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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Your post speaks well for you, lad. But there is a certain juxtaposition of 'very first post', and 'certain recent fools', and 'chosen venue' that demands that you be put to the Test. Kneel before me, Aces and 8's, and kiss my ring, and proclaim me greater than the Four Horsemen. For by this shall we know you to be no troll, nor any unhappy, humourless little Canadian wannabee git, nor any sort of lunatic other than the right sort of lunatic. Plus I need to score against those smarmy sons-o-compliant-heifers Four Horsemen for their very rude put-downs of my own fine self. Wilt thou swear to serve me, and to uphold mine honour over that of War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death?! After all, I'm the Nice One...
  3. I should have known the Peng Challenge would try to hijack this thread. Come back when you can put together a decent rugby team. </font>
  4. Bugger, never mind. I thought this was some sort of Aussie 'lonely hearts' thread, and wandered in to mock 'em. Well, it is, seemingly, but it's Aussie grog yearning stuff. Carry on, you wallabies.
  5. Simply a delicious response, Seanachai, for a mere American. Too bad your level of discussion has brought the whole pallor of this thread down. It used to be such a fine thread, before it started being all about peanut butter, peanut butter, peanut butter. </font>
  6. Simply a delicious response, Seanachai, for a mere American. Too bad your level of discussion has brought the whole pallor of this thread down. It used to be such a fine thread, before it started being all about peanut butter, peanut butter, peanut butter. </font>
  7. Well there's Doolie, Dough-Heid, Glaikit, Numpty, Baw-heid and of course Heid the baw... They are all words I used or heard while growing up in Glasgow. They all mean "stupid" but some are more offensive than others, so if you ever visit, please be careful.......... </font>
  8. Well there's Doolie, Dough-Heid, Glaikit, Numpty, Baw-heid and of course Heid the baw... They are all words I used or heard while growing up in Glasgow. They all mean "stupid" but some are more offensive than others, so if you ever visit, please be careful.......... </font>
  9. Jeez, Seanachai you do go on and on and on and on and yet again on, don't you? I'll bet Dr. Laura hangs up on you constantly, doesn't she? </font>
  10. Good eye. Considering B1m just registered today and as of this writing has posted only once, yet saw fit to weigh in on this subject as if he were completely familiar...hmmm...all circumstantial evidence I will grant you...still, it makes one wonder, doesn't it? Michael </font>
  11. As for the rest of you lot, 'Hoho, very funny, let's take the piss out of Seanachai' I don't think! And here I went and tried to make sure that none of our lot would be disruptive in this otherwise interesting and informative thread, and you've gone and done it yourselves! Grogs are going to make it on to my list of Abominations, just you wait and see! I've got a whole new set coming out today as part of my deification.
  12. NO! NO BAR MITZVAH'S! The entire concept makes me uneasy. In the future, the Bris will be accomplished by polar bear after death. So it shall be done in the Church of Seanachai! yes, write that down, R Leete The Zoning Commission will bow to my will, or be smitten! Or, ummm, I'll smite them, rather. I don't want them fancying me, just solidly whacked with deific power. And that reminds me! Abominations! We haven't had any lately, but someone reminded me: 2 Mullets are an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai! All those who wear their hair like they should be shouting out 'Play Freebird' at a concert (any concert, even Classical) are unclean, and shall not enter my Kingdom. 3 Pants that have their crotch down around the knees are an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai! And Seanachai spoke, and said: I don't care how much room you'd like to think you need for your tackle, you little weiners, you look like pillocks. And since it's bloody well impossible to run in 'gangsta' pants, they're a poor fashion choice for the criminal set. 4 Radio Shock Jocks are an Abomination before Seanachai! And on that day when the Kingdom of Seanachai shall come to pass, they shall be rounded up and put to some socially useful and productive work, like picking up garbage along the roadside, or dog-grooming, or inner-city pigeon control. All take note of these, the newest round of Abominations, and mark them well! [ October 23, 2003, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. NO! NO BAR MITZVAH'S! The entire concept makes me uneasy. In the future, the Bris will be accomplished by polar bear after death. So it shall be done in the Church of Seanachai! yes, write that down, R Leete The Zoning Commission will bow to my will, or be smitten! Or, ummm, I'll smite them, rather. I don't want them fancying me, just solidly whacked with deific power. And that reminds me! Abominations! We haven't had any lately, but someone reminded me: 2 Mullets are an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai! All those who wear their hair like they should be shouting out 'Play Freebird' at a concert (any concert, even Classical) are unclean, and shall not enter my Kingdom. 