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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: *A hypothetical question to Sir Joe* Why is my in-tray empty? Come to think of it, Elvis, Seanachai, OGSF, I pose this question to you lumps of fetticini also.<hr></blockquote> Very strange, there, for a moment... Ahem, Stuka, be so good as to check again. I sent your turn just a short while ago. [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: I see you are STILL chugging that Fosters swill, old friend......... [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]<hr></blockquote> Now, AussieJeff, my dear little man. When I began drinking Australian beer, I imagine you weren't even sodding born yet. And, at that time in human history, when the world wasn't yet troubled by your presence, one of the only Aussie 'beers' available in the US was 'Fosters'. Now, mind, that viscious, awful, 'beer of pillocks' was better than many US beers, and easier to come by than many another good brew. And so we drank it. Now, I see, 'tis actually brewed in Canada, under License, but there's worse places to have it brewed. The Aussie's are back, gods rot them, and abysmal. AussieJeff, my little man, have you no one good thing to say?
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I agree completely. Fortunately, by removing force purchasing from tournaments through the use of designed scenarios that problem is negligible now. It should also be noted that the remaining Invitational players are getting along nicely. I'll run a tournament for Chad Harrison this spring. You're already in, Chad! I'd start one now but I'm up to my ears in tournaments for the next couple months. Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote> You, sir, I always found to be a gentleman. Should you ever enter the Peng Challenge Thread as a member, I will treat you with somewhat less cruelty than others. [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Oh I don't know Seanachai if you can't trust someone who trots out a Hotmail address to PROVE his veracity when someone questions the lack of a profile ... who can you trust? Gunny Bunny / Linda Warchest didn't do that you know. And he OBVIOUSLY was only posting to check BTS's monitoring of the site. It took him four or five locks to find out but a guy can't just make assumptions based on a couple of locked threads can he? And yes, his first post on Nov. 4th indicated that his wife was alive and well but as I've learned to my sorrow, things DO happen quickly and [serious] it's possible ... and if so tragic ... and Mike's post was just wrong in either case.[/serious] And yes, 90% of his posts were only to START a thread ... and patently strange ones at that but hey ... WE should complain about OT threads? Yes, BTS did what they had to do ... and I'd be very surprised if REMFCorporal screws/shows up again. Mind you we DO have to hunt down and kill those who suggested that he drop in HERE! Joe<hr></blockquote> Thank you, Old Foul Joe. If there is nothing else we can agree on here in the Mother Beautiful Thread (and there's damn little we all can), we can at least agree on some of the useless sewage that appears on the Outer Boards. And they fling the epitaph of 'the Cesspool' at us, as a dismissal, rather than a title: proudly given, proudly born, and upheld in the face of everything. And, frankly, misunderstood, even by many who actually desire to post here. Ever since the day that Minnesota Joe(bolded out of respect for his historical significance) wandered in here and pronounced this place to be "A Cesspool", there has been a general apprehension and interpretation of this to characterize this, our proud homeland, as some sort of septic tank. Now, it cannot be doubted that the man quoted above, and who lived in Mankato, one of the more primitive and rural of our Minnesota cities, had in mind some sort of outhouse when he bestowed the title on us. And it cannot be doubted that many who've posted here, quite caught up in their own issues of toilet training anxiety and a rather sad fetish for rolling in their own and other's excrement, have embraced this 'title' above all others. But there is more here than is immediately apparent, especially to our simpler and more impressionable members. For what is 'cess', for one thing? Why, the term itself comes from the Irish, and indicates 'a tax or assessment', and is preserved in the phrase "bad cess to you", meaning, 'may you have bad luck'. For the mind more open to the beauties of language, and to the possibilities of expression, the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mother Beautiful Thread, the 'Cesspool', as it were, is, on this level, the place where it's wished that bad luck will befall you. To carry forward another explication of usage, we often encounter the term 'feck' here in the Peng Challenge Thread, and it is used extensively by the participants