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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. I forget, sometimes, which amongst you is Australian, and, therefore, vile. You see, I'm a forgiving man. I'm an understanding man. Far be it from me to dislike, abuse, or make certain 'off-line' arrangements to have a CM poster 'seen to' on the basis of something as silly, and as simple, as nationality. That isn't to say, of course, that I will not crush each and every one of you Australians, and use the flour of your bones to make my bread. But when simply posting, as opposed to giving each and every one of you primitive pouched mammals a roight good seeing to in CM, I tend to forget which of you is by nature beyond redemption. I had forgotten, A.E.B. (Australian Expeditionary Bugger? Or perhaps that should be 'Exploratory'?), that you were Australian. And, therefore, of course, one of my most hated enemies. Fairly nice post, by the by. Except for the rather fatuous 'cheese' reference. I'm not from Wisconsin, lad. I think my own hatred and way with the words of dismissal must be rubbing off on you lot. I'm leading you into the light, as it were, and quickening your faltering steps on the path of evolution simply by the efficacy of my hatred. In the words of an author whose name is lost to me: Choose your enemies carefully, for that is who you will become. You Australians, under the tutelage of my hatred, are becoming more and more like me every day. It's doing you a world of good. Many of you can now almost converse in English.
  2. How many SUs? How many guns? How many former prisoners? How many men have I used? Looks like A.E.B. has assessed your abilities rather accurately </font>
  3. Here, listen up, you lot of various discharges of impure fluids. I have an announcement to make. I feel it is only right that the Peng Challenge Thread, that home of all that is foolish, and humourous, and just a bit vicious, needs to acknowledge the status achieved by certain members of this Board. As Cabron66 has written, so it shall be also written here. The abomination currently known as 'The Four Horsemen of the Combat Mission Apocalypse' shall enter fully into the mythology of the Peng Challenge Thread. Berli is already an Olde One, and Andreas is already a Seniour Knight. Grog Dorosh has some sort of unreflective, 'not quite sure where the bugger's at' status as a Squire, or somefink. But hereafter and in times to come, Michael Dorosh and Michael Emrys shall be regarded as Seniour Knights of the Peng Challenge Thread. Partly this is because they amuse me, and, as such, should amuse the lot of you 'I put in a good day's pissing on the floor, and then I go to sleep' buggers, but mostly because as any good Illuminati knows, the first thing you do, after killing all the lawyers, is to co-opt all other potential power sources. If the Templars had followed this simple rule of thumb, they'd be running Europe today, instead of having us stand in as their spiritual heirs. Before the Justicar (may his lash never flag in its labour over the backs of the unrighteous) raises an objection, let me remind him that we have had spontaneous 'raisings of status and honourary conferments' before. Somewhere. At some time. Check the rules. Ah, wait! I know the proper precedence! Because it amuses. And will annoy the Outer Boarders. By the by, Dorosh, no need to change your signature line. We still all want you to die, this doesn't change that a bit. Especially some of our less thoughtful and prudent members, who're currently complaining of a most uncomfortable and embarrassing itching all about the private area.
  4. Here, listen up, you lot of various discharges of impure fluids. I have an announcement to make. I feel it is only right that the Peng Challenge Thread, that home of all that is foolish, and humourous, and just a bit vicious, needs to acknowledge the status achieved by certain members of this Board. As Cabron66 has written, so it shall be also written here. The abomination currently known as 'The Four Horsemen of the Combat Mission Apocalypse' shall enter fully into the mythology of the Peng Challenge Thread. Berli is already an Olde One, and Andreas is already a Seniour Knight. Grog Dorosh has some sort of unreflective, 'not quite sure where the bugger's at' status as a Squire, or somefink. But hereafter and in times to come, Michael Dorosh and Michael Emrys shall be regarded as Seniour Knights of the Peng Challenge Thread. Partly this is because they amuse me, and, as such, should amuse the lot of you 'I put in a good day's pissing on the floor, and then I go to sleep' buggers, but mostly because as any good Illuminati knows, the first thing you do, after killing all the lawyers, is to co-opt all other potential power sources. If the Templars had followed this simple rule of thumb, they'd be running Europe today, instead of having us stand in as their spiritual heirs. Before the Justicar (may his lash never flag in its labour over the backs of the unrighteous) raises an objection, let me remind him that we have had spontaneous 'raisings of status and honourary conferments' before. Somewhere. At some time. Check the rules. Ah, wait! I know the proper precedence! Because it amuses. And will annoy the Outer Boarders. By the by, Dorosh, no need to change your signature line. We still all want you to die, this doesn't change that a bit. Especially some of our less thoughtful and prudent members, who're currently complaining of a most uncomfortable and embarrassing itching all about the private area.
  5. sniffle Bless Cabron66. He couldn't have chosen four better horsemen if he actually had a sense of humour. Can you imagine how tedious the joke would have become if he'd chosen, say Slapdragon? Oh, that's right. Slappy doesn't bother with Grog issues anymore, being too busy teaching the little children about how 'The Real World' works. You know: guns, law-enforcement, politics, the sound of one sheriff's deputy droning on endlessly...
