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Everything posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Tell ya what then Elvis - - you keep playing what ya got and ignore any new scenarios that Santa may bring for christmas - then we'll all be happy SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  2. UGHH not really Moon :-P Now youve made me have more questions Are you saying that we cant make point based maps using the editor ? In other words will I not be able to make a map tile by tile and assign points to either side to spend _ I really hope this isnt the case thanks SS_PanzerLeader.............out
  3. LOL nevermind the date how bout the fact that they attributed it to be a singlehandedly US Operation :-P SS_PanzerLeader.....out
  4. hi I asked this question on another thread so I'll go ahead and answer it save them retyping :-P OK There are two seperate features of the editing system from what i understood. 1. an editor which enables you to freely design anything based on the tiles; so anything you can think of, can practically be done. 2 THE DYo editor this allows you to pick some overall options like you mentioned above and then the computer randomly designs the map KooL HUH? SS_PanzerLeader......out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-17-99).]
  5. I agree - to thinkthat one more scenario would have even ther remotest chance of preventing me from getting the full version you are VERY mistaken There are FAR to many features and possibilities coming with the full version a scenario would just be like throwing us a bone to chew on while we salivate over the final release date, SS_PanzerLeader...out
  6. LOL looks like ya got to much free time to me :-P SS_PanzerLeader.....out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-17-99).]
  7. It totally agree with John M - having this feature is essential for improvement, as well as keeping interest inthe game. trying to go back and pinpoint your mistakes by individually loading each and everytturn is a pain. Also having the games immortalized inthis fashion would be an awesome feature for the hall of fame . SS_PanzerLeader.....out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-17-99).]
  8. well heres my two pence; THe promotoion of reviews is probably unwise until at least a gold version demo is cut, due tothe fact there are major improvements over the beta. Althought the beta absoulutely rocks, seeking the best review possible would probably be a reason for not seeing reviews all over as of yet. Although I mmy be wrong entirely :-P As far as CC being on any throne lol - I know a throne it should be in There is no comparison CM is in class all by iteslf which exists in a place much higher that any of the CC series could attain. SS_PanzerLeader....out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-17-99).]
  9. wayyy kool thanks man!! SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  10. I think being able to watch the movies all at once is extremely important SS_PanzerLeader.out
  11. Fionn , Is this feature in conjunction with making maps from scratch? tile by tile ? I was under the impresssion that we could do anything with the editior am I incorrect do we not have that much control over our designs? SS_PanzerLeader..out
  12. shoot they don't have to stop making the game to throw us a scenario- get the secretary or the janitor to make it :-P or better yet I'll be happy to do it for free SS_PanzerLeader.out
  13. I got a diamond viper 770 tnt2 and it runs fine on here P3 500 128megs ram SS_PanzerLeader [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-16-99).]
  14. Fionn, can u clarify something - i see that this thread refers too 'random map generation' is this a feature as well as designing yoru own - or is there some confusion? SS+_PanzerLeader........out
  15. SOMETHING SOON PLEASE!!! :-P I've ordered - I feel like a kid waiting on xmas - except my xmas wont be til next year :-( . IF the gold isnt ognnna be out like uhhh tonight for instance lol; sould we please just get on little old scenario to keep us busy till the gold comes Hehe I msut say I agree with Phoneix onthis one Fionn you are sitting there making maps - using powerful nazi armor- roasting villages etc etc, and then teasing us like a kid in the schoolyard Not fair! Thanks for considering this BTS PS when we gonna get started Fionn? SS_PanzerLeader.out
  16. HEy Lokesa I dont mind doing an AAR but I would rather start over to do that - I can surrender It dont matter- this one aint over but if ya wanna do AAR id rather start fresh. SS_PanzerLeader
  17. ACtually Howard I do - iTtwould be nice to know how many fellow gamers there willbe in this arena _ and also It would be nice to know if BTs is doin well orderwise - which I hope they are When we gonna get that game man? I ahven't seen ya on ICq in a while SS_PanzerLeader........out
  18. GOD JUST KEEEEEEP TEASING US lol cant wait to see the pic SS_PanzerLeader...out
  19. Iknow this isnt directly related to CM but I figured someone here probably could answer this. I would like to know if anyone knows any links to get military memorabilia valued-- any help would be appreciated THank SS_Panzerleader....out
  20. oops dbl post SS_PanzerLeader...out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-16-99).]
  21. Actually, although FIonn will correct me if I'm wrong, at the Battle for the fortress at Metz the mere sight of the 3 British crocodiles that arrived and approached to engage is exactly what caused the Germans to give up. The battle had raged on for some time ferocioulsy, with no success for the Americans. The Americans, who If I recall used direct fire from 105 mm guns ( or maybe it was 155mm) to try and Breach the gates yet this was to no avail. Its beena while sinec I read this book so I f i'm slightly off someone plz feel free to step in. SS_PanzerLeader..........out
  22. HEHE mine has been gaming since he could walk lol, As far as games to tide me over Im not really huge into FPS - but these are keeping me amused - some of the best in FPS ive seen AHHH the blood the blood!! GOT GORE?? Try UNREAL TOURNAMENT or Quake 3 - dismmemberment , decapitation, vaporization ahhh all the stuff that makes gaming so fun :-P............but I still want my CM SS_PanzerLEader
  23. OMG.............200 Units a side?? THIS IS GONNA ROCK!!!!! SS_PanzerLeader..........out
  24. As far as I know the zone is the only place that has supported The CC series. SS_PanzerLeader...out Ps post whenit gets below ten bucks lol Ill buy it for my boy :-P
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