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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. This is so consistent with his whole "Someone else who's drunk too much Budweiser come piss on my head 'cause I need to focus" persona that I think we should let the goddamn annoying redneck piece o' ****e in. Joe, I know that currently you're shouting and posturing, flailing after his (admittedly fairly uneven) use of 'dialect', but let's get a grip here. He's not using 'dialect', he's talking like a dumb-ass. 'American Redneck' isn't a true dialect, it's a birth defect. So let the annoying, redneck bastard carry on. And someone take the feckstick to serf. Perhaps one of the recent Knights...someone who needs to work off the burden of my displeasure...someone like... Oh, but of course. 37mm? Are you busy, lad? Of course you're not. You're barely sentient. How could you be busy? Take the Red Neck creature as a Serf. I'd look upon it as a particular... Well, hell, I wouldn't look on it as anything. Just do it. After all, this isn't a Dictatorship. It's a Meritocracy. Which means that you'd just best get on with doing what you're told, eh?
  2. Berli was Cast Down into this place. Peng had it Thrust Upon him. And I Achieved it. But you remain essentially correct. Within the purview of you insects, the Olde Ones are eternal, extending both forwards and backwards into time like some sort of weird, mythological personification of String Theory.
  3. Get up off the front lawn, re-sheathe the rapier, pull your pants up, and go back inside the house and feed Joe the Cat.
  4. Welcome to Cambodia... Well, at least 10-15 years from now, we're going to be able to get some kick-arse Levantine food in this town...
  5. Gods, not again! Why does this keep happening to me? You fancy me, don't you Simon?
  6. Thank God you finally showed up and explained what the hell I was on about to the supposedly native English speaker. Bloody foreigners! Always showing up late for the war...oh, wait, that's us Americans. And Hofbauer's a German, and they almost always show up before anyone else. Never mind. Carry on, Hofbauer. Frankly, I think Hofbauer (may I call you Hofbauer? 'Bloody German Foreigner' just seems so formal...) has a very good point: Why should all the other languages represented in the game be localized with an English translation? That's rather Anglo-centric, don't you think? Or I suppose we could make it possible for any given language in the game to be replaced with any other given language...of course, then it will probably take a Cray mainframe to run the bugger. Or we could just make sure that the option for language substitution concentrate's on BFC's core economic demographic, but, well...I don't know about you, but I'm tired of catering to the goddamn Finns. But I think that the 'no coding', lo-tech solution to this whole thing is simply to include a pdf document that translates the foreign language phrases used. This of course begs the whole question of non-Western alphabets, special character substitutions, and the awkwardness of working out differing phonetic systems. But sod that for a lark, I say. Let the Finns do it. It's about time they earned their princely, 'UberFinn' status.
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PENG, YOU BUGGER. Are you sure it's Peng's birthday? I thought it was on Halloween.
  8. Guys, comments like this are only going to be disruptive to the forums. As we have mentioned, we do understand if you and others are not interested in modern warfare, but please dont make our jobs harder because of it. Dan </font>
  9. Repentance without Atonement is lip service. In the tradition of the Yakuza, we'd all like to know which finger-tip you've severed, packaged, and shipped to BFC. Also, we'd like a nice jpeg posting of the results. As one 'big, big freak' put it: It's all about the blood...
  10. MBT, of 'Mother Beautiful Thread' is a Trademark of the 'Peng Challenge Thread', aka 'the Cesspool'. It's misuse and misapplication as regards 'Steel Panthers' has, Martin, opened you up to possible legal action by our Thread lawyers. Given that our lawyers are all either Buddhists, Swedes, Unemployed Texans, or District of Columbia Political Corruption Specialists, you've just opened up A GREAT BIG CAN OF WHOOP-ASS FOR YOURSELF, MOON! You can either abase yourself in your contrition for the implied slur, or you can kick in 'two more lives' to the Peng Challenge Thread kitty. We're running dangerously close to the edge on 'bannings', and, frankly, could use a couple of 'Get Out of the Hell of Your Own Making' passes. So, can we count on you to do the right thing, and let a couple of our guys walk when that next episode of 'grain alcohol and ether psychosis during a full moon' occurs? Or are we gonna have to bring in the MBT Lawyers?
