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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. The whole thing looks like it came out of the workshops of Major Photo Shop to me. Did anyone check the date? Nice one Wicky. All the best Andreas
  2. Thousands, out of millions. Stephan is right that it would be quite unlikely to see them in a CM battle. Especially since medics are not modelled. The 300,000 in the BBC article refers to the estimated number of partisans, not of women partisans. All the best Andreas
  3. I was not being defensive, just pointing out that I never consciously considered this to be a hedgehog defense scenario, but I can see now why one would think it is one. I agree with Jason that it is a good question, and I think it is a good thread. Ah, but in TDR you have a much much better chance, and better options than in CH. I think it is by far the better scenario. All the best Andreas
  4. 13 out of 11 Tigers destroyed. :cool: Gruß Joachim </font>
  5. This scenario can now be downloaded again from the 'Der Kessel' link in my sig. All the best Andreas
  6. Touché. That was not what I was thinking of though when you described a hedgehog defense, or to put it another way, a hedgehog defense was not what I was thinking of when I designed it. You have some DF assets, and I believe mortar support, which should help you to get across the open space. Considering the history of the scenario, it is quite interesting how it turned out, and that it has already spawned two very interesting threads (Krautman's AAR on the CMBB forum and this one). I should be quite chuffed with this one. In case anyone is looking for it, you can download it from the 'Der Kessel' link in my sig. All the best Andreas
  7. Wrong year, but a great little site. Thanks for posting. All the best Andreas
  8. It's the way it is for a reason. You don't just have tanks on the map. They are not all German. You can do a search in the archives on Borg Spotting, that should answer your questions. All the best Andreas
  9. Have a look at my signature. You just download the scenario files and put them into either the scenario or saved games folder. They will appear in your scenario list. All the best Andreas
  10. a) I never said that 'all scenarios are designed to have the human attack'. You have probably played more scenarios than I have, I can just go from my observation, and I have not seen many scenarios that say 'play as defender against the AI attacker'. There may well be, but in my observation there are not, and most designer statements I can think of make this point. Again, by necessity a selection that may or may not be representative. c) What's wrong with that kind of design is that it is not a lot of fun, since it is equivalent to shooting fish in a barrel, or sumfink. YMMV. For myself, none of my scenarios is designed as AI attack, and none for the last few years is a meeting engagement. All the best Andreas
  11. You can't do that, the game does not allow it, to prevent abuse of borg spotting. All the best Andreas
  12. I think those assumptions are not too realistic. If there is insufficient support for the attack, it will almost certainly fail, in my view. That seems to be the lesson from those sort of engagements during the war. Now, if you have some support: a) Try to think of it as a an operation - use battle one to establish the location of firing positions in the defense. Assign fire support to suppress those identified during the attack. attack from two directions at least, with one main attack, the other supporting, but capable to expand to be the main attack. Otherwise the defender can shift his forces to oppose just your main attack - you lose. c) use long-range DF support to keep the heads down in the sector you attack. Targeted on ID'd locations. Speculative fire on likely locations. d) Use constant mortar fire and HMG area fire into the perimeter to make re-deploying tricky for the defender. All the best Andreas
  13. Some sealion scenarios (one finished, two or three in testing, can't remember) are now published on the piss-poor replacement for Der Kessel that you can find here: I wish it was Der Kessel All the best Andreas
  14. The AI is not very good at attacking, that's why not too many scenarios are designed for this situation. All the best Andreas
  15. Looks nice. Tip of the day - when providing screenshots of maps, it is advisable for them not to show forces, or to post a spoiler alert. All the best Andreas
  16. Check Here for example All the best Andreas
  17. 291. Infanteriedivision, 18. Armee. History of IR 505 (in German) History of 291. ID (in German) Baltic 1941 Maps All the best Andreas
  18. I am not concerned about the outcome of these discussions, as long as I am proven right. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petr_Bagration All the best Andreas
  19. Stefan Seriously - you are trying to tell me that 'Bagration' was the term for the whole of the summer campaign of 1944, i.e. Byelorussia/Poland, Western Ukraine/Poland, and Romania? First time I hear that, but I may well have missed something rather obvious in the past. All the best Andreas
  20. Dear Stephan Then why are there two separate STAVKA studies on the operations? I also heard it was all one war, so since there were King Tigers near Berlin, can we count them too? When you are not busy spreading Communist disinformation propaganda, trying to lull the working class into being butchered for Stalin, please feel free to let me know what you think of the latest revision of ITBEv4. Yours in revolutionary spirit Andreyevskij
  21. What has August 44 in Poland got to do with Hungary Spring 45? :confused: All the best Andreas
  22. Yes, there were Royal Tigers committed to battle during Bagratian, at the tail end. It took place at the Battle of Sandomirz, 13 August 1944, during combats on the Visla. 6th Guards Tank Corps (3rd Guards Tank Army, 1st Ukrainian Front) was set up defensively and so found itself in the path of a local attack built on 501st Heavy Tank Abteiling, which was equipped with Royal Tigers. Elements of 16th Panzer Division also were in the area. </font>
  23. I am currently playing that operation as well, as the Germans. The only thing you can hope for is hail fire - I lost one of my King Tigers to a successive gun hit and immobilisation in the first turn. The other one has so far shrugged off about seven rockets from an IL-2 that went off very close by. Maybe you get better stuff later, but at the moment in our PBEM the battlefield is the graveyard of a Soviet armoured regiment, with little to show for it for him. PC - the map is too narrow to allow flanking, and with other stuff on the German side (Panzer IV, Nashorn, Pak 40, Panther) it is possible to shut those avenues completely. All the best Andreas
  24. Could not let them go to waste on my HDD. All the best Andreas
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