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Everything posted by Kurtz

  1. How about "friendly" fire in general? CMBO allows for "friendly" fire between troops, but not between vehicles (to my knowledge at least). What if your Pz IV fires at captured T-34 in your service?
  2. Uh-oh! I'm not sure I really want to know what kind of grenades were fired with this thing. :eek:
  3. You could make a Finnish version of the game. It would be easy, you only need three terrain types: water, marsh and tall pines.
  4. Won't AP and HE (in most cases) have different trajectories? Or is this tactic meant to be used on short distances where this shouldn't be that much of a problem?
  5. Assuming, of course, that people would actually read the manual. Well, with a better manual (although I think it's good) we can tell all newbies to RTFM instead of telling them to Do A Search .
  6. I don't know, but here comes the non-alcoholic refreshments: Can we have a new CMMOS category: Silly Mods?
  7. The impact pattern is always east-west regardless of the direction from the FO to the target point. On-board artillery (mortars) have greater dispersion in the direction they are firing.
  8. Oh, behave!!! There are plenty of comp.jihads you can join, try one of these: alt.microsoft.sucks <a href="http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&group=alt.linux.sucks" target="_blank"> alt.linux.sucks</a> Sorry, Mac-bashers, there is no alt.mac.sucks, at least not on Google. A Linux version of CM isn't meant to replace the Windows version, but to complement it. Just like the Mac version didn't replace the Windows version. But if we who use LInux and want CM to be ported to it do not express our wishes, how can BTS know that there is a wish for it? There is no need to argue about how good the latest version of Windows is, Windows-users (and Mac-users) will get their CM anyway. Porting CM to another OS will of course be more work (Slapdragon made a post on page 1 of this thread about porting MacOS X-apps to Linux), but only BTS can decide if it's worth the potential trouble. I would definitely buy a Linux version, and there seem to be a few more potential customers. But BTS must bring out the crystal ball and see how widespread Linux will be when CM II is released. [ February 16, 2002, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: Kurtz ]
  9. There is an article at Osnews that might be interesting: Direct 3D 8.0 Wrapper for OpenGL From the article: The speed or efficiency of the wrapper depends mainly of the OpenGL extensions supported. Since most of the time is consumed on rendering and not on API calls, this should be as fast as the original Direct3D code. But you know, the goal is to get the DirectX API available on non-Win32 platform in order developers be able to create or port actual Direct3D 8 code. Even if there is a performance penalty, I think there are good chances that this will be compensated by the lower overhead of the OS. I'm still using W98 for gaming, but who knows what will happen with next version of DirectX, perhaps it will only be available for XP/2000. And a Linux version of CM would do wonders to my uptime!
  10. It has happened to me!!! An american 155 was about to be overrun in a dark and foggy QB. The FO aborted the ongoing fire mission and spontaneusly called fire on the enemy, who was only 11 meters from him!!! The rounds came TRP-quick (but there were no TRP), after about 20 seconds, IIRC, the guns were firing. The resulting 4 155 mm rounds killed the FO and the Germans who were in the area. I thought it was a feature.
  11. If those hadn't been duds, there wouldn't have been anyone to tell the story. Duds probably get more exposure in stories because they were the exception, not the rule. An exploding round would just have been a "normal" occurence, hardly worth specific mentioning.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Graaf Spee: But why destroy them? You get your points by just preventing them from exiting. <hr></blockquote> But won't you get more point if you destroy them? Points for destruction + points for not letting them exit? Nice to see a fellow poet, Gyrene!
  13. I noticed that it is possible to see which of my enemy's units that should exit for points. This is only possible when the units are fully identified. The information is available on the detailed information screen. This makes it possible to concentrate your efforts to primarily destroy those units that would give the opponent exit points. Not that I would do such a thing!
  14. One thing that makes city fights difficult in CM:BO is the complete lack of cover between the houses (pavement). Judging from WW2 photos, there was often a lot of rubble in the streets, since many cities had been hit by artilery or bombs in addition to the damage done by the actual fighting. On many photos it seems as you could only drive a vehicle in the mmiddle of the street, where there weren't that much debris from the houses. The fact that there is no way to move between the houses is understandable, perhaps the trenches in CM:BB could be placed inside huoses, making it possible to move between them. The cost of trenches could represent the work necessary to make passages through the walls.
  15. My suggestions for scenario management improvements can be found here [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Kurtz ]</p>
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gyrene: Kurtz: Which capture job do you mean? Mine or Valve's? <hr></blockquote> I was thinking of Valve's movie, you wrote which programs you used. Nice movie, I liked the "scratches".
  17. Cool! How was it captured? VirtualDub is a nice and free (GPL) program to edit avi-movies. It's able to lower framerates and cut / append movies. Unfortunately, it can't capture movies from the screen. [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: Kurtz ]</p>
  18. That's because the AI knows that there is no chance of getting the troops on the second floor out before the building collapses when your opponent brings up a Wirbelwind or a 40 mm Bofors gun.
  19. Well, things didn't work out quite as planned. But there will be new Coca-Cola trucks, hopefully this year. In the meantime: <font color=red size = +3>Merry Christmas, everyone! </font> [uBB editing ] [ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Kurtz ]</p>
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Let me type what I did this time last year: I just want the truck. How much for the truck? <hr></blockquote> Do you watch Blues Brothers every christmas?
  21. Well, it's not quite finished yet. This is a screenshot from last year's mod: But it will be finished before Christmas, and in the meantime you can check out how it looked last year and the SS-Weihnachtsgrenadiere . You can also check this thread for a nice screenshot from mike8g. [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Kurtz ]</p>
  22. That's correct. The mod package includes both Christmas trees and snowmen, in addition to the vehicle textures. Last year's Coca-Cola truck mod is also available as a separate download. Download it here
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by phil stanbridge: Now... Did you actually mod those trucks or is it a lovely photoshop trick? <hr></blockquote> What's the difference? It's a beautiful mod made with a few Photoshop tricks. You can download last year's Coke Truck mod from the SS-Weihnachtsgrenadiere homepage
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