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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: why shoot Elijah? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because he deserves it? ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  2. Say "yoho" ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: The "real cesspool" was locked up months ago. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I slew the original cesspool with my bare hands (and my web browser), but there has been a continuous cesspool presence ever since (as you well know), and you ought to get yourself back in it and duck your head into the murk before we send meeks after you. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Perhaps the entire CM community knows all there is to know about Combat Mission and the Frequently Asked Questions ANSWERED by Cesspoolers is not needed. Which amounts to: I should be able to kick each and every one of your butts in PBEM. Refute my conclusion if you dare. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yoo-hoo, Hiram. You best go peek over in the real cesspool... ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> originally posted by Hiram in the "get your questions answered here" thread Which amounts to: I should be able to kick each and every one of your butts in PBEM. Refute my conclusion if you dare. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey hiram, you've been notably scarce in this incarnation, but I'm running low on games and would be happy to refute your conclusion, so send me a file. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  6. Try just setting the IP addresses to 192.168.1.X, where X is different for each of them. I haven't tried this, but it may work. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  7. LOL How about one of a German SUV for the german truck, too? That way we can take them apart with the M2 HMG... ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  8. Lorak, you loathesome creature, it pains me terribly to ask you to chalk up a victory for Peter"sheep, mmmm"NZer, and a loss for me. He's a cheating little bastard though-- letting the computer pick, and it gave me 4 churchills with max speeds of about 16 mph, plus a couple of Sherman Vs to his Panther platoon, with some StuGs and a MkIV as support. This calls for a rematch, without letting the evil computer choose the forces. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: I frequently babble incohrently <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Morsel-- did your secretary quit or something? The spelling, grammar, and general coherence of your written communications seem to be slipping lately. The name change might be related as well-- you can't actually type "jdmorse" yourself without several typos. Maybe you're just posting more when away from work (if you really call sucking blood from people "work", though it might be slightly better described as "depravity"). Anyway, if you're any good at what you do you can probably afford another secretary to type your posts for the forum when you're at home. If you're not, then you ought to just go walk in front of a fast-moving bus. Then again, it could be that meeks brought the brick back and whacked you upside the head with it and hit the verbal coherence region of your brain. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  10. Hey, where is everybody? The pool was 4 lines from the bottom of page one. Did everybody head out for the long weekend? What's wrong with you all-- you should be locked up at home playing CM via TCP/IP. And where's the reports from Wigman and the lab animal? It appears that they aren't worthy, and ought to be sent over to the hull rotation thread as punishment. hey Patboone, you goose-organ-eating gibberish-spewing freak, now that you're back, will you return the files for the game we started (well, at least set up), or do I have to smack you in the face with a haggis again to get you into a game. I bet you like haggis--you and the grumpystumpfetishist probably have haggis parties. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: Depleted Uranium is spent nuclear fuel --- hence the depleted in the title....more deleted<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Um..No. Depleted uranium is essentially U238 from which all the U235 has been removed. Natural uranium is primarily U238 (99.3% or so) with a half-life of about 4.5 billion years and about 0.7% U235 (the kind that's useful for reactors and some kinds of bomb). The process used for extracting the U235 leaves a bunch of stuff left over that's almost entirely U238 (with a few isotopic impurities). This leftover stuff is what's referred to as Depleted Uranium, because it's been depleted of the U235. DU has pretty much the same density as natural uranium, because there's only a small difference in mass between the isotopes, and the lighter isotope is such a small fraction of the total. All the kinds of Uranium have the same numbers of protons (or they wouldn't be uranium) and the same number of electrons. They're chemically and physically virtually identical. Here's a few useful web pages about the stuff: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/docs/chapter2.html http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/du.htm ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  12. I'm another one who likes the hull rotation (though I haven't played with 1.1 yet). There were actually some semi-bugs with older versions that are corrected now by the hull rotation (And I've done a few tests to verify). One is that the non-turreted PSW234/3 used to get its gun on target faster than the PSW234/2 (Puma), which is turreted with a slow turret, and mounted on the same chassis. This made the turretless 234/3 much more effective than the turreted Puma. In a contrived example, requiring a full 180 rotation, the /3 was about to get off its second shot when the Puma finally got on target. In 1.1 the Puma has smoked the target before the /3 can get targeted. I did similar tests with a Panther in 1.05, and already in that version the Panther would rotate its hull (I'd seen that in earlier versions as well). There was a problem with panthers in 1.05 in that they would rotate the turret and then the hull rotation would take the turret a little past the target, requiring a slight turret rotation back (and increasing the time to first shot). This is also corrected: when the hull and turret rotate together, the turret stops rotating when the gun is on target and stays there (at least in the same test I did before). This means you get shots on the target a lot (a few seconds) faster than before. