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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. The area bombing campaign by the RAF and the USAAF was not a war crime. Neither was the German Blitz on Britain, or the bombing of Rotterdam. All the best Andreas
  2. When have you ever seen me holding shandy? All the best, John. </font>
  3. Haughty reminder that life is all about choices. Insinuation that original poster is a spoilt brat with reading comprehension problems. Question why (if he finds it so f*cking easy to do all these things he requests) hasn't he published his own 3D wargame that blows our socks off a few years back. Call to bring back serious debates like the ones we had in the past, on Bren tripods and running with HMGs. All the best Andreas
  4. That looks like a nice one. Thanks a lot Wicky! Even a bit cheaper here in France than it is in the UK. All the best Andreas
  5. Hi In my continuing quest to shrink my computer corner, I am now considering Plan B. This is the cheapo solution which let's me keep 'The Tank', my old G4/400, and buy an LCD screen instead of the current CRT cinema display. I have an ATI 7500 32MB card installed, which is very nice for CM, although a bit on the slow side. I believe (will check when I get home) that it has two exits, ADC and VGA. Could I directly connect say, an LG L1740PQ 17 inch Flatron TFT Monitor to the card and would it run okay? Also, does anyone have suggestions for a 19" LCD screen in the €300-350 range? When I had a PC I used an LG screen and was quite happy with it. Cheers Andreas
  6. John just can't hold his Shandy. All the best Andreas
  7. Just to clarify, that quote refers to Kursk, IIRC, not Barbarossa. Jason is quite right that the expectation was that the campaign in the east would be over within months, if not weeks (IIRC, Halder's famous entry in his diary in early July 1941 saying that they had basically won already shows the idea it was based on quite neatly). The question raised by Haffner's explanation does only come up with the loss of the initiative in the east, the threat of destruction hanging over AG Centre, and the entry of the US in the war. Until well into November 1941, the Nazi leadership was quite clearly believing that they had wrapped things up. All the best Andreas
  8. Or to put in different terms, is the Fujitsu with a 17" screen, 1GB memory, and dual 80GB HDDs worth the €500 more that it costs compared to the Asus? Has anyone got experience with the Asus screen technology? Cheers Andreas
  9. I love this word ever since I have seen Italian comedians perform 'Fascisti su Marte' (Fascists on Mars), a series of sketches about a Fascist invasion of Mars on Italian TV that was squarely aimed at Berlusconi (so they cancelled it quickly, I believe). It was very funny. In the episode I saw the Captain in command plays with a football and knocks over a bust of Mussolini. The voice in the off then goes off on how desastrous it is, and the punishments awaiting the Captain, before it negates it all and says 'Il Duce is magnanimous. He forgives and forgets.', while the poor Captain is sweating awaiting his punishment for the act of sacrilege he committed. I guess you had to be there. All the best Andreas
  10. Not showing any bounds in my magnanimity, here is the explanation you want. magnanimous adjective FORMAL very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated I forgive you also for your youthful ignorance of the matters of language. Alles Gute Andreas
  11. Not many though. There is one well-documented incident at Dachau that I know of. This has become a cause célebrée amongst those whose intent is to whitewash the Nazis. Wild numbers of casualties are bandied about how many were killed. Quite often the number 560, while the relevant US report documents around 30 Linky - scroll down to post by Rob - WSSOB. This is actually discussed in the division's history 'The Rock of Anzio', written by a former member of the 45th Division, and a book on the matter can be bought through the website of the 42nd Division Association, IIUC. Try looking for mention of warcrimes committed in a German divisional history written by a former member. Let me know when you find one. I agree about the crucial differences, but weshould not forget that POWs were taken on all sides during the war, throughout the war, regardless of the nature of the fighting. Even German Stalingrad survivors tell of how they were treated medically soon after capture by Red Army physicians. All the best Andreas
  12. Hi I overlooked that post, because I was on a week-long work trip when you posted it. Next time, please inquire about my schedule first before making posts that you feel maybe of interest for me, to ensure I won't miss them. I will however forgive you for this time, since I am of the magnanimous type today. Do not err again and consider yourself warned. Alles Gute Andreas
