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Everything posted by jeffsmith

  1. I believe it shipped out a warehouse in VT
  2. You did what you did perhaps because you must realize that these Vets did what they did so you could have the right to make your decisions & choices whether they (or any of us) agree with those decisions or not Thank You for your gesture of appreciation I will now return to Ducking your Bricks [ June 04, 2004, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  3. I actually saw the opener on a show segment about restored WWII jeeps (maybe MotorWeek) it apparently was another way Coke set out to rule the world market
  4. I have spent a half hour trying to find photographic evidence but I have seen WWll Jeeps (particularly the Ford Built ones) with bottle openers provided by Coca-Cola on their left rear quarterpanels BTW as usual your work is incredible I cant wait to install them
  5. I enjoy seeing pictures from other games on the CM forum though the GF might be a better place I am willing to wager, though that in the future when we see screenshots from CMX2 we will suddenly have trouble catching our breath
  6. Thanks to everyone for your Good Wishes I had a great day and you all helped to make it that way Kingfish Yes I am an Old Fart but I scored low on the Geek Test which actually surprised me Michael Dorosh of course I realized too late I posted to the wrong forum Bulletrat Yes the Hardest part is realizing I am old enough to be someones Father who is already an adult (particularly attractive young women) and actually I could be a grandfather too Richie when I was very young the nurses used to call me Tiger I wonder what variant? (now they just call me Mr. Smith) Richie and Jwxspoon Glad my advancing years can make someone feel better about their own age Breakthrough and David I Yup thirty surgeries I'm held together with chicken wire and glue (literally) if are interested in more details, just e-mail me my posts with the full explanation went the way of the GF purge [ May 31, 2004, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  7. Years not Caliber 05/31 was my 45th Birthday "Big Fekkin' Deal" you might say Well considering I wasnt supposed to live beyond a month or two I think I have done quite well and been very Blessed 45 means the 30 surgeries I have had only equal 2/3 of the years I have lived I am quite sure that I dont have another 45 and if I do, my family history of Alzheimers lays odds I won't remember them I am looking forward to the Adventures I still have ahead of me (I may be an Old Gimp but I'm still a crazy one) I just want want to Thank BFC and my fellow forum members for hours of fun, amusement and comraderie Bloody.....!!!!! I AM Getting Old Wrong Forum Please Move !!!! [ May 31, 2004, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  8. Patton Museum Ft. Knox KY (If you can arrange the "Behind the Scenes" tour)
  9. When CMX2 arrives I will probably stop playing both CMBB & CMAK because I will have reason to use OSX exclusively
  10. When CMX2 arrives I will probably stop playing both CMBB & CMAK because I will have reason to use OSX exclusively
  11. My Guess is PC Only but if they are based on Card Games then our Old Friend Hypercard might have offered an easy conversion path
  12. If I only had a dime for every time this request was made...
  13. How exactly does a brain in a jar with a firewire connection to 2 G5 boxes operate a motor vehicle, join a monastary or play an insturment? WWB </font>
  14. The Astronomical Phenomenon Not the Comic Character I saw a Green Flash during the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico Tonight i had read about them but I finally got to see it [ March 28, 2004, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  15. No problem John i understand i will spend some more time on it
  16. The Reason I asked is you said "Some Months Ago" which could mean CMBB
  17. Ahh, but he CAN download and open the Mac Patch !!! Alladin has Stuffit Expander for Windows @ Stuffit.com which will easily open that file for him then he can have the BMP files & trash the Mac App
  18. Dont mind helping John but need a few more details Like CMAK or CMBB forum?
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