3 Pants that have their crotch down around the knees are an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai! And Seanachai spoke, and said: I don't care how much room you'd like to think you need for your tackle, you little weiners, you look like pillocks. And since it's bloody well impossible to run in 'gangsta' pants, they're a poor fashion choice for the criminal set. 4 Radio Shock Jocks are an Abomination before Seanachai! And on that day when the Kingdom of Seanachai shall come to pass, they shall be rounded up and put to some socially useful and productive work, like picking up garbage along the roadside, or dog-grooming, or inner-city pigeon control. All take note of these, the newest round of Abominations, and mark them well! [ October 23, 2003, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. Oh, and by the way, Sightreader, I think a certain amount of the difference between the IL-2 forum and this one is in the nature of the difference between the two games. Combat flight sims, by their nature, are games that involve huge burst of adrenalin in the playing. They tend to appeal to adrenalin junkies, and there is a great deal of frustration wrapped up in the game. Is it to be wondered at that these frustrated, wound up, competitive individuals also evince a certain amount of arrogance and are more prone to anger? Combat Mission, on the other hand, helps sublimate these emotions. Setup and orders assignment are thoughtful, calm, calculated matters. When things play out during the movie phase, the player is no more than an observer. He can scream, curse, shout, dance, and enact triumph, but he cannot affect anything until the next moment of calm, orderly issuing of commands. During the movie, most CMers probably experience catharsis, jubiliation, horror, or simply drunken despondency. Or something. But in order to deal with the next turn, they have to leash those emotions again and assign orders. It is the sort of game that's going to appeal to people that believe in taking time over something, thinking things through, and who are willing to wait and cope with the highs and the lows. To some extent, this attitude is reflected by the Forum. Now, an adrenalin pumper like IL-2 appeals more to people who are on the edge, into the instant of the moment, and who are pushing all the time. Not, in other words, quite as given to calm reflection or as willing to sit back and see what their fate will be. And their forum reflects that nature. A fighter jock who's gotten shot down is angry and unhappy, the same one who's truimphed is jubilant and cocky. A CM player may go through both those stages, and everything in between, in the course of one game, or even one turn. I think it tends to make them more philosophical.
  15. In keeping with the pronouncements of War, the title of this thread has been corrected.
  16. That's Four Horsemen of the Combat Mission Apocalypso As you are well aware, Andreas does NOT make mistakes, therefore Apocalypso must be correct </font>
  17. Dammit, where's my Temple! All there is here is repeated photos of what looks like a Briton version of Peenemunde, and an attempt to launch rocks at France! Did you lot know my Mortal Enemy has returned under a new secret identity? See if you can spot which one he is in the new Close Air Support thread. Oh, but don't be disruptive and post gibberish! The Grogs all seem to be playing nicely together, and we shouldn't ruin that. Well, any more than I already have, that is. [ October 23, 2003, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  18. Dammit, where's my Temple! All there is here is repeated photos of what looks like a Briton version of Peenemunde, and an attempt to launch rocks at France! Did you lot know my Mortal Enemy has returned under a new secret identity? See if you can spot which one he is in the new Close Air Support thread. Oh, but don't be disruptive and post gibberish! The Grogs all seem to be playing nicely together, and we shouldn't ruin that. Well, any more than I already have, that is. [ October 23, 2003, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. Continue with your very interesting discussion, gentlemen, but I must away to the Peng Challenge Thread that I love so well!