  11. Do you prefer red or white? We have many fine bridges here.
  12. Umm...yeah. C'mere and give us a hug, you big big freak. Now someone bring me the Broken Pool Cue of Universal Rectitude, so that I may belabour this halfwit in a true, caring, and brotherly fashion. Juan, be assured: Every blow will be struck with an intense, and personal care.
  13. Nothing would have ever happened if everyone had gone with you, you Splitter! That's because this Thread would have gone tits up 3 weeks after all the lemmings threw themselves over the cliff you'd created for them. As it is, under the uncaring but brutally firm leadership of the Olde Ones, it's still here and slightly more active than Joe Shaw's bowels. The news just said that another tropical storm is headed for the gulf states. I can only hope that this time God will get it right, and Texas will be finally and completely destroyed, and our long national nightmare will finally be over...
  14. Let's try: Combat Mission: Liberating the Next Islamic Nation We Think We Can Justify Attacking and Actually Beat.
  15. Good Christ, but I hate Cracker rednecks. Of course, the list of things I don't hate is a very short list indeed, headed off by Small Emma, so this may not be the sweeping condemnation it should be. Now, it is interesting to note that I primarily hate large, sweeping concepts of humanity, as opposed to individuals. Generally, I get along with individuals rather well, even though I may, in fact, hate everything about them. But I am not sure about this 'Red Necked Dollar' creature. Generally speaking my hatred of Cracker rednecks has been applicable to every individual that fits that description, as well. However, I have my doubts. For one thing, this 'Red Neck Dollar' thing claims to be living in the Cascades. Now, while I know that there are, in fact, many halfwit rednecks living in the Cascades, none of them are Crackers, and this lad has 'Cracker redneck' written all over each and every post. In fact, it's scrawled so broadly over every post that it fills me with doubt. For one thing, he can spell (most of the time). Therefore, I think him a sham. Not to mention that his colourful colloquialisms swing between 'Southern', 'Western', and general, all-purpose 'Every Redneck'. So what am I getting at? I have no idea. But what am I to make of a man who, in the very same sentence misuses the plural of the word 'abilitys', and then uses the word 'fathom'. I think we are after having a poseur foisted upon us. I, for one, am not willing to simply accept the 'profile'. I think that in a contested and conflicted identity such as this, we need an actual Bio. I refuse to accept a concept masquerading as an individual. or vice versa. Here on the Peng Challenge Thread, we are all about individuals.
  16. During the month of October, I think any advertiser who uses the term 'Spooktacular' should be repeatedly sodomized with a plastic fork.
  17. What a repellant idea. I insist that the ravings of this Anglophone Extremist be dismissed out of hand. However, I would take it as a personal favour if real, colloquial bursts of Arabic were to take place, not stilted phrases out of 1940s war flicks. Also, it would be great if the disc came with a pdf that actually detailed the things that were being said. I see no reason why CM shouldn't be both a great tactical game, as well as a learning tool. After all, if the current Administration has their way, it might give US soldiers a leg up. Picture it: US Marines firing wildly into a mosque in northern Syria, followed by shouting inside. Private: Advance! We've got 'em on the run! Sergeant: What?! Private: They're shouting, 'Let's get out of here, we're all going to die!', Sarge! Sergeant: Maggot! How do you know that?! Private: I learned it from Combat Mission: Strike Force, Sarge! Sergeant: You heard the pissant! Advance upon that building!
  18. Perhaps. And I can't think of many forums where you and I would both still be posting if the buggers in charge didn't have a singularly bent sense of humour. Let's give 'sense of humour' a shot, eh? That's the way I took Madmatt's post. Yeesh, Peng fella! You never worked Retail, did you? I mean, do you know how thoroughly despicable and hateful all of Humanity is? You would if you'd ever worked Retail. When I worked Shipping and Receiving at a major book retailer, the floor staff used to come back to Receiving and go off for 20-30 minutes about the customers. Most of it was just shouted obscenities that never even attempted Matt's wry tone. I think we recorded some of it. Got it around here somewhere... Keep in mind that, to an Independent Game Manufacturer, what Matt was responding to was the sort of thing that you normally get from Upper Management. And you want to actually kill them, don't you, instead of just mocking them? I think the ability to be able to 'poke some fun', as well as 'letting off some steam' as regards their customers, especially a customer base as combative, opinionated and vicious as this one, is absolutely essential. Now, besides being a fellow Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, as well as, strangely, your friend, if you decide that it is all just freaking insupportable, then tell me, and I will join forces with you and we will abuse and revile them unto Heaven, ravening like maddened wolverines until we are both summarily banned. I will bring to this Jihad my own not inconsiderable abilities at vicious invective (and thank you for not poaching my own signature 'c********r' attack). If, on the other hand, you want to consider that maybe we, the obstreperous, vulgar, satirical and very often 'completely off our goddamn heads' customers should perhaps extend to them the same rights of satire, stick-poking and even occasional 'anger', then perhaps an 'Oops' might be in order. C'mon, man. This isn't Wal-Mart. I'm pretty sure it's a company being run by human beings not unlike ourselves. Frankly if there's anybody on this Forum who should be willing to cut others a bit of slack, it's you and me! Face it, if this Forum were being run by the Bush Administration, not only would we have to put up with completely humourless, vicious abuse of the customer base, but you and I would already have been featured on an episode of 60 Minutes buck naked, with hoods over our heads, being forced to make a human pyramid while menaced by attack dogs while young women pointed at us and smiled for the camera.
  19. Spoken like a gentleman! Except for that bit about calling me 'Madame Seanachai'. I'll do you for that one, Grammont! ...you know, in the context of the offending remark, that sounds a bit weird...
  20. Hmm...hmmm...hmmmm. One day all things shall be made clear. Not by me, of course, as my job description normally calls for 'obfuscation'. As an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread I believe it best that we take care of this internally. For one thing, the Cess muffles the sounds of screams. Wow! When I was little we had a poodle that sounded just like that! It was run over by a G&K Cleaners truck. Of course it is. Context is like sugar icing. Hate is the cake. I HAVE HERE waving sheaf of papers in the air, THE NAMES OF HUNDREDS OF MEMBERS OF THE STATE DEP — THAT IS, MEMBERS OF THE COMBAT MISSION FORUM WHO HATE SEANACHAI! THESE NAMES ARE ON CARDS, POSTCARDS AND LETTERS ABSOLUTELY FILLED WITH HATE! Now, everyone bugger off to the General Forum where wbs has doubtless posted some bit of weirdness from the Net that needs everyone's immediate attention. Oh, and Madmatt? Certainly I appreciate a satirical post whose general intent is both humourous, and pointed. But you tell that bugger Grammont that if he refers to me as 'Madame Seanachai' again, I'm going to start stalking him!
  21. Kiss me arse. I sent you a fecking turn earlier this life-cycle. What the hell world is this I'm in now?! Like I didn't already have enough issues with the Universe, I'm looking at a 'Near Future/Speculative' Game based on war with Syria? What the **** is that all about? Like we could actually mount a military operation against Syria at this point?! We already have a father of two who's a member of this Thread who's been called up, and we're supposed to imagine extending the war into Syria? Christ, when I registered for the draft in High School, you'd have been looked at as if blood were shooting out of your arse like a fountain if you'd suggested that married guys with two kids would be called up for active duty. And now they routinely are, and yet we're supposed to imagine we've got the resources to extend the war into Syria? Will there be flying mutant kangaroo death-tanks too? Man, I just don't know. On top of everything else, none of you are any fecking smarter than the last time I was here. Maybe we should get behind a program of nutrition and early education?
  22. Don't ever change. We'll be writing you off as a liver donor, of course.
  23. He may not even realize he can buy the game without putting on pants to leave the house. Once he does, his support will undoubtedly swell to the point of incipient madness...
  24. So you're saying the game is going to be FPS? I can't be having with that. Not at my age. BFC will just have to rethink that part of it.
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