thereof. Most, I'm sure, believe it to be an attempt to slide around the use of another, more vulgar term for fornication. Nothing could be further from the truth, nor reveal more ignorance of the language by-play so characteristic of the Peng Challenge Thread (characteristic, at least, when you pillocks aren't being a gang of vulgar arseholes! [This usage will be explicated at a later date]). In truth, the use of the term 'feck' comes from a shortening and 'colloquilization' of the term 'feculent'. Here in The Cesspool, we are at play with language even as angels are at play in the fields of the Lord. Our delight in the written, spoken, and sung word is what raises us above the level of the fecking idjits of the Outer Board that see nothing more to the Peng Challenge Thread than a discharge of excrement. Most of them are, of course, merely projecting their own emotionally charged obsessions on a place where they do not feel comfortable. Now, those who dismiss or vilify the Peng Challenge Thread commonly fall into two categories. The first are the Grogs. Otherwise worthy individuals, often with an actual contribution to make, but for whom the chaotic nature of the Peng Challenge Thread threatens their obsessively held, anally retentive attention to detail, the facts, what they know, what they believe, and what they hold dear. Many of them sniff derisively, and then scurry off to their Grog threads to repeatedly and compulsively 'wash their hands' with dearly loved facts. When encountering the jaunty attitude of the Peng Challenge Thread, for which they can find 'no practical use that extends the discussion of historical, unit, weapon, or ammunition characteristics', they become the Forum equivalent of Lady Macbeth, and are given to posting the equivalent of 'will these liitle hands never come clean'. The second group of detractors, and our only true enemies, are that gang of feces throwing primitives who clutch the concept of the 'Cesspool' to their vulgar selves, and show up here to post utter ****e and useless fecking drivel. When they do not get the roar of approval that they expect their utterly goddamn brainless and reeking posts deserve, they turn on the Peng Challenge Thread with outrage. Having come to a place where they had expectation of their utter uselessness being accepted and stroked, they react even more angrily than the Grogs when they find they are dismissed even more aggressively than they are on the Outer Boards (where, of course, the participants are expected to reject them according to the Marquis of Queensbury rules) Here, we are in a position to show these latter arseholes the door in the manner they deserve, and with more honesty than required by 'a customer friendly forum for discussion of Combat Mission'. Of course, we are also in a position to do so with a bit of élan, rather than greet them in kind by slinging ****e. Slowly, slowly, there shall be a rapprochement with the Grogs. They are not our enemies, they are merely misguided. They do not understand the true purpose of the Peng Challenge Thread. Nor do all of them need what it represents. But for the stupid, the vulgar, the huddled simians yearning to smear ****e, the Peng Challenge Thread represents a line drawn across the Cess. This aggression will not stand, man! Or: "Oh, you heard you could trot in here and drop your trousers and get away with anything? Think again, pilgrim. This is the Peng Challenge Thread, the 'Cesspool', and we'll scrape you off our shoes and hose you back to where you belong". We will tolerate no weak links here. Goodbye. [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf: Duuude, during recess you are soooooo dead. Jeff<hr></blockquote> My dear Mr. Harrison. Please take no notice our Geoffrey, as the lad is quite disturbed. We try, and we try, but he will behave so willfully. He is a burden to us of the Peng Challenge Thread, but there, what are we to do? Whatever you do, do not accept an invitation to play him. Although an able player, he is ungentelmanly, and we do not wish his behaviour condoned. Good luck and best wishes on your search for a tournament for 'the rest of us'. Oh, and SuperTed. Your proposed approach to running a tournament is noted with approval. I was appalled to hear of all the maneuvering, whinging, and posturing involved with the 'Invitational'. I'd rather play a fair and challenging game than attempt to make sure the conditions gave me the best opportunity to win, and I'd rather put in a good solid effort and lose, rather than scream like an affronted eunuch because everything wasn't to my satisfaction. This is why, in the Peng Challenge Thread, there is so little emphasis placed on 'winning', and so much more placed on 'playing, and putting the boot in'. The most vile display of taunting in the Peng Challenge Thread simply doesn't hold a candle to 'tournament whores' niggling over every little detail of their obsessive need to 'win'.