  20. Michael, I quite agree. Dooks posts have been interesting, but they cannot be accepted as having anything to contribute to a discussion of Close Air Support until he can learn to make broad, sweeping unsupported statements, waffle and dither when he's called on them, and get into the regular habit of attempting to disguise the fact that he was stating opinion as fact by using arrogance disguised as self-deprecation, along with the regular use of the expressions 'I read it once somewhere', 'I have a hazy memory of', 'I can't cite exactly when', 'It was in a seminal work the name of which escapes me right now', 'I wrote a paper about it, but apparently have no access to the sources I used', etc. etc. etc. Mr. Dooks, I foresee an interesting career ahead of you on this Forum. But you will never be taken seriously in any discussion of CAS until you can master a certain disparaging and haphazard stance of opinionated arrogance. Failing that, I recommend combativeness and psychosis. They're much more amusing, in any case.
  21. It's hilarious, isn't it? It's like he's come on to the Forum wearing one of those Groucho style fake glasses, nose and mustache ensembles, and now wishes to be considered 'rehabilitated'. Wonder if he'll keep it together this time?
  22. Actually, even the previous CAS threads were pretty well-mannered until a single poster, who's screenname was Cabron66, decided to have a psychotic episode. It seems that despite the fact that he regarded the thread as 'his', and only wanted to hear from people who agreed with his never clearly stated or thought out position on CAS, a number of people were simply discussing their own ideas and supporting them with actual sources. Rather than look like a fool for throwing a hissy fit in 'his' thread, Cabron66 went out onto the Board and found other threads where the people who weren't agreeing with him had posted, and then picked a fight over bogus issues that he thought wouldn't expose him as being a mean-spirited little wretch. He quickly escalated from daring people to 'knock the chip off his shoulder', to being abusive and vulgar. At that point several people stepped in and told him that he was getting worked up over nothing, that his name calling and abuse weren't appreciated, and that he ought to relax and develop a sense of humour. At that point he became even more abusive, to the point of looking absolutely ridiculous. When others finally realized he was either off his medication, or simply a troll, he was pretty much laughed at and ignored (laughed at in a number of places, and ignored in the CAS thread). He then suffered pretty much a total mental meltdown, sending out a flurry of personal emails, making vague and rather foolish threats, following people he'd had tiffs with to other threads and vilifying them, and erasing all his remarks in the CAS thread, then restoring them, then altering them, and, finally, doing god knows what with them, as well as going to BFC and demanding that a large number of posters on the Forum needed to be dealt with most harshly because he, Cabron66, didn't like them, and they weren't falling down to kiss his arse. Finally, like a sort of perverse Phoenix, he immolated himself in a thread that accused four of the people who he'd selected as his 'enemies' (how I missed getting on that list, I still don't know) as 'controlling the Forum'. From the ashes, arose the Four Horsemen of the Combat Mission Apocalypse. Of all Cabron's works, the only one of any value. What distinguished Cabron66's tenure was the fact that he consistently blamed other people for his own behaviour, waved red flags to distract from the fact that the only person with a problem was himself, made ridiculous accusations, was boorish, vulgar, and insulting, and then accused everyone else of the same behaviour. He then left the Forum, vowing never to return until he'd received a public apology. Had he been a clearer thinker, or, in fact, any kind of thinker at all, he would have stated that he wasn't EVER going to leave the Forum until he'd had an apology. I imagine that, in keeping with his petty nature and personal cowardice, that he'll simply come back to the Forum under a new screenname and then attempt to vilify others, degrade the community, and denigrate BFC from the camouflage of some supposedly 'reasonable' new poster. Such people have no personal honour, and very little real backbone. The internet, sadly, is the perfect medium for them to seek to validate their own insignificance and insecurity by means of posturing and arrogance, and provides them a no risk means of attacking and abusing others from behind multiple masks of anonymity. Still, if he'll come back and concentrate on stalking me and hating me as he should, all will be forgiven.
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