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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Holds index finger and thumb out at right angles to each other and poses them succinctly against the forehead, just above the eyes, and smiles knowingly...
  2. Bugger. He knows the names of four Aussie 'Poolers (with a nod to the Eldest Aussie, and the Aussie what is gone, may they soon return to us, the fecking pillocks, Oi!). You might as well just fall by the Cesspool, lad. It's a horrible place, but it might well be your destiny. Besides which, we're currently auctioning off your credit card numbers and ISP account passwords. Thought you might want to see what they go for.
  3. Out of curiosity, my most loathsome Goodalers, will you be moving your wallowing over to the CMAK forum when this thread has run it's course? Or staying here?
  4. *Bobba* I have a stalker.. Wait till I tell the Ubérgnome he'll be so proud........ </font>
  5. It comes and goes, lad. The bottle has nothing to do with it. That's just a form of idling while waiting for the next call to weirdness. Just you mind your manners now, or I'll do a special on you. Good thing for your lot I'd already committed to Australia as my most hated enemy country, because otherwise you Texans would be a natural. It's especially annoying the way you try to pretend being Americans! Hope the weather's fine down there in Baja-Oklahoma.
  6. Perhaps in the Goodale thread, lad, when it gets here. Thank you for the versification, Wisbech Lad.
  7. Ha! Quite the jokester, Michael! Everyone knows that you and your evil compatriots control the Forum! bugger, Emrys, you're going to give the game away if you let on to a lack of control like that again! Play up, you fool, play up! [ October 11, 2003, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. Well, so here we are in the desert. looks around Looks just like where Peng, Berli and I spend all our time, waiting for you lot to show up, trailing the world behind you. Get busy, you lot of slackers, and start creating the world. Something entertaining this time. Less on the rules, more on the interesting. I blame all of you for the estrangement of my Mortal Enemy. How can anyone keep the interest and attentions of a personal lunatic stalker when the only environment you can provide looks like some middle school usenet group? [ October 11, 2003, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. Well, so here we are in the desert. looks around Looks just like where Peng, Berli and I spend all our time, waiting for you lot to show up, trailing the world behind you. Get busy, you lot of slackers, and start creating the world. Something entertaining this time. Less on the rules, more on the interesting. I blame all of you for the estrangement of my Mortal Enemy. How can anyone keep the interest and attentions of a personal lunatic stalker when the only environment you can provide looks like some middle school usenet group? [ October 11, 2003, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. bridles We've got some decent beers, Noba! It's not all swill like budweiser and coors and such ****e! The main difference between your country's beer policies and ours is that our government sets a maximum alcohol content, while yours sets a minimum.
  11. bridles We've got some decent beers, Noba! It's not all swill like budweiser and coors and such ****e! The main difference between your country's beer policies and ours is that our government sets a maximum alcohol content, while yours sets a minimum.
  12. As is my custom, I will be awaiting BFC's announcement that my lunacy is finally being met with the accolades it deserves, and that I will be officially allowed to be the first to pre-order CMAK.
  13. You are a deeply, deeply disturbed young man. I shall watch your career with great interest, as I think a great career awaits you on this Board Congratulations again, Michael. This one's truly a nihilist brute. Made me feel all creepy just reading that.
  14. Now the Finns are doing it too! BFC, this is intolerable! Next we'll be having to send them Jerry Lewis movies just to try and undermine their culture! If I wanted to be subjected to filthy, multilingual goings-ons, I wouldn't live in America!
  15. maybe you should write less? You yuster be funn-e-er or sumthing. Heck, anything is funnyer then most dist crap. Get fuuny or get bent now. Like I mean it . Man. </font>
  16. No such creature on the Peng Challenge. Ignore, please. [ October 10, 2003, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. In gratitude, we promise to disembowel you more slowly. Michael </font>
  18. Who'd pay you when, like the chain-smoking, gap-toothed old hag down at the end of the bar rail at closing time sucking down the drinks with a swallow left in them, you do it for free? </font>
  19. No, he got a warning in another thread, then went on a sort of hissy fit bender, posting the same topic to every conceivable Forum, I believe, except the Beta testers' (fortunately no access for him there), then stormed off amidst lamentations and demands for apologies. Oh, that reminds me...
  20. They're still doing it! And I can tell my name keeps coming up, because I know how it's spelled in foreign! Alright, you buggers! We've got tons and tons of your bloody descendants around here in Minnesota, and I'm going down to the nearest bar and round some of them up and make them translate this lot!
  21. There was one with Pamela Anderson... But I'm not sure that one gave you a really good feel for the game, as such.
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