  6. Ah, Persephone! The job you did on Peng was...well, truly magnificent. I can safely say that I think Peng was even more brutally handled than myself. Oh, and someone a few posts back spoke slightingly of my sing-songs. What tripe! If it wasn't for my jolly sing-songs, this place would be an utter hell hole. By the by, anyone else notice how many useless pillocks were advocating that that puddle of mendacious vomit 'Combat General' come post in the Mother Beautiful Thread? Makes me sick to my stomach, it does. First he posts endless and useless ****e, lies endlessly (and damned poorly, which is almost worse), and, on the brink of a ban and in trouble with everyone, suddenly trots out another obvious and pointless lie, one designed to get him off the hook, arouse sympathy, and, most importantly, make anyone who doubts him look like a stormtrooper. I, for one, don't buy it. I'm with Grog Dorosh (cleanin' 'em off here, boss!) in his reply. BTS, sadly, has no choice but to 'take it as the right one', and give him another chance. I think we should cut his feet off, and he'll never do it again.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Damnation, so that's who he is!!! I drove past this OGSF character just the other day, as he was standing on the street corner. He was wearing a funny little skirt if I remember correctly (yes I could have been more succinct with IIRC, but it would have gone over the heads of more than half the Cesspoolers). Oh, and he had this live cat slung under his arm, and he was squeezing the poor animal so hard that it wailed with a sound so horrible I had to close my windows and turn up the Techno CD I was listening to. Last I saw, the National Park Police were chasing him across the Reflecting Pool down in front of the Lincoln Memorial...<hr></blockquote> Now, this has moved me to relate a True Story™, a life experience of a friend of mine (most of you pillocks couldn't handle one of my more bizarre life experiences...except, perhaps for Hanns. His life experiences leave me rather bemused). One fine day, one, in fact, very fine summer day in the Chicago metro-land 'Forest Preserves' (dumping ground of unwanted bodies for over three decades), my friend (we shall call him 'Bob') took Acid, and went for a long walk-about. It was his very first 'real' time with hallucinogens, and he had many the merry moment walking about, smelling the sunshine, feeling the wind, and tasting the flowers (actually, this isn't poetic license, he told me later that he ate several blossoms that simply looked too beautiful to ignore). After several hours of communion with the Goddess on an unbelievably visceral level, he told me that as he was walking, he began to have the auditory hallucination that he could hear music. He began to follow it, realizing that it might lead him into one of the hills of the Sidhe. He followed many a false lead, doubled back, and struck up the thread of sound again and again, until he had it clear and followed it straight to its source. When he found it, it was a clearing in the middle of nowhere, a clearing miles from anywhere in the woods. In the middle of it was a man in kilts, playing the bagpipes. Bob sat down on the edge of the hidden glade, in plain sight of the piper, and listened completely enraptured for 45 minutes. When the piper finally finished playing, they exchanged greetings, and my friend said to him: "That was beautiful. What the hell are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" And the other replied, "Och, mon, practicing the bagpipes isn't somethin' you do in a one bedroom apartment. What are you doing out here?" And Bob said: "Well, I'm tripping on Acid." And the piper replied: "Aye. I'd guess that's the next best thing after being able to play the pipes well. Aren't the woods after being a lovely place, then?"
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF: Tae mae, ye vacuous gits!! SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy<hr></blockquote> Er...this almost strikes at a visceral level, and I'm not even completely clear on why I think this, but I believe we're supposed to rally on OGSF, and then strike out with a right good will at anyone who approaches him, while preserving our banner from being sullied, even if it requires our own death. At least, and I'm still pondering the origins of the feeling, that's how this post strikes me.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: You loathsome poseur, that title for the MBT was spawned from my own sig, which in turn was poached from a truly wonderful source... Star Trek. <hr></blockquote> WHAT?! HERR OBERST, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN! And I suppose the whole "He tasks me, he tasks me..." soliloquy was just another bit of extempore Khan prose, as well?! You loathsome boil on the buttocks of humanity. If I was anywhere near where you live, I'd drive over to your house right now and beat you to death with a goddamn Malibu Barbie. Which I would acquire by shoplifting in the name of Justice. Rather like what you pay aging cafeteria ladies to do to you on weekends, but much more terminal. [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  10. Ha! Herr Oberst, you made your little dash, and it was puffed away like a dandelion head in the breeze! Actually, it was a bloody good Thread title, but because of your anarchism and generally dubious, if not totally hypothetical, intelligence, it never bore fruit! I despair of you, truly I do.
