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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Well, with bigger maps and lots of doodads, the 32MB card seems a bit slow. But it may also be the processor. Thanks for all the advice!
  2. I am more interested in scrolling speed. More VRAM would help with that, right?
  3. Well, I have several accounts of being successful with them in CMBB. Against open-topped and fully armoured vehicles. They are not ineffective, David's point is not correct. They are however no wonderweapon that destroys every tank, every time, they are used against one. We can discuss the degree, and whether CMBB makes them less effective than they should be, but the original statement by David, and your complete agreement with it are simply incorrect. As anyone with a bit of CMBB time under their belts will know. End of story. Edited to add - after checking, I realise that they may legitemately be considered ineffective, if you have completely unrealistic expectations. I am also wondering if David realises that under full fog of war you will not notice enemy casualties? [ July 09, 2005, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  4. Bets are now being taken on his next Username.
  5. I am now considering the gigadesign 1.6Ghz single and the ATI 9000. Upgrade package for less than €450 together, that does not sound too bad.
  6. While an American colonel evaluating the MC as a weapon in 1940 found it to be completely useless. Source: 'A Colonel in the Armored Divisions'
  7. Morning Following Paul's thread about the upgrade I started looking on what to do with my machine. I currently have the 32MB AGP Radeon 7000 (I think) which is a fine card. On Kelkoo I found a Radeon 9000 AGP 128MB for €129. Is that a good price for Euroweenies (everything is cheaper in the US, I know). Is the card decent with CM? Thanks in advance! Andreas [ July 09, 2005, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  8. While I dropped out of CMMC2 a long time ago for a variety of reasons, I can only recommend participation in such operational campaigns. I commanded the virtual 43rd Wessex in CMMC1, and it certainly was an eye-opener in terms of a lot of military things.
  9. I think Marcus is not around at the moment, and the server has chosen to cop it when nobody is watching over it. But I am not a techy, so that is just speculation.
  10. Hi Måkjager That's very good news indeed, thanks for posting. Apple's decision to go for Intel has left me high and dry with my next computer purchase, since I am no longer sure we will see CMx2 that will run on PowerPC OSX at this stage, and I am not ready to go back to PC again. So I will probably do what you have done, and upgrade the graphics card and the processor in the old G4/400. All the best Andreas
  11. If that is all you need, try calling/emailing the office, and see if they have a map/war diaries? Probably not worth to make an appointment for it.
  12. Okay, I just checked the Italian army site. They have a historical office: http://www.esercito.difesa.it/root/Sezioni/pag_storico.asp Contact details: Presso l'Ufficio Storico in Via Etruria, 23 - 00183 Roma Tutti i giorni feriali dal lunedi al venerdi dalle 09.00 alle 11.00, previ accordi telefonici. ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI Stato Maggiore Esercito - Ufficio Storico Via Etruria, 23 - 00183 Roma.Tel. 06/47358671 - Fax 06/47358062 E-mail: uff.storico@tin.it You can try to contact them yourself, alternatively, I am in Rome next week and may have some time to go and visit them. In which case I would need you to email me with as much detail on what you need as possible between now and Tuesday morning. It is highly likely that anything they may have is in Italian, only. I can maybe negotiate my way through their catalogue in Italian, but I won't be able to translate things, I think.
  13. Try either http://forum.axishistory.com (when it is running again), and there the European Axis Nations and/or WW2 in Africa sections. And/or http://www.comandosupremo.com/ I believe they have a forum as well. I am quite certain that the Italian army has a historical research unit, but that is from other people referring to it. Sorry to not be able to be more helpful. [ July 08, 2005, 03:22 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  14. You can check this paper for some info as well: https://calldbp.leavenworth.army.mil/carl/2003011508525769/wilbeck/wilbeck.pdf It is now a very affordable book by Aberjona press. Take the conclusions on numbers with a grain of salt however, they are overstated, in my view. As an aside, the level of the Heavy Tank Battalion still qualifies as tactical. I guess what you may mean is tactical, as well as small unit level?
  15. I have now received the book, and I am a bit unconvinced about the maths. As I understand it, he is using German kill claims. These are however almost certainly overstated. From what I understand, a 50% haircut was applied to all kill claims at the higher level, and it does not appear that Wilbeck is factoring this in. After the 50% reduction it appears that German claims and allied losses on all fronts seem to match reasonably. This does however not mean that the numbers Wilbeck arrives at should be halved, because I do not think that there is a direct relationship between the macro and the micro level here. Just that they are most likely overstated to a considerable degree.
  16. Weird. I have two copies of that book, and they BOTH say 15. This smacks of a CONSPIRACY. All the best, John. </font>
  17. The following is my view, and most likely completely wrong. It also applies to the west and Germany, not the Red Army in WW2. A division was the largest tactical combat formation, and the only one of these capably of conducting sustained combat operations with its own resources over the period of a few days, usually. Higher, operational formations such as Corps and Armies were a command staff that could not conduct combat operations with its own resources. Lower formations such as Brigade, Regiment, and below, would not have the weapons mix and logistical capacity to conduct combat with their own resources for very long. In the German military parlance they were called 'Grosseinheiten' (large units). In terms of units, a division would normally consist of three infantry, one artillery regiment, and divisional support units, consisting of specialised combat formations (pioneers, AT, recce, maybe AA, SPAT, signals) and logistical formations (supply columns, medical, postal, butcher, baker etc), and maybe a divisional training battalion. 'Teeth' and 'Tail' units. Artillery would usually be two or three battalions of light field artillery (usually 10cm variety) and one of medium (15cm), unless you are in a Commonwealth formation, where they all are 25-pdrs, but lots of them. Normally one battery would be assigned to each battalion. In operations, a division could be assigned its own sector and expected to take care of it with its own resources. In the line, the standard situation would be to have a two-up, one back arrangement. With divisional assets either in reserve at the command of the divisional commander, or assigned to the regiments. Artillery would usually stay under the control of the divisional staff, with close relations to the units upfront. A divisional sector would vary in length depending on the sort of battle the division was engaged in. A few kilometres for an attack, and 10-30km in defense, depending on the terrain and strength of the division.
  18. I think the point that Abbott misses, and that the cattle observer fails to make is whether all other things (numbers,training of the squaddies, support weapons, situational awareness, CCCI, etc.) being equal, a squad with an M16 would have a better chance to walk away the winner of the firefight, compared to a squad with the Kalashnikov? Since I have only ever fired the G3, P1, and MG3, and managed to miss most of the time, I decline to speculate on it.
  19. Someone who could finish his pint while I am still handing out the round to the rest of the lads?
  20. You think those Allieds need a good barrel reaming too? Don't try to project your phobias on me lad. Back to the lab with you. Fact is, as long as there are no sheep modelled, it will be impossible to portray the Commonwealth correctly in a scenario. Sad but true.
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