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David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. Well, my support for Madmatt has just increased dramatically. It's the same with everything – people are opposed to change. I look forward to seeing what Matt makes of the site. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  2. Yup, you can assume your foxholes are sandbagged – actually modelling the sandbags would be tricky. Roadblocks don't actually seem to provide much cover. I tried to get a couple of squads to defend from a roadblock, and they kept running back to a foxhole from where they couldn't see the enemy. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  3. Stefan wrote: > In my books snipers and sharpshooters are the same.... I guess they are not so what is the distinction? I just answered basically the same question in the other current thread on snipers: At witch distance a sniper can shoot David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  4. Order Of Battle, ie. a unit inventory. ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  5. A sniper is highly trained in the art of stealth and camouflage, and his specific purpose is to take out high-value targets, be they high-ranking enemy officers, or soldiers in charge of important enemy assets. He operates alone, often behind enemy lines. A sharpshooter is just a soldier who can shoot well. His job is to support the infantry by killing important enemy personnel such as tank commanders and officers, or just generally harass the enemy, slowing their advance or confusing them as to the location of his colleagues. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  6. Aha, so we're talking more about 'wall bursts' than 'air bursts'. ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  7. There are no snipers in CM, only sharpshooters. They can fire within the range of their rifle, and their chance of hitting depends on their experience, among other things. They will not fire at point-blank range, as this would attract return fire they cannot cope with. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  8. The one-storey buildings in CM could in reality be one or two storeys, so I'm not sure a feature that applies only to one-storey buildings would be modelled. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  9. Make sure you distinguish between snipers and sharpshooters. ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  10. The one-storey buildings in CM simulate real buildings of one or two storeys, and the two-storey buildings could be up to four storeys in reality. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach." [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 09-22-2000).]
  11. I hope that was a joke. ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  12. You're probably aware of this, but first the stock answer: The ammunition in CM is abstracted – you get, on average, 40 'bursts' per squad (more for an MG), whereafter they can still fire, but will only do so infrequently and in self-defence. Airborne units in CM have the same number of 'bursts' as regular units. When designing a scenario, you can allocate more or less ammo to indicate differing levels of supply. I think the maximum is 50 or 60. As far as stockpiling is concerned, this only figures in operations. In a battle you get one ammo loadout. In an operation, your men can rearm between battles. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  13. In the same way that you don't see individual casualties, neither do you see medics tending to them. This is outside the scope of the game, but in reality it would be happening during the battle. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  14. There's no point in all this, since CM hasn't been Carbonised. It might run under the Classic environment (although apparently it doesn't), but this would be no different from running it on OS 9. I'm hoping Charles might find the time to do a Carbon/OpenGL version. As for the OS X beta – I'm a long-time Mac fan, but I won't be touching it with a bargepole until it's finished. You can't actually do anything with it – it's just for developers, and people who want to play around with the new interface. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach." [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 09-22-2000).]
  15. For the reasons detailed by Pham, I don't think there would be much point in modelling the sewers themselves. However, if the use of sewers were deemed to have been common, there could be an option to place a few exit points in a specific scenario, and when you start off you could allocate some of your men to the sewers. Then after a slightly variable length of time, they would pop up at the exit points. There could also be a chance of them not appearing, to simulate the possibility of an ambush. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  16. LOL =D kain wrote: > What about firing out the window? or door? Damnit, someone's gone serious on us. You couldn't do that unless you were standing on the threshold, which kind of negates the advantage of being in a building. You can't just stick the mortar out like a gun, because it needs to be at a specific angle, which is more vertical than horizontal. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  17. Banshee wrote: > I would suspect there would be several people who would be itching to lock threads (David for one, but I suspect he wants priveliges to the main forum) Right matey, this is getting locked down, and you're banned! Oh hang on, I'm not a moderator. Damnit. ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  18. With my limited grasp of German I still found that rather amusing. =) David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  19. Better late than never... Here is a link to the last time someone asked this question. The thread also has further links to the three threads where the roster was last intensively discussed. Question for CM veterans/experts... David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  20. I think you can now drive up the road, cliff or no cliff. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  21. The reason people like the Mac is because it is far less complex, and far more intuitive than Windows. You can say that Windows is effectively the same these days, but although it looks like the Mac OS, it does not work like it. However, the Mac OS still has elements of code dating back ten years or so. The beta of Mac OS X ('ten') has just come out, and the full version is due next year. Developers are really enthusiastic about this – it is the overhaul that the Mac OS has been needing for years, it is based on BSD Unix, and it is much more attractive to programmers. The beta has already sold tens of thousands of copies in the week or so it has been available, and the media reception has been very favourable. Windows has always been better for games. The Mac has always been a nicer OS to use. Being a creative type, and not too interested in games, I have never considered buying a PC. However, once OS X is out, I think the Mac will become a much more attractive platform to everybody. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  22. jdmorse wrote: > SO everyone, please back of. Huh? Is someone fighting? ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  23. M. Bates wrote: > It wouldn't take much work from BTS to create a PBEM or TCP players forum You know this for a fact? Wilhammer wrote: > I second M. Bates motion for a forum devoted to Opponent Hunting. I believe the idea was Banshee's. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  24. kb9sog, I agree that the lack of a flag would probably not make much of a difference were my scenario played between two humans. Played as the British against the AI, it actually did what I would expect a good human player to do – advanced across the bridge (which, incidentally, is at right-angles to the line of advance) and up to the woods, preventing me from shelling its forces with my 3in mortars. Consider that your ideas were implemented, and terrain values could be 'painted' onto a map. If there were one area of particular value, this would be effectively the same as a flag. If the high value terrain was more spread out, could both sides not occupy high-value terrain simultaneously? It seems necessary to have a single point of value, to encourage the combatants to contest it, instead of just picking their own bit of high-value terrain and taking pot-shots at each other. patboivin, you are aware that flags can be toggled on and off? (shift-F) David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
  25. Spook wrote: > Now, if one was to find evidence that establishes to all present people that some "Act of God" happened as an absolute historical fact, doesn't that kind of undermine the whole premise of religious faith? That's the inherent trap; to require of a religion's followers that these same people prove what they can't prove personally, but choose to take on "faith" as a "miraculous mystery." This is the whole 'problem' (so to speak) with religion. There are no facts – it is entirely an act of faith. It is difficult, if not impossible, to justify religion, because it has no basis in reality – it is all to do with belief and the invisible human spirit. But of course, religious people do not, or should not, feel the need to justify their beliefs. It is very easy for me to point out that the beliefs of religious people are inherited – if no-one told you about God, what would you believe in? You would probably end up believing in God anyway, but you would know nothing of the alleged events recorded in the Bible. I can also speculate as to why God seems to have abandoned this world for the past two thousand years. Why have we not seen any miracles lately? Some would argue we have, but they have certainly not been as obvious as those in the Bible. It is not so easy to counter, but there is no need. I choose to look at the facts, and whereas I do not rule out the possibility of the existence of some kind of a God, I do not wish to follow any organised religion. You choose to believe in the Bible. I have no right to challenge your belief, and you have no need to counter me if I do. However, there are some elements of Christianity with which I do take issue. Throughout history the Church has sought to suppress the population in the name of God. It has rubbished scientific revelations which suggested that Earth was not the centre of the universe, or that the human race was not put here by God, with all other lifeforms at its mercy. Even now there are prominent figures whose faith in God is purely for their own selfish ends. The grotesque TV evangelists found in America give Christianity a bad name. That is my only problem with relgion – otherwise, it is of no interest to me what other people believe, and I certainly do not feel threatened by it, as our friend M. Bates seems to. David ------------------ They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."
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