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Everything posted by Kurtz

  1. I have used the command vehicle today, suddenly it's a completely different game! But the labels change between "name" [player or bot name], "mission" [e.g. "Defend" - even for enemy vehicles on the attack] and "type" [e.g. "Paladin"] I couldn't find any control to change this info. :confused: Edited because it's named "tactical display", not "command map". And 'n' change labels. [ April 09, 2006, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Kurtz ]
  2. After updating, account info is lost and replaced by the name of the currently logged in user (Windows). No big deal,as long as you remeber your password. This didn't happen after previous upgrades. Maybe this is a side-effect of moving the user's settings files?
  3. Hurricanes are very powerful against wheeled vehicles. A near miss will almost certainly give at least a mobility kill, and often more damage. It's not unusual to see a burning, but alive, vehicle rolling away from a near miss. But that's not really a problem. Availability/pricing will take care of over-use of a certain vehicle. Another thought that may have been mentioned before: The drop ships drop straight down, making them easy targets. Couldn't they "spiral" down or make some other kind of evasive manouvering during the descent?
  4. It's free now, that's all we know. The next version of Boot Camp may have another license agreement. And this is a beta, so there should be newer versions in the future. Boring license agreement
  5. The ones I've seen were man-portable devices. The Russians have similar systems mounted in BTR vehicles (with huge antennas). The obvious counter-countermeasure to these countermeasures would be RF-homing guided shells.
  6. Drop Team will be Universal Binary (i.e Intel and PPC-compatible). They need to get UB versions of some third party code they're using first.
  7. I can live with accuracy of the bots. I thinks it's compensated somewhat by their behaviour. But the ATGMs from the base on the ice map can be really annoying. The effect is that you have drop really far away (if you haven't deployed sensor jammers) and spend a lot of time driving. More use of sensors and command vehicles will allow you to drop in "safe zones", right now you can find yourself dropping right in the midst of the enemy! :eek:
  8. I agree with yurch on the disruption factor of Hurricanes. They have that name for a reason. It's fairly easy (at least against bots) to just zip through them and fire a shot "from the hip". Disruption and intel at the same time. Of course, the risk of being involved in a "traffic accident" is pretty high. And I hate it when I'm on the receiving end of someone using the same tactic. :mad: But we are still learning the game, and adapting to the two scenarios we have. But now I see sensor jammers being used regularly, command vehicles are used too. A factor that currently hampers teamwork is lack of players. Sure, you can boss around the bots, but it's not as fun as coordinating plans with other humans. Regarding too many vehicles with big guns: this is an availability problem, not a game problem. I guess the number and types of vehicles is decided by the scenario designer. In the demo scenarios I guess all types are represented and in sufficent number so everyone can try them. It would be frustrating if you really wanted to try some Übertank and there was only one available. [ April 01, 2006, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: Kurtz ]
  9. Yes, it says the team commander is the only one who can call in fire missions (or something to that effect). The problem is that I never wanted a fire mission. I wanted a resupply. And I press the key to get a resupply and somehow DT thinks I've requested a fire mission. I haven't found any way of reproducing this issue. As I said, sometimes it works (= I get resupply), sometimes it doesn't (= I get a fire mission which I don't have authority to demand) The worst case scenario is if I demand resupply as team commander and bring down a fire misssion on myself!
  10. Got this again today with 0.9.42, but only in some games. Later it worked fine, on the same server and the same game session (DT was never shut down). I got resupply remapped to F8 key, so it was definirely not the wrong key. Fire mission is still on Ctrl-F.
  11. I think more teamwork will come when we have learned the controls. One problem is that typing commands takes away your attention from what's going on in the game and prevents you from manouvering. Another "problem" is that most people want to drive around in a vehicle with a big gun, not using a command vehicle to issue orders. But that will probably come as well.
  12. On the other hand, I've been blasting away 20 mm AP from a Hermes into the underside of a tank trying to get over an obstacle - to no effect. Distance: across the "courtyard" of the ice base. There were sparks to indicate that I hit the tank.
  13. In other words: a feature. Thanks for the explanation.
  14. Same problem here. I tried to create a new account to test, but the registration failed.
  15. I get minor freezes, not a severe as you guys. Usually only 1-2 seconds (which is annoying too!), sometimes a few seconds longer. I'm using a GeForce 4200.
  16. Frequently I have seen triangles indicating enemies below the horizon that disappear (the triangles) when I center my field of view on them. They are only visible from the edge of the screen halfway to the center (25% on each side). When centering, they disappear, only to reappear when I turn my vision away from them. Bug or feature? I have only noticed this on the ice map.
  17. Good point! There are situations where suicide is the only option. Sometimes you can't extract because you're too close to the defender and he will kill your drop ships every time you try.
  18. Pretty sure as the suicide happened just as the Rigtheous Wrath from my Hurricane was in flight towards them. However, I don't see this happen as much anymore. Maybe players have stopped doing this, my post was when the beta was just released and a lot of new people were playing.
  19. I think I misunderstood the commands. I thought it was [key1] AND [key2] when it apparently was [key1] OR [key2]. I thought both keys was needed. However, I can't assigne a dual key comamnd to just one key. But I can assign both to the same key.
  20. I haven't noticed that there are two different drop ships. Still, since it doesn't detach immediately, I assume the ground vehicle is supposed to stay attached.
  21. I was very careful not to press 'f' But I haven't been able to reproduce the issue.
  22. When doing a resupply, the ammo is replenished fast, but the dropship stays attached for a long time. If you move away your ground vehicle, the dropship will stay on the ground (=sitting duck). Would it be possible to either slow down the ammo replenishent or give some feed back if something else is done. It would feel more reasonable if the drop ship leaves when the ammo is full. I'm not arguing about the time it takes, that seems reasonable and balanced, but it feels strange to have to wait while "nothing" happens.
  23. Not just Linux. previous thread
  24. Sometimes (not always), ctrl-r becomes the command for a fire mission when it should be (according to the list of commands in the game) the Resupply command. This has happened to me a few times (and some other who asked on the chat). Sometimes resupply (ctrl-r) works. I have been careful not to press the wrong button (they are close on the keyboard).
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