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Everything posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. oh as far as the pbem - BTS asked us if we wanted to delay the shipment until the TCPIP was complete we voted no by an overwhelming 90 +% so they are going to give us a bug free patch about 4 - 6 wks after at our request. SS_PanzerLeader........out
  2. Hi and welcome, i'll try and answer these to the best of my knowledge I believe the difficulty level can be increased by unit quality/quatity. The Ai is designed to offer a game as close as possible to human reactions to a situation, I'' let otheres expand more on the AI but I find it better than anything I've seen. Squads/crews can bea carried over into the next scenario of an operation THe maps can be a maximum of 5 km by 5 km - pretty damn big :-P You have total freedom of design in the editor and you have the DYO which you can set general prefs an let the computer design the scenario at random Hope that helps SS_PanzerLeader....out
  3. Wellit wont be long til the new version, ie gammon bombs, stickybombs, mines etc. Plus fausts that will fire :-P GOD I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER ARHHHHHHHHHHHHGH :-P SS_PanzerLeader.....out
  4. DAMNIT MAN!!! where the hell was Patton? was'nt he the one to set the allied traffic problems straight? :-P SS_PanzerLeader....out
  5. TO DOUG BEMAN: I take that as a challenge; the gauntlet has been thrown down............... SO............... "Thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpppppppppppppppttttttt" Email me you scenario of choice/side If you dare SS_PanzerLeader......out
  6. HEHE i think those of us that have ordered should get the beta to hold us off til the order is filled :-P SS_PanzerLeader.....out
  7. If the way points were bigger i think it would take away the principals of fine tuning don't ya think? SS_PanzerLeader.....out
  8. Should'nt the size of the rubble be relative to the construct of the building? i.e. stone will leave more rubble that wood. Also a bigger building would leave a bigger pile. Also I wish this woulda been cleared up earlier :-P SS_PanzerLeader..out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-19-99).]
  9. Hi guys Im playing an AAR with FIonn and I had read many reports on rubble and buidling demolition, ratholes etc. I had gotten the impressions through these various posts that rubble would cause as much problem or more for los thatn the actual building itself. Unfortunately this holds true only for infantry, you armor is not safe behind a building if it is reduced to rubble it is visible to other armor, the previous posts didnt cover this and unfortunately I just found out the hard way. DO NOT RELY ON BUILDINGS FOR COVER for armor; Despite what conclusions ya may have drawn from the rubble posts. At this point I would really like to see building deterioration so you get a better idea of where you stand . Just lost the advantage SS_PanzerLeader
  10. MATT I"D say you managed a topless club or lol (no offence intended just wild guesses here) maybe a gay bar? Im lookign at the club /manager connection - or maybe You were a clown at the rodeo SS_Panzerleader [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-19-99).]
  11. Easy take her the mall buy her something nice - say I got this for you because I did something for me and it jsut seemed fair SS_PanzerLeader...out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-19-99).]
  12. Well I have played numerous times and haven't witnessed any shots that I deemed impossible as of yet. I don't know what to tell ya Greg if your seeing this stuff happen way to often Maybe your standards of what is plausible are much different than mine. I'm not seeing tanks spin in place, go wherever they please, nor find los through stone walls. I'm also not seeing tanks explode on their own either. As far as these wild shots I have yet to see any; I'm sorry but I must concur with FIonn on this one as I do play this game alot. If one of these incidents does happen; Well - I can't find myself grumbling too much because of the amount of games played in relation to the events described make a real steep ratio. SS_PanzerLeader...out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-18-99).]
  13. I got the regular TNT 2 diamon 770 works awesome for CM SS_PanzerLeader........out
  14. DEAR SANTA _ STEVE I know that we've been reasonably good little Grognards, so I hope that instead of that large bag of spent shell casings that you had in mind for us, that you might consider instead; the new scenario boxed set limited edition. Of course the box is unimportant its whats inside that counts :-P Ahh the the exasperations of joy upon opening our newly aquired gift pack would ring out throught the battlefields. The astonishment of the soldiers to see them forced into battle once again over the holidays, blood and steel carange on the new fallen snow - as a massive tank engagement errupts across the wintery plains. Screams of excitement as men fight through the burning streets of of yet another European city. Then theres sleeply little hamlet where the rear eschelon thought they were safe for the hoildays - no rest for the wicked. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.......... I wont hit my little brother anymore I promise! OK but seriously I know this is asking maybe a little much - BUt one really sweet engrossing, encompassing battle that could just.... suppress this damn addiction you 've created lol OR on second thought s how bout just letting us prepays have the beta version that the tester s got I do wish yOu guys a wonderful Holiday regardless - THis game has made my year! How in thehell im going to fit my studies in is scary:-P SS_PanzerLEader.........out
  15. yah that is the guy :-P SS_PanzerLeader...out
  16. HEHE ELVIS Thats the spirit bud! SS_PanzerLeader...out p.s. I wasnt trying to be nasty in case ya thought I was :_P
  17. Yah CueBall that is anice idea except That a Brummbar won't help ya much as allies :-P SS_PanzerLeader....out
  18. I must agree with Schrodi here, most houses inthe united states are poorly built, in the south is even more evident as many places have only just incorporated the use of building codes within the last 10 - 20 years, there are still some areas that dont use them at all. Many places have building codes but the enforcement of them is severely lacking. SS_PanzerLeader..out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-17-99).]
  19. LOl yah that comes from a guy who also gets his wisdom from fortune cookies :-P SS_PanzerLeader........out
  20. My contention is he is one of those people who tries impress others with his astounding vocabulary, hoping to draw attention away from he fact he's full of sh**t. His condecending attitude is most annoying and his ideas that CC 'ariel' maps are a work of art are quite amusing. If I were BTs I would'nt worry about him or his sales because based on his postings he hasn't any friends to recommend a game too. SS_PanzerLeader....out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-17-99).]
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