  13. Thanks for the clarification - I am afraid this is an issue where it pays to be very precise about what one means when one raises it. I have come across arguments such as this which when challenged or questioned devolved into something rather nasty. Since that is what you meant, I would not disagree immediately, although it should be pointed out that there were not only these laws. There was also a whole Nazification process going on in the economy, boycotts of Jewish shops businesses, etc. pp. There are again parallels to that in the US (e.g. the Japanese who were deported to camps often lost their property and businesses), but that was after Pearl Harbour, so the context was different, IMO. Then of course there is the argument that these laws affected only the southern states, which means that not the whole US was evidently as racist, just parts of it. But in any case this has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. Thanks for the clarification. All the best Andreas
  14. It was amphibious, but CMBB does not model that. All the best Andreas
  15. Thanks John, but I have to decline. I find arguing with people who take their arguments from websites denying the holocaust leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. You go on believing what you want. There is nothing thinly veiled or ad hominem about it. You are either gullible, or a holocaust denier, if you think that VHO can help you on your search for the truth. Regards Andreas
  16. The answer to all three of these questions is 'no'. But that does not mean that Hitler was not interested in achieving equality with Britain, by domination of the European continent including Soviet Russia. I accept that the US was as racist as the Nazi movement the moment someone shows me the evidence of gassing/mass-murder of blacks, Japanese-Americans, Gypsies, and other unwelcome groups in US society. Until then, I think this argument is best left to the usual websites promoting Holocaust denial. All the best Andreas
  17. You can download a lot of this stuff for free, or get it for much less than US$225 from Merriam. Check e.g. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/ or http://www.merriam-press.com/ I got the Planning & Operations report there for US$5 as PDF. To give you an idea. All the best Andreas
  18. John You are walking some very dangerous ground here. VHO is a to the best of my knowledge a holocaust denial site. If you bring this up here you are putting yourself in very nice company. Do you really want to go down that road? I was prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt regarding your memory, but with every post you make you are digging yourself deeper into the hole of being a Nazi apologist who uses websites promoting holocaust denial to excuse the wartime crimes of the Nazis. What's next, David Irving to tell us that Adolf did not know about the Holocaust? Ernst Zuendel to tell us that there was no Holocaust? If I were you I would seriously consider where you are going with this. Linky If VHO told me the time I would get a second opinion. And if you or anyone believes at face value what VHO writes on anything there are only two possibilities: either you are extremely gullible and have taken (temporary) leave of your facility for critical thinking, or you are a believer in Holocaust denial. Which is it? Regards Andreas
  19. Hi Schrullenhaft Thanks a lot for the very good advice. I probably take it home for my mother-in-law, who currently has a P II 266 working at home. She already has the screen and keyboard, so it would be the best machine for her. She is also not much into 3D gaming. All the best Andreas
  20. If someone could mention something about difference in displays, that would also be appreciated. All the best Andreas
  21. Fujitsu with Nvidia Asus does a cheapo one with Nvidia Go 7300. Euro 1090 here in France. Asus Nvidia All the best Andreas
  22. I looked around yesterday and Fujitsu-Siemens does what looks like a nice system for a decent price. You can also do a search, I have asked this question before. I think you have to expect to shell out at a minimum of €1,400. All the best Andreas
  23. It is actually very quiet - I sit next to it every day, it is on the desk. Certainly much quieter than my tank, err, G4 at home. All the best Andreas
  24. Thanks for that. I'll probably still take it home and give it to my parents A laptop would of course be the ultimate in terms of space-saving, but that would cost ca. €1,000 more. All the best Andreas
  25. Hi Got the offer to take home this PC Dell Optiplex GX 260 for a small fee. Question is whether this would be worth it - it needs memory (UKP100 for 1GB), a graphics card unless the built-in Intel 845GV or whatever its called can handle CM (and the best it could take appears to be AGP 4x which I make to be an ATI Radeon NO FOG 128MB or Nvidia MX440) at UK25, and a new HDD at say UKP50 to play CMBB and maybe IL-2 FB (which is all I want). Then I would need to buy a monitor at UKP200 and a wireless router at UK25. Total system cost including the fee UKP300 (US$450) plus the hassle of putting it all together. Processor is a Pentium 5 2.4. Any views on this? Is it worth getting considering the follow-on cost? The prime reason for getting this over my G4 is that it would be a space-saving measure compared to the G4 tower and that I could play IL-2. All the best Andreas
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