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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Jon S,

    I'll keep this short becase I'm in a hurry

    I understand your point entirely on controlling whats on a thread , and NORMALLY I would agreee with you, but If a thead SPECIFIES something in it's origins it is simply common courtesy to follow the nature of that thread. There is no argument that can be brought fourth to diminish simple courtesy. IF someone starts a PBEM sign up then out of normal decency, that is what should be done. Especially if that is PURELY what the originator intended. To Put five gazillion posts about the price of tea in china is just plain rude, it forces people to have to wade through piles of BS to find what is relevant to the post. but I was brought up to be polite smile.gif

    Your argument holds merit on a thread just asking some questions or what have you - this did not in anyway do such a thing. I had no problem with other topics I just asked that they be given their own thread as this was done PURELY to offer BTS some minor solitude with regards to this lousy situation. I dont see any reason why I deserrved to be flamed for standing behing BTS and trying to rally some support. Anyone having any respect for BTS, Myself, or theirselves should act accordingly. My intentions here were good only but evidently they mean nothing to some. Trying to keep this thread on topic has broken no rules as far as this BBS is concerned. This topic I initiated was an important one and well intended, it was clear and concise. This topic did not in anyway ask any questions to be discussed within it, so I think your argument in this is weak in support of anarchy over common courtesy. What I did to you I'm still at a loss as you still have not let on .

    PS thanks for the support PENG but it aint gonna save your butt in LD smile.gif

    PPS Major I dont think you are to responsible for any of this ,nor was I looking to blame anyone, Just trying to keep this thing focused on an extremely important issue.. You have no need to apologize IMO.

    PPPS Thanks for the words of wisom FIonn I know you've put up with some crap here too smile.gif



  2. Manta Ray

    Lets clear some things up # 1 I havent been embarrassed in any way shape or form - so terribly sorry to dissapoint you. The only person sticking a foot in their mouth is you, by outright flaming me.

    When i said you didnt know what you were talking about it was in the context of this thread and its original purpose(which was clearly stated). So I wonder how are those Dr SCholl foot pads are tasting right about now??

    To say I Know nothing of the industry is