  11. You bastard! I had a fabulous new title all worked up, and He tapped you to start it up with this? Taunt no more, my folk, for Madmatt doth murder taunting... [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: If you have such an all fired bleedin' wonderful MBT title, then waltz it out here for us all to sneer at. Start the thread, then let the mad, bald one know what you've done. Post like you've got a pair, or are you too busy trying to find that uniform mod for the Frenchies that you love to play so much, the one where they are in black and white with frilly lace. I'm sorry that the standard uniforms offend your effeminate sensibilities, what with all the soldiers looking so tough and butch, but CM is a freakin' war game, and this thread is a war game. If this is all too much for you, take your Barbies and go home.<hr></blockquote> You, sir, are a hooligan. I have, in fact, emailed the Mad Bald One no less than three times tonight with new Thread titles. The last, I fancy, would be the best seen here in some time. But, as one of the Old Ones of the Thread, and the one most concerned with the finished product (Berli is always standing there waving those bloody scissors, but he doesn't much care what the final product looks like), I can tell you that we shall observe the amenities with our hosts. Oh, occassional outbursts are all well and good, but ultimately they discredit us. Now, as I'm sure that you spend much of your free time going down to post bail and write glowing references for 'taggers', I know that you'll find this reasoned approach anathema. But we shall do everything ship shape and Bristol fashion, and await the judgement of the Mad One. Unless he takes too bloody much longer about it, because I'm getting bored, and I think my final submission was cracking! [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars: And as I sit here and glance owlishly at the half empty bourbon bottle, I see that it's only nine years old. Hell, I have dirty socks older than that. On the bright side, it tastes better. And it IS still half full.<hr></blockquote> Ah, Lars. Your impish sense of optimism always warms my heart! I feel your Squire is coming along nicely. He's a credit to you and Shaw, and one can't help the feeling that you two can use all the credit you can amass. What possessed you to pass through Windom? That's the only place I know where the god of Snow stuck the nozzle of winter's enema. Oh, and by the by, there's been some speculation among the Old Ones. Did you ever call that rather accomodating young blonde you were chatting up when we found you crouched at the bar, puzzling over your recent photo op with the goat in the back room? Your rugged, Gary Shandling looks, camo hunter's garb, and celebrity goat pictures quite set the young lass's heart aflutter. Nothing else could explain her willingness to actually come sit at a table with Peng, Berli, and myself. I remember our conversation at the time quite clearly: Peng: She wants him. Berli: Who? Peng: Lars. Berli: The Goat Boy? Which guy does he want? Seanachai: No, Berli, she wants Lars. Berli: For what? Seanachai: Er, well, you know, Adam and Eve, all that messing about in the bushes before God pitched them out thing. Berli: Fruit? They're going to pick fruit together? What the hell, some sort of 'Migrant Labourer Pact'? Seanachai: Bloody hell... (leans forward and whispers into Berli's ear) Berli: Ohh, you mean they're going to become conscious of the concept of 'self', be presented with the ability to choose good and evil, and sneak off into the bushes to get a leg over? Peng: Who? Berli: Lars. Peng: Rather not, actually. I'd much rather have a go at the blonde he was chatting up at the bar. Berli: Who? It went on like this for quite some time. Most if it while she was sitting at the table with us. [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  14. I know, how about something Campbell-esque, like "The Peng Challenge With a Thousand Faces", or "The Myth of the Eternal Peng Challenge"? Conan Doyle? "The Hound of the Peng Challenge"? Oh, I know, all this 'literary' by-play is tedious for most of you 'chipped rock hand tools, say, now there's a clever fella' simians, but it's in my nature. I suppose we could try pop culture again. Something on the order of: "It Don't Mean the Peng Challenge to a Tree, Son", or "Salute My Boots: the Peng Challenge is Victorious". Or maybe something more classical, like "I Knew Him, Peng, a Rascal of Infinite Challenge" Or, like that stuffy but brilliant sod Milton, we could title it "The Peng Challenge Regained".
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt: Settle down all! Do I need to come in and whip some pengster keister or can you guys play nice??? Also, start thinking up new thread titles as this one is getting close to capacity. Madmatt<hr></blockquote> What's Matt refering to? Have people been going bi-polar again? Also, how's the transition being handled these days, do we email the Mad Bald One and put in our suggestions, and then wait for the tap of the magic wand, or is it still being handled in a chaotic way that sometimes works, and sometimes goes hopelessly astray? Because, you see, I'm about to re-challenge Peng in a post-harvest paganistic renewal of the Eternal Challenge. We've agreed to a cease-fire in Chrisl's eminently horrible "Event Horizon". Not so much because anything was actually decided, but rather so we could simply stop playing it. I began to dread the arrival of my own reinforcements as much as the next boatload of Peng's. We had, of course, hoped to amuse this rather jaded crowd with insulting and vilifying each other during this last scenario, but it was so horrid that it sapped even our will to taunt and insult each other. All we could do was curse Chrisl. In any case, I'd like to see something rather better than some of the latest 'sifted kitty litter' Thread titles we've had lately.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Anyhow, last week a co-worker (real nut this guy) tells me that Costello was the short guy -- after all it IS an Italian name, and he sure looks Italian. I couldn't believe it, I mean I GREW UP with these two... <hr></blockquote> Costello is an Irish name, you nit, not 'Italian'. And stop misrepresenting yourself. You did not "grow up".
