hotkey that is. So what you're asking for is probably already there, just takes a few keystrokes and doesn't come out tabular like. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
  23. Well, I tried to read Jasons post but couldn't make it through the first few paragraphs, so I may say the same thing in fewer words ( ). 1. In defense you have to choose between covering the whole front or just manning positions of strength. If you cover the whole front, you're doomed. If the attacker is good he will overwhelm your defenses by sheer numbers. Concentrating your forces does a much better job. 2 I think the best you could hope for is a draw. I'm not sure the defender is meant to win an attack (although it does happen). 3. Well placed MGs can and will route attackers of lesser experience. 4. Your only hope is to even the odds. You do this by splitting all your squads at the start and digging them in. Dig them in so that there are 2 lines of foxholes. Then, at the start of the battle, push forward into a forward skirmish line. It's probably best to rejoin your squads at this time, but that's different with each person. So once you offer resistance and the enemy stops, shell him with mortars and arty and retreat to the first line of foxholes. Repeat falling back to the last line of foxholes. 5. Stationary defense opens yourself up to arty strikes. Using technique 4 you can make his arty fall on vacated positions. This doesn't always work, but I've had some success with that. Just keep in mind, static=bad. ------------------ Jeff Abbott
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