  6. Many things feed Death. Famine, like McDonalds, is just fast food. Yes Emrys, you are the Ronald McDonald of the Horsemen </font>
  7. Isn't it much more courteous to just stone you to death here?
  8. It strikes me that anyone with a car, a copy of the Beta CD, and BFC's permission could travel the entirety of America and Canada, being put-up, fed, and filled up with good drink like a barrel doing a 'sneak peak tour' of CMAK. An enterprising young beta tester with wanderlust could easily see the entire country for damn near just his gas money. I'm going to remember this when CMX2 is due to come out. Steve, Charles, et al: Do you need another beta-tester for CMX2?
  9. Actually, what makes it sodding hilarious is that Nebraska could get a sneak preview, and the Texans are still standing around in their own water weeping. Hey, Harv, it's starting to look like my Mortal Enemy, personal Celebrity lunatic stalker may have pushed off for good. And in any case, the bugger couldn't stay focused on his job. Is your offer for 'personal stalker' still open? I feel so alone and unthreatened on the Board lately. Will you show up to abuse and spit on me in the various threads I might wander into? What are your qualifications? Do you have any Celebrity references? I mean, I know I'm new at the whole 'stalker-mortal enemy' thing, but I'd hate to look like a complete oick for snapping up the first replacement stalker to come along. Although you are Canadian, and that's a plus. You buggers have a good work ethic. Figure I'd get a good day's stalking and very satisfactory hatred from a Canadian lad. Not to mention the continuity factor with my previous Mortal Enemy. Let me know.
  10. Still, he's not Australian, so that's something. Of course he is from New York, so it's still a net gain of 'zero'.
  11. Still, he's not Australian, so that's something. Of course he is from New York, so it's still a net gain of 'zero'.
  12. Berli, you're a man of very nice and accurate perceptions. 'Nice' of course, also has a more archaic meaning.
  13. Gods, that was horrible. Sitting there waiting for the images to load, and up springs a huge Dorosh like some hideous wall-poster image of Saddam. Reminds me of the first time I saw 'The Wrath of Khan' in the theater. My drunk, chemically deranged friend insisted on sitting in the very first row of this huge, single screen theater, and for the entire movie I had William Shatner, twelve times the size of God, standing on my chest and screaming in my face. Horrible, horrible memories...
  14. You are a silly little man. Join a cult now, before you're the only one in your trailer park without any religious grounding. I'd join Andreas' Cult of War. I understand they need someone to hose out the temple, and watch the kettle. I believe that, with a little bit of training on the hose, this would fall within your skill level.
  15. Dear BFC, As I am an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, and we have an absolute need to know when CMAK will be released based on the fact that we are simply a bunch of importunate, nosy buggers, I request that you inform me when the game will be released. I will not share this information with anyone. In fact, I will hug it to myself and make a great point of letting everyone know that I know the release date, and they don't. I will rub their noses in the soiled rug of my superiour knowldege like the group of incontinent puppies that they are. This does not, of course, constitute a reasonable need to know such as GJK is attempting. It is, in fact, a very unreasonable need to know based on how much fun it would be to lord it over them. Please give this request some serious consideration, before brutally dismissing it out of hand and shaking your heads at my continued antics. Of course, should you decide in the name of good, nasty fun to actually let me know the release date, please post that I do, in fact, know, so that my tormenting of all other Board members carries weight and truly stings.
  16. [snip copyrighted material] Not bad, Seanachai. There's surely a Pulitzer Prize in that for you. Michael </font>
  17. Revised Standard Edition. Easiest one to spot on the shelf, usually, so I often end up grabbing it. Probably should have hunted around for the King James.
  18. Revised Standard Edition. Easiest one to spot on the shelf, usually, so I often end up grabbing it. Probably should have hunted around for the King James.
  19. Nature does what She must. Had there been no Cesspool, an entire species of primates would have happily evolved without wars, without taunting, without any fecking reason at all to get out of bed in the morning. We are the very pinnacle of Evolution. The Goodalers are the nadir. You, of course, are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew upon you out of my mouth. For you say, I am no Cesspooler, and I need nothing; not knowing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked. Those who I hate, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and drink with him, and he with me. He who taunts, I will grant him to sit with me on a log in the Wasteland, as I myself sat down in the Wasteland with Peng and Berli. He who has an ear, let him hear what the 'Pool has to say about posting.
  20. Nature does what She must. Had there been no Cesspool, an entire species of primates would have happily evolved without wars, without taunting, without any fecking reason at all to get out of bed in the morning. We are the very pinnacle of Evolution. The Goodalers are the nadir. You, of course, are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew upon you out of my mouth. For you say, I am no Cesspooler, and I need nothing; not knowing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked. Those who I hate, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and drink with him, and he with me. He who taunts, I will grant him to sit with me on a log in the Wasteland, as I myself sat down in the Wasteland with Peng and Berli. He who has an ear, let him hear what the 'Pool has to say about posting.
  21. Even if true, it would still put us two steps up the ladder of evolution from your fine self. But it's not, and we're six steps up, and pissing upon you form a position of manly balance.
  22. Even if true, it would still put us two steps up the ladder of evolution from your fine self. But it's not, and we're six steps up, and pissing upon you form a position of manly balance.
  23. You bloody pillock. Stay with the program. This thread should be about the 'lack of camels'. Young people today. I swear.
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