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Everything posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. thanks for replying moon, almost answers it- you say that you can use the same settings again, but does this mean I can actually save them to drastically reduce the time to generate another scenario? Or must I start from scratch and re-enter allthat info again? thanks ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-22-99).]
  2. Well if for example I hage 1000 pts to spend and you have 1000pts if I buy tanks and you buy 50 cal mgs - is it the scenario being silly? THis thread was set up to find people that are interested in playing CC2 Battlemaker Style play for daily ladder competition purposes, those interested in recreating historical battles are free to do so, as I also will be playing them but for competitive purposes I find it probably an unlikely style of play. SS_PanzerLeader...out
  3. YAh knaust that is what i had in mind except they take too long to make on the fly - 45 min + so, i had asked on other threads if portions of this could be saved in order to cut down on the time, just generating a random map for each time the scenario is played form saved overall parameters. That would be very kool then all you would have to do is decide which point settings /style of map you wish to play then load the saved parameters and let the comp draw a random map - viola diff game everytime major FOW [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-22-99).]
  4. That is what the historical scenarios are for- Point based scenarios allow total control over unit purchases; compensations are made pointwise to deal with the german heavy armor as they were in CC2 - this game will make it alot easier to balance the fact germ players like to field heavy armor; but as far as realism is concerned point based is unrealistic in a historical aspect to start with - I dont recall any instances where a germ officer was given total control over exactlywhat force he had to work with in a singe battle < but perhaps I'm wrong ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-22-99).] [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-22-99).]
  5. That is why I feel tcp/ip will be the answer to these problems using a point vs point competitions where you control unit buys, this will keep the game fresh everytime. ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  6. I agree Lokesa the strategy level dramatically increased when you had control over unit purchases- it could win or lose a game if you did'nt purchase wisely. This system will smoke CC in terms of this style of play IMHO and I cant wait:)
  7. to be honest I dont feel we are going to be able to ensure accurate and honest ladder play until tcp/ip is released. Only then will there be parameters to implement FOW SSPL ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  8. on the formula I created I will also take into account loss ratios for vehicles and and troops. If for some reason I cannot getthis done in time I will be happy to share the formula. ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  9. k man thx for the input ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  10. Hi Guys I would like to get an Idea of those who are intrested in playing scenarios where you have total control over purchases, rather than historical scenarios. DOnt get me wrong I'm, looking forward to the scenarios - but for competitive games I prefer this method and was wondering who else would be intrested in this style of Play. ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  11. I was wondering if some one could clear this up. In the scenario design method using a designated point quantity approach; will you be able to control the quality of the troops you purchase and will there be a significant variation in cost if so? I.e. Can I purchase elite rather than conscripts :-P Also: Why using the Dyo willthe random map generate a (different) random map to specifications each time the map is used to consistantly gain a map with the same overall settings yet will be blind on each new game? If this isnt possible will you be able to save your overall setup prior to execution so that you can play matches on the same setting to get that blind game every game using points? Thanks
  12. I was jsut wondering what os will be supported Win 2000? Win NT? LInux? ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  13. CrapGame I wan't having problems firing bazookas - it is the fausts
  14. UGhh CM will not be delivered in a box, all CM deliveries will arive as newborns via the stork :-P ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  15. I was also looking into doing this witha friend - the formula we would be using would be of similar in style to chess rankings - taking into account opponent rank as well as incativity etc. These would be complimenting many factors of CM performance not only win/loss ratio but also The quality of leadership involved based upon various aspects of the AAR with relation to the enemy. OVerall ranking will be determined through all games played vs an opponent - tournament or ladder. Im trying to get it developed before the holidays ends because school starts soon. If I can pull it off - I'll Make a post about it - the formula is there and I've started writing a program to automate but still in progress. SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  16. Mr Peng My brand a whoop ass only comes in extra strength, and I'm afraid a shot glass would be overkill, on the Paulie Shore - wanna-be likes of you :-P In other words Im the King Tiger and YOU'RE the Weasel SS_PanzerLeader...out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-21-99).]
  17. just wondering if ya were taking the cost into account - and if it was significant ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader....out
  18. Hmmn what about the cost of processing all these pennies to their rightful owners? :-P SS_PanzerLeader..out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-21-99).]
  19. Well they could make this a tcp/ip option only SS_PanzerLeader
  20. UGGH that would be kool but i really dont think you want to hear me swearing at you while we play LOL SS_PanzerLeader .....out
  21. I've played umpteen games and never has my faust fired upon an enemy tank; in ce i literally had one surrounded by 5 units not including a schrek - none would fire including the schrek :-P. (the schrek was an unusual occurance tho.) well low and behold 'm playing rommel I count on this not happening 'cause ive never seen it yet and he blows up my tank with a faust _ARGGGGHHH. SS_PanzerLeader..out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-21-99).]
  22. HEY MR PEng YOU had better leave THe KING alone eLse I personally dedicate a can a whoop ass in your name SS_PanzerLeader.......out to kill
  23. Fionn, I have had a celeron 300a overclocked to 451MHZ, It ran great, but cooling is a major concern. Also the amount of cache on the celeron is half of that on the p3. Some will swear going from celeron @450Mhz to a P3 500 warrants no noticible difference in performance; but As a gamer and one that likes to mutlitask I found this to be a misnomer. I have never owned an AMD I am thinking about trying an athalon 750 on my next system build but odds are I will probably grab dual MB and run dual P3 500s for a while, since i screw around with graphics alot and multitask. the p3 500s are a Great buy right now. Abit has just come out with a few new boards that are very upgradeable whichs if you are going for a new motherboard you want to keep in mind. Personally i would lean away from overclocking because of the cooling factor- it took me 6 chips before i got one that was 'gauranteed stable' to not overheat.if ya want any info on where to shop online I can give ya some places that are reputable that i deal with. Although I'm not certain how the overseas factor will play on that. SS_PanzerLeader....out
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