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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Juju

  1. Yeah, already have some ideas. The Americans advanced through Eindhoven during operation Market Garden. Son is just around the corner. There may be some interesting engagements to make along that particular highway to Nijmegen. Ehm, About those bikes... I'm actually half-German (by origin) so let's not, shall we? ------------------ I came, I saw, and I tripped and fell
  2. you know, I think we should crash the server every friday, what ho? Get a bit of the ole rest over the weekend and have a jolly fresh start on monday. No, really. You guys suddenly seem funnier than ever. And not only this threat... Aaah, that's THREAD!!! not threat, sorry... ------------------ I came, I saw, and I tripped and fell [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 05-30-2000).]
  3. LOL!! I don't care who Maximus is. This is the funniest thread in weeks!! And I already AM a Member (haha). Hey, G4A! I'll let ya in on a little secret...I like toast too! With fish, cheese, you name it. Aw God, I'm having fun! ------------------ I came, I saw, and I tripped and fell
  4. I can hear y'all thinking: What the heck does he mean! That is "y'all" except my fellow countrymen from the Netherlands. Yes, it's that little tiny country with the big big mouth. So, who's a Kaaskop, then? I know there must be at least ten of you hanging around here! Anecdotes about clogs, windmills, tulips, dikes and soldiers with long hair and beards will NOT be appreciated! ------------------ I came, I saw, and I tripped and fell
  5. Now I see why the honourable Mr. Peng doesn't need smilies to make a point!! ------------------ I came, I saw, and I tripped and fell
  6. Totally O/T this is, but some fifteen years ago there was this Hardcore-punk Vinyl record-zine. There was a song on it(called 'how old are you') that started with a telephone interview with Paul Stanley from Kiss. The interviewer asks Stanley if they don't think they're getting a little old for this. Stanley's reply was: 'I don't think age has anything to do with it.' I get the same question asked about games frequently, and I'm only 35 years old! Dowatchalike, Gilamonster! you're never to old for anything! ------------------ I came, I saw, and I tripped and fell
  7. Not really a Kraut, but well, I've been one. (Dad used to be a kraut). I'm officially Dutch since my 15th birthday or so. ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  8. 35, single, Barkeeper. ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  9. DAM, and he didn't even leave his email adress. That's it! I'm going to sleep! Yawn... ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  10. Quote (Gordon Williamson) ------------------------ ...Hitler was forced in 1938 to clarify the situation, writing that in time of 'national emergency' the SS-VT (verfugungstruppe, from may 1940 known as Waffen SS) would be used for two purposes: 'By the Commander-in-chief of the Army within the framework of the army. It will then be subject exclusively to military law and instructions; Politically however, IT WILL REMAIN A BRANCH OF THE NSDAP';adding, 'at home, in accordance eith my instructions, IT WILL BE UNDER THE ORDERS OF THE REICHSFUEHREr SS'. ----------------------------- Phew, anyway, Berli, I guess we're both a bit right. ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  11. Got it! give me a mo' be back in a minute...
  12. Geez, guys! gimme some time! Can't get my research done this way. I'm almost on it... I think. ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  13. JonS! That can't be all right IMHO. The SS surely is NOT a branch of the Wehrmacht. ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  14. I thought the Luftwaffe was one of the three branches in 'Das Deutsche Heer,' namely, Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine?? ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  15. Er, psssst...smbutler... Theyr're not Wehrmacht..., they're Luftwaffe. BTW, why the specific interest in killing axis soldiers? I'm just asking you know. ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way. [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 05-23-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: Just curious if anyone else noticed what's different about this group... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> God, I need to get a life! Okay, the medals ain't odd, we've been over them. Apart from Richie Cunningham there, the guys look pretty normal to me. As for the trees: They could be back in the Fatherland for some R&R and a couple of medals (richie and the guys, not the trees). So, I for one give up! So pleeeaase Von Lucke. It's pretty late over here and I'll never be able to sleep without an answer! Got any more riddle pics? ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra: What is the badge below the Luftwaffe Eagle on the centre character? I can't make it out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That, oh Babra, is 'Das Deutsche Kreuz.' Silver or gold, I can't make that out. Silver is for honorable military services to the war effort. The gold version was awarded for 'combat related efforts.' Hope this helps! ------------------ Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: There was only one because there was only one guy that needed it Seriously, they litterally ran out of things to award Rudel so they made up the award just for him. As it turned out nobody else got one. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not only that: Rudel also had a special version of the 'Frontspange fuer Kampfflieger' with a specially made (and unique) pendant with the number 2000 in diamonds (Rudel managed to survive the war with 2000 sorties on his name)! As Steve said: He seriously earned/needed it! Anyway, Herr von Lucke, I like a good riddle, but I like answers better. So, What exactly IS odd about this picture, Hmmm?? ------------------ Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: P.S. I won't recapitulate my question about what was special about Adolf Galland's Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. That one is probably still rotting somewhere in the archives (the question, not the decoration). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, I don't really know what the question was, but I did some checking and I think the answer is: It was special because HE didn't get it!!! There was only one awarded and that went to Hans Ulrich Rudel (Bf-109 and Stuka pilot, knew how to kick Soviet tank-ass very well). Adolf Galland was awarded the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. HOWEVER, I have been known to get things wrong..., from time to time... Oh dear... ------------------ Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.
  20. On the Hermann Goering Division thing: I have a couple of pictures in front of me that show white shoulder patches instead of black ones for the H.G. division. There's also a picture of an infantry uniform from the same division, also white. Maybe these patches are from a later or earlier date. Any insights on this anyone? Er, I meant the skull insignia thingies, of course, not the actual shoulder patches... ------------------ Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me. [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 05-23-2000).]
  21. Thanks, Bratch! Been playing this demo since november '99 and never came up with the idea of just trying to see if it was possible. Cool feature! Gonna try to make some POW's in my current PBEM. Oh boy, I can hadly wait! ------------------ Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.
  22. Bratch, do you mean to say you can actually move POW's yourself??? ------------------ Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aacooper: You've got your neighborhood mentally divided up into 20m x 20m squares.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...For that user scenario you're going to create where you'll get to defend your very own home to the last bullet and the very last man! ------------------ Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.
  24. I have this old boardgame (Patton's best) that focuses on the Sherman. Whenever your tank got KO'd there would be a small change that the vehicle would brew up (especially if the tank did not have wet stowage). Removing wounded crewmembers was a harrowing experience (for a boardgame). You'd just never know if the thing would light up like a Ronson while you were rescuing your buddies. ------------------ Combat Axiom #49. It could be worse. It could be me.
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