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  13. Since I posted before reading to the current end of the thread and discovering that others had already reminded Wigman and StevewhowillbesacrificedinthelabsoIcandoexperimentsonhim that they have to post regular updates full of bile, pus, bitterness, envy, and general animosity, I'll take this opportunity to berate Elvis instead. I'm a little low on games (and yes, I know that I'm a day or so overdue on a few of them). Elvis, that was pathetic ("Wankers"). You can do better than that. You're starting to sound like one of those looky-loos who pops into the pool every time the thread starts anew, perhaps not realizing that if they want to post they have to suffer abuse, and the occasional game. Btw, I think this was posted before, but are you the young, pelvis shaking elvis, or the fat elvis that played vegas? Or are you some kind of cheap icon painted on velvet in tijuana and sold in an empty lot on the corner of 11 mile and dequindre? Oh, yeah and stevetheexperimentallabanimal-- if you lose your match with wigman you get sacrificed in the name of science and we rip the few neurons that you may have (and I'm sure I'll be disappointed) out of your head so that I can do experiments with them. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread. [This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 01-13-2001).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: If I owe you something, send me a note with what version you are running<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I believe I owe you a good spanking (no bauhaus, not you, and you can't watch either). Pick some parameters, pick a version, send me a setup, sit back, and prepare to die a slow painful death. I promise I won't buy the death ray this time. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: ...as he watches duckman on tv... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey! Is duckman back on? What network? Still USA? It might be worth getting cable again. Are there new episodes, or is it just reruns of the old ones? I know this is terribly off topic, and probably an indication of my utter disconnectedness from reality, but duckman was a great show, and I don't otherwise watch tv (or think much about it) except when I'm stuck in a hotel room (which is all too often). ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  16. Oh yeah, and here's an update on my pool games: Peter "I own stock in woolite" NZer-- IIRC he's blown up all my tanks and has a bunch of panthers and other nasties that are about to run around and kill all my still-quite-healthy infantry. Other than that things are going pretty well. It's been a while since I've seen a turn, since I was on vacation for two weeks and now his computer appears to be dead. Maybe a few of the Panthers went with it. Seen-a-choo-choo--he's done a nice job on my armor, too, but he's suffered about the same. And now the big (well, at least bigger than an 81) arty is coming down on him... This one is going to come down to hair pulling, biting, kidney punches, and spitting in eyes. Sneezy-poo will, of course, lose, despite it being in his own home snow. Peng-- this one was going to be good-- Peng has lost nearly all his infantry, while retaining a few StuGs, while I have no armor left, but a whole bunch of grunts (and a few halftracks). I had just sent the second wave across a big empty field full of smoke when his Pengness was stricken ill by the wrath of Sean-achoo. Not only has the challenge been taken public, but it's being implemented with biological warfare. Peng appears to be recovering, but it seems that our QB will fall victim to the nefarious plot of Mr. YeahI'macheeseheadbutIwishIwereIrishoratleastfrenchlikePatBoone. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  17. Well, the pool seems to be wandering aimlessly between trying to be Siskel and Ebert (now we have to remember not only which one is tall and skinny, and which is short and fat, but also which one is dead. I think the short fat one is still alive) and arguing about whether people are complaining about the election. Now the thread is in danger of falling off page one. Where is the spirit of Peng? Fortunately, it still seems to be in his body, but its ability to express itself seems to be limited for the moment. The best thing I've seen in the last few pages (aside from my own blather about phlegm and hiram) was the most recent little bit from Hiram. He may usually be too polite, he may resemble a little bolus of snot splattered on the highway, he may have only a loss record at CM, in however many games he's played, but at least he can lash out blindly at a new pool wannabe like he means it. Hiram, you are a festering boil on the face of humanity, but your scab heals us all. The rest of you are becoming tiresome. Now is the time in the cesspool when we dance... ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt.Tom: Look at that I am a Member, when did that happen? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> When you hit 30 posts. I did much the same thing just about a year ago--I was looking for a game to play in the evenings at a conference for a week (sort of outside my field, but obligated to be there) and was hoping for something vaguely squad leader like. Found the beta demo, played against the AI a lot and lurked on the board. Only signed up when I had a question (or maybe a bug report). I ordered way in advance, because even the beta demo plus a scenario editor was well worth $45. I think I played at least one turn a day from the release of the gold demo until christmas, with a few days when I was traveling that I missed. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  19. based on absolutely no information at all, I'd guess you have a video driver problem. With my PB G3 when I upgraded to OS8.6 I had to reload the video drivers that came with 8.5 (using the latest ATI drivers doesn't work). There are various posts about which apple drivers to use and where to get them, but you may have to do some experimenting. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead: NOTE: I can't prove this, but I believe I recall BTS mentioning 1 drawback of the Hetzer not covered above. That is, due to cramping of the crew compartment caused by small size and heavily sloped armor, the Hetzer's ROF is somewhat lower than that of a StuG or JPzIV. However, I can't tell the difference in the game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> IIRC, Last time I used a hetzer it did show the slow ROF in the info screen. I have noticed that they certainly don't bang out shots like a Stuart. I tend to go for the Pz IV/70 over the hetzer, but given the beating I've been taking from hetzers lately I might be making the wrong choice. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  21. I have received word from the oracle, and Peng lives. He's functional enough to work and send out the occasional message (basically that he is alive but weak), but is still too weak from the vile pneumonia to play CM very much, if at all, and possibly to spew his usual bile and vitriol. In other bronchially inspired news, while I was off I had an interesting experience with bile and pus of my own. I managed to develop a wicked hacking cough that generated large amounts of phlegm, which in and of itself is relatively uninteresting to the cesspool, other than as another source of disgust and slime. What's really relevant is some of the loogies that I launched as I cycled through southern California, spewing vast boli of snot on the road. Most of the loogies truly reminded me of Hiram. I'm not sure why, but I would plug a nostril, let fly, and watch a loogie zoom away behind, and it would usually make me think of Hiram. Many of them, if I was going slow and could see them hit the road, really looked exactly as I always imagined Hiram does. The rest looked like Croda. It was truly incredible, much like a vision of the virgin mary in a tortilla, to see visions of cesspoolers arrayed in snot across the ground. It's really the proper medium for a vision of a cesspooler-- it was quite a surprise, but thinking about it, it really does seem appropriate. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer: 2. The irritating spotter shell. A carry over from my old Sl/COI/COD gaming days. Drop a spotting round to perhaps cause the enemy to scurry. Against cracker jack opponents and the AI, it really does not work well, but against the nervous and unsure... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm with shandorf on this--I disagree that this is gamey in the current versions. In the early versions the spotter shells were free (not counted against your fire allocation), this allowed one to get some free shells, which can be very effective when using some of the large bore stuff. Now that spotting rounds are counted against the limit, it isn't particularly gamey, and IIRC, one of the arty professionals on the board endorsed it as a valid tactic. Especially with something very large bore-- what do I need a full broadside from the 14" guns (for an extreme example) when a single shell with a firepower of 2350 will clear a very large area? With the smaller stuff it can be used as effective harrassing fire: "I know where you are, and I've got a couple of tubes following you around" ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by PawBroon: Tired of your old handle? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: I'm having a midlife crisis. I recently bought a sporty little red car that doesn't actually go very fast and I've been trying unsuccessfully to pick up 17 year old girls with fake ID's in the local bars. Next I'm going to order a Harley that I won't actually ride farther than the bar on the corner, and wear a leather jacket that's way too new. I'm also wearing my thinning hair in a combover until the Rogaine™ starts to take effect. My jeans are also too tight, since I bought them in the 70's. I thought "jd" would be a much more fitting moniker for this new persona. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Uh, yeah, jd. Thanks for sharing that with us all. Why don't you just buy a fast PC and play Quake with the teenage boys? ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread. [This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 01-03-2001).]
  24. One thing that I usually do when I set up a scenario is take screenshots of the setup screens and send them along with the first file. Sure, someone could lie, but you'll figure it out pretty quick. That said, I've played quite a few PBEM games and never had a problem with people setting up grossly unfair matches. Even if they don't send me the parameters, I usually don't worry much about it-- I'll play just about any set of parameters. The other thing to do is find a small (or large) group of players who you play against/among consistently. The Cesspool here on the forum is one such community-- to the average outside it looks like a bunch of incoherent obnoxious drivel, but it's actually a very good way to find opponents. With a few exceptions, the level of play is pretty high. I've also been challenged by a few people from a ladder I signed up for. They've been honest and consistent about returning turns, even when being slaughtered. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jaja: 2. Direct fire from a protective piece of terrain. This can be very annoying to find however. Trees are ruled out since the mortor may kill itself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Small mortars in CM rule. They can indeed be fired safely from woods, and in fact can be fired from unrealistically close behind buildings. I've rarely, if ever, had my direct fire mortar teams get shot at (except by speculative arty), and can almost always find a nice combination of terrain for the HQ/mortars. Sometimes it's better to put them in clear, behind trees, where they're safer from treebursts, and put the HQ at the front edge of the trees. The really nice thing about on map HQs spotting fro mortars, is that they can remain hidden (unlike dedicated off map FOs). Try putting the mortar crew back in the depths of some woods, where shots that go long won't reach them, and put a decent leader (preferably with a command bonus, if not also combat bonuses) just at the edge of his range and hide him. You can shell tanks that think they're hidden (because of the scatter in the rounds) and force them to button (if you're lucky you'll hit the tc or driver), or if they're open topped, sometimes land one inside. They're also great for turning charging infantry back if you can predict when the charge is coming. Now that I've given away the secrets, GB and Cuppajava are going to track me down and kill me. ------------------ Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.
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