  17. Oh, and just to give everyone something to measure their evening against, here in Minnesota it's: Snow Yes, around 5-6 inches so far of wet, heavy, brick consistency 'winter white', just slippery enough to slip in, and heavy and wet enough to drown in if you get knocked out in the fall. A delight to shovel, truly. So glad to see posts from The French, and the fair Emma! I'm not sure that's actually Goann posting, though. I still maintain that Berli, Bauhaus, and Moriarity had his body sent off to southern Wisconsin to be processed into 'venison steaks'. Still, if it is Goanna, welcome back, you pillock!
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: Gentleworms: and Speaking of Scotch, it seems that the dreaded liar "physicist" chrisl, he of the EventHorizon debacle, and I are to fight. Since he gave me a right rogering the last time, and I was the Germans on Defense, I would like to return the favor. Shall we say 1500 points? on a randomly generated map, (I'll wear feldgrau and attack, while he wears that awful dun and green combination) with seconds purchasing our units which we request? Who would do me the honor of being my second in the endeavor? Don't all fall over yourselves laddies. Oh, by the way, we are playing for handles. If he wins I am the Gates-slut Formerly Known as Peng for an undetermined amount of time, and if I win he must use ALL CAPS in his. That should show the lower-case bastard, eh? The Gates-slut Formerly Known as Peng<hr></blockquote> Good on ya' Peng! When you get that rotten California swine down, make sure you get the boot in as many times as possible! Make him pay for "Event Horizon".
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: What IS this ****e? I thought the powers had decreed that Peng was dead... ... ...Anyhoo, to cut to the short of it, I would like to partake in a piece of Pecan Pie. No squids! [Yes its true, I couldn't quite get it in one go.] <hr></blockquote> Well, I'm not sure what to make of this one. In places it almost moved like it would soar, then got caught up in its own shoelaces. In many places, a disturbing mix of military, pop, and no-culture. Still, I feel that he does show some improvement. I've written things a bit like this (never when sober, of course). I've been pounding the lads head with a sock filled with sand (a case of 'like meets like' if ever there was one) in an attempt to beat my turn out of him, and this, apparently, is the result. I think a few more good whacks are in order, all in all. He's done far worse, of course. So we shall take this as a good sign.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Gang, I have to wonder why the Peng Challenge Thread is used by every person who want to complain about this forum as an example of the forum's failings. Read this silly thread to see what I mean.<hr></blockquote> Well, we are not the most welcoming group on the Board. It is surprising, though, how few manage to grasp the whole concept of why they get the reception they do, and figure out how to take it in stride. I blame you lot. You're all so coarse and loud, no wonder we don't attract the masses! We could have a booming franchise here, complete with hot and cold running idiocy if you lads were a little more welcoming. Of course, for many folk the concept of 'camaraderie' is either dead, or so seriously debased that they think that salesmen who buy them drinks and ask about their golf score are actually interested in them and concerned about their lives. Well, you won't find that sort of ****e here, thank gods. Not only aren't I interested in shifting a load of dingo kidneys to you lot for a sackful of silver, I loathe you all. And knowing you lot feel the same about me makes it possible for me to go into work each Monday. Er...anyone else think that we should compose some Peng Carols for the coming Holiday season?
