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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Yes, I see your point. What's the good of religion without a bit of the slap and tickle, eh? R Leete, go forth and round up a pack of Vestigial Virgins!
  2. Yes, I see your point. What's the good of religion without a bit of the slap and tickle, eh? R Leete, go forth and round up a pack of Vestigial Virgins!
  3. Well, I have to admit I'd love an on screen indicator of 'mounted up' units. It would have saved me many a shellacking when tanks were ordered in and I missed that lone MG team still perched forgotten on the rear as they headed in harms way. But, given that I know that fix will not be in, I see no reason not to be here for a bit of the sorrow and the pity. It's the look on their faces when the crushing 'No' comes down that helps ease my own pain. They say misery loves company, but I like it even better if you can get it to juggle a bit first and maybe do a little vaudeville...
  4. He lays them lovingly out in rows, you know, and strikes them with tiny mallets just to soothe me. They have a wonderful tone, if played right. You wouldn't think a person of Boo's large and thuggish nature could handle the grape mallets so deftly, but there it is. It's like discovering that in his spare time Caliban writes Haiku, or does watercolours.
  5. He lays them lovingly out in rows, you know, and strikes them with tiny mallets just to soothe me. They have a wonderful tone, if played right. You wouldn't think a person of Boo's large and thuggish nature could handle the grape mallets so deftly, but there it is. It's like discovering that in his spare time Caliban writes Haiku, or does watercolours.
  6. Bah! It is the wonderful outlet provided by the Peng Challenge Thread that keeps this Board in line. The Cheery Wafflers are pretenders. Worse, they are the problem! Holy War on the Goodalers! Smite them! Now see what you've done Sightreader! Get the impaling poles!
  7. Well, actually, the whole proposal seemed to go over pretty well. Instead of being met with a storm of protest and howls of derision, it garnered little more than insults, name-calling and a sort of dismissive 'sure, what the hell, let's make the Gnome a god.' Boo! Begin work on the Temple! (good thing he's such a large, stocky sort of lout. He should be able to put up something fairly magnificent in short order, I would think...) Now, in keeping with another recently read Pratchett novel, I think we should begin with the 'Abominations'. R Leete, ready a peacock quill pen and a sheet of the finest lambskin (check with Berli, I think he kacked a number of them in a recent RPG battle) to begin taking down my pronouncements on Abominations. We'll have Boo transcribe them to a stone monument with a chisel later when he's got a decent temple built. First Pronouncement: 1 Australians are an abomination in the eyes of Seanachai. Abominate them with great energy. If you would be seen as righteous in my eyes, you will bereft them of all their beer, and offer it up onto me, but not 'on' me, just setting it in front of me in a decent pint mug, or else just setting the open tinnie in front of me is acceptable as well. 2 If any man should offer comfort to an Australian, or speak well of them, or buy them a round, you shall cast him forth from your company, with a boot in the fork for good measure. 3 Should any woman go unto an Australian and have congress with him, even providing she could find one not too busy with the stock to give her a moment's notice, she shall be judged 'unclean', and no man may after speak with her, nor embrace her, and certainly no snogging, until she has been ritually cleansed with turpentine, a fire hose, and antibiotics, while ritual prayers are recited involving the word 'tart' used in a non-dessert orientation. 4 Vilify the nation of Australia in all your words, and offer up prayers that those 'roight bastards' shall get what's coming to them. 5 No man who would be right with Seanachai shall play cricket, nor rugby, nor football with any Australian, and 'Aussie Rules Football' is right out! [ October 19, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. Well, actually, the whole proposal seemed to go over pretty well. Instead of being met with a storm of protest and howls of derision, it garnered little more than insults, name-calling and a sort of dismissive 'sure, what the hell, let's make the Gnome a god.' Boo! Begin work on the Temple! (good thing he's such a large, stocky sort of lout. He should be able to put up something fairly magnificent in short order, I would think...) Now, in keeping with another recently read Pratchett novel, I think we should begin with the 'Abominations'. R Leete, ready a peacock quill pen and a sheet of the finest lambskin (check with Berli, I think he kacked a number of them in a recent RPG battle) to begin taking down my pronouncements on Abominations. We'll have Boo transcribe them to a stone monument with a chisel later when he's got a decent temple built. First Pronouncement: 1 Australians are an abomination in the eyes of Seanachai. Abominate them with great energy. If you would be seen as righteous in my eyes, you will bereft them of all their beer, and offer it up onto me, but not 'on' me, just setting it in front of me in a decent pint mug, or else just setting the open tinnie in front of me is acceptable as well. 2 If any man should offer comfort to an Australian, or speak well of them, or buy them a round, you shall cast him forth from your company, with a boot in the fork for good measure. 3 Should any woman go unto an Australian and have congress with him, even providing she could find one not too busy with the stock to give her a moment's notice, she shall be judged 'unclean', and no man may after speak with her, nor embrace her, and certainly no snogging, until she has been ritually cleansed with turpentine, a fire hose, and antibiotics, while ritual prayers are recited involving the word 'tart' used in a non-dessert orientation. 4 Vilify the nation of Australia in all your words, and offer up prayers that those 'roight bastards' shall get what's coming to them. 5 No man who would be right with Seanachai shall play cricket, nor rugby, nor football with any Australian, and 'Aussie Rules Football' is right out! [ October 19, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. I was, perhaps, misinformed. Dave H, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship... Pity you're such a pillock. But perhaps I shall redeem you.
  10. You poor, wee, hopeful bugger. The engine is the same as CMBB. The changes made are almost certainly primarily involving game play, not user interface, as user interface works well, and 'tweaking' things that work well enough simply doesn't rate given how quickly the game has been brought to release. You can, if you like, continue to hope, but perhaps it's better to simply let me stamp all over your hopes and dreams now, so as to hurry the process of your emotional scarring and move you through it into a calm place where you can function without weeping and cursing. The disappointment may only last for a moment, but I promise that having me stomp all over your hopes and dreams will see you through years of disappointment.
  11. No it's bloody well not. Explain yourself, or face the wrath of the Gnome. Don't make me get 'Uber' on your narrow, Aussie arse, you pillock.
  12. No it's bloody well not. Explain yourself, or face the wrath of the Gnome. Don't make me get 'Uber' on your narrow, Aussie arse, you pillock.
  13. She USED to be . . . in fact her whole family STILL is . . . until I helped her to see the error of her ways. Now, much enlightened, she cannot IMAGINE voting for a liberal. Steve </font>
  14. She USED to be . . . in fact her whole family STILL is . . . until I helped her to see the error of her ways. Now, much enlightened, she cannot IMAGINE voting for a liberal. Steve </font>
  15. Here, here, here, dammit! We'll have none of that sex club fetishism in this Thread! Take that sort of thing over to www.zoophilistgolf.com, thank you very much. Sodding Justicar is so absorbed in denying my godhood that he's letting the place become a horrible den of perversity, that he is. [ October 17, 2003, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. Here, here, here, dammit! We'll have none of that sex club fetishism in this Thread! Take that sort of thing over to www.zoophilistgolf.com, thank you very much. Sodding Justicar is so absorbed in denying my godhood that he's letting the place become a horrible den of perversity, that he is. [ October 17, 2003, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. Now teach the bugger how to go in the catbox. Bloody ammonia in here would blind someone in a hazmat suit.
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