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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. As a designer who mostly does 2-player/German vs. AI stuff in CMBB, my reason for that is that I feel a bit more confident about getting the briefings to sound right for the German side, I normally have better information for this, and I just feel a little bit more confident about getting the situation right. That certainly does not have anything to do with German worship, even though I would not mind being worshipped a bit, myself.
  2. I do believe a lot of these reasons were given for the problems with the current British assault rifle as well.
  3. I think it was spread by cattle, myself. How about you Stefan? Moo, moo?
  4. Based on Toeppel's dissertation 'Die Offensive gegen Kursk 1943 - Legenden, Mythen, Propaganda', the following took place: 1) Manstein suggested an offensive as continuation of his Charkov offensive before the Rasputitza 2) Zeitzler strongly pushed for this idea (but after the war wanted nothing to do with it) 3) von Kluge saw it as the 'best solution' as late as June, despite the repeat delays 4) Manstein discussed the offensive in 'Verlorene Siege', saying it was fundamentally correct, but offering his defensive idea as an alternative (Schlagen aus der Nachhand). Whether this was in fact feasible, is debatable.
  5. In relation to Kursk, that point has been quite thoroughly disproven. In relation to other battles as well.
  6. Anything is possible, hence Bigduke's comment on the aliens, I guess. That does not tell us anything about whether it is also likely. The authors of the medical journal have some pretty convincing facts at hand that make them believe that it was a natural outbreak. Alibek on the other hand gets his facts wrong ('never before was there such an outbreak'- there was), makes unsubstantiated claims ('the German offensive came to a halt'- that should be easy to check from German war diaries, guess what the proponents of the thesis have not done), makes a probably wrong call on the pneumonia, as explained by the other authors, and (worst of all) became convinced of his thesis, before even talking to anyone about it. Well, it is a good thing that the hearsay/interpretation of what the elderly lieutenant colonel told him then was in line with the conviction he already had. But note that he did not tell him so outright, but instead 'left him with no doubt'. What does that mean exactly, especially considering that Alibek was already convinced of his idea? On top of that there is no evidence that the Germans suspected foul play - one presumes that as the leading country in medical research before the war they would have had alarm bells going if something so much out of the ordinary had struck them? None of this makes it impossible that Alibek is right of course, but taken together it makes it very unlikely that he is. The only way in which it depends on how you look at it is if your way of looking at it ignores all (or at least most) of the facts listed above, and the credentials of the publication publishing the rebuttal.
  7. OTOH - if you think about the feeling the German commander would have had at the end of your battle in real life, losing 19 KIA (all those letters to write, and you knew all of them because they had been in your unit for the last two years and survived Poland and France), 65 WIA, all for capturing a pointless crossing defended by some fanatical dead-enders in a fight nobody gives a flying monkey's about because they are too busy drooling at the thought of deep envelopments conducted by Panzertruppen. Getting an unexpected cease-fire may have come close to producing a similar level of frustration in you. Amazing what level of simulation CM reaches, isn't it?
  8. It is also possible that I am a Chinese jet pilot. Did you read the link that John provided? If so, what is your comment on it?
  9. Naa, we are all pretty much agreed that you are Lewis. How is that dozer simulation coming along?
  10. 100knots = 180km/h, or about 110mph. Experiment at your own risk - drive your car at that speed down the highway after heavy rainshowers. Jump out onto the soggy embankment. Once they have released you from hospital, come and tell us about it. Also make sure to leave your login information in your will, and stipulate for your heirs to let us know before they get any of the inheritance.
  11. Hi there Thanks again for taking the time to not only write this up, but also do an excellent job with the screenies. Very informative, and it felt very real. It is a shame the ceasefire feature came on in the end. Regarding your two comments - first on the map. While it turned out to have three approaches, I did not consciously design it that way. I am not really sure what I was thinking when I designed it, but you'll find landscape like this if you go to the area around Nienburg/Weser, where I am from. It maybe nothing special to you, but it is home to me. Regarding the dug-in tanks. That was intentional, because I thought it would be a nice feature to have. German accounts often talk of dug-in tanks, and I am not sure whether there are many scenarios using them. A comment on the way you played it - using the Pak as infantry support was a very good, historically correct move. I have seen a few comments saying that it made a good support weapon. Probably because it was light, had better precision than the IG18 due to higher MV, and a high rate of fire. There were also many more of these in infantry divisions than of the IG18, and they were pretty useless for anything else. You also managed to get out of it with low losses, for a CM scenario. Just under 20% is not bad at all. Great AAR, well played, and thanks for making the effort. If you have any other comments on the game, I would like to hear them. All the best Andreas
  12. Cory I do not think the infantry combat is something typical. While force density on the German side may have been typical, it was nothing of the sort on the allied side, especially compared to the east, where the Red Army would push a regiment down a frontage of 400m or less. Also, I am not quite sure how artillery support compared to what would qualify as 'normal'. I also have my doubts about the quality of the German defensive layout, since the units on the German side were not really experienced infantry fighters.
  13. If you speak German, or have too much money to spend, you can also get yourself a copy of Gerd Niepold 'Mittlere Ostfront Juni 1944' - I believe there is an English translation. Quite dry, based on KTBs I believe.
  14. Read the links:"During the terrible Russian civil war of 1917-1921, in which the fledgling Soviet regime defeated the dispersed and divided anti-Communist "White" forces, as many as ten million people lost their lives. Most of these deaths came not in combat, but instead were caused by famine and disease -- especially typhus. </font>
  15. It was not weeks, but on the day before the invasion. Here is the story. It originated in reality - anybody who claims differently has a very clear agenda. Nizkor.org
  16. Hi Harry I find it impossible to read with the blue on green, and I normally have quite good eyesight. All the best Andreas
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