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Galatine: Yoo-hoo! Someone understood my point! It seems that this board is still a little too-Grog for me and I've been playing the game for almost a year now! I'm sure its a great historical tactical model but personally, it works just fine as a game too. I wonder if this whole board doesn't have too much Peng attitude leakage. The board has become a little like an elite club or frat. You're free to join (in) but the initiation is not really worth the parties.<hr></blockquote> I understand, to some extent, where Galatine is coming from on this, though I think he takes it a bit too far. Obviously it's getting to be a little dificult to come in here and ask an 'intelligent' question about game mechanics or why certain things are the way they are because damn near every one of them has been asked dozens of times before. And the search engine (I heard the rumour that they've improved it, lately) hasn't been up to the task on many of these issues. And although there are still many helpful people who will try and provide an answer, there are far more who are ready to scream when questions like 'how come they don't show all 12 men in a squad, and when will this be added?' come up. The problem with a 'Newbie' forum, where these issues could be raised without a sudden rain of curses and weightier objects, would be that it would be mainly people asking these same questions, with few of them knowing the answers (at least not the whole answer), and then discussing them amongst themselves to no bloody purpose whatsoever. They would have to hope that some patient and avuncular figure would show up and point them in the right way. Or maybe they could sort it all out themselves, I suppose, various Newbies posting links and snippets they'd encountered. I see no reason not to give them a place to fumble around in, except that it just makes more work for the Moderators, and they've already got plenty to do. Now, Galatine, if you're talking about the ability to discuss tactics and game play, well, any Newbie is as free to start a thread along this line as anyone else, and in the last few months I've found these to be about the most interesting threads on the Board. I've seldom seen even the rankest 'beginner' question on these issues treated unkindly. Indeed, they often produce some very good discussions. And if grogs show up and start raving about the German Army Handbook, or 'that's not how Rommel would have done it', or 'you'd understand why your tactical question is stupid if you considered the frontal armour thickness, mis-modeled as it is in this game'; well, it isn't only Newbies who back off to a safe distance and then ignore them. Also, let me conclude by saying that the Peng Challenge Thread does not abuse or discriminate against 'Newbies', nor respect those who do. If, however, you were to say that they treat 'Newcomers' to the Peng Challenge Thread rather roughly, you'd be quite right. And that, in fact, is one of the whole premises of the Peng Challenge Thread. But the Peng Challenge is not, by any stretch, a grog thread or dominated by them. We are quite democratic. Anyone who loves CM, has their wits about them, is thick-skinned, and is open to the give and take of taunting, is welcome to the Peng Challenge Thread. And it requires no specialized knowledge. It may be cast in such a way as to be more awkward for non-native English speakers, but that is not by design. And for that matter, many of the greatest posts of the Peng Challenge Thread have been made by those for whom English is a second language. And some of them are almost completely incomprehensible, but acknowledge by one and all as 'sheer genius'.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Actually, its not late... its today... and it has sucked.<hr></blockquote> Happy Birthday, Berli! Sorry it's sucking so far. Still, Birthday on a Saturday and all, maybe you can be imitating an Australian before tomorrow morning...
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: Secondly; I'd like to say that Seanachai is a pseudo literate blow-hard who knows not his Milton from his Bradley. <hr></blockquote> Idjit. Milton was a devout Christian who gave all the best lines of his Major Opus to Satan, while God and Adam coughed up some of the dullest tripe ever written. I imagine after his death Milton faced some hard questions and has spent the time ever since correcting punctuation in badly printed copies of the KJV. Bradley, on the other hand, was an American General who served in both North Africa and Western Europe. I'd give you a game, Leeo, but I'm over-extended. Maybe when I complete the latest series of Draws.
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha: Declan, Sorry for delay in PBEM. We have just moved house and my PC is still in a crate... I'll be on-line from home soon. Thx Mike<hr></blockquote> Please make sure to number any outstanding turns...
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Bravo, me OLD mate!! <hr></blockquote> Sigh. Lad, one of the things I don't do, is mis-represent what others have said. Mostly, there's no need. Generally speaking, their own words are enough to damn them. But please, if it helps you find your feet in these deeper waters, mis-quote me as you need. I also don't make mock, generally speaking, of people's monikers. And never, ever, of their Real Names (just ask OGSF). Mind, it's often a bit of a struggle to not have a go at their Board names. And I fully enjoy it when people take them to task. But it's not something I do, don't ya' see. For you see, lad, if Pawbroon is D'Artagnan, don't you know, I am Athos. What does that mean to you? Well, simply put, don't enter into a duel of wits with people you couldn't defeat with a scout axe in either hand. Or, equally, I'm a drunkard who's forsaken his birthright, but remains one of nature's noblemen. Or perhaps it just means that you should move carefully from stone to stone in order to get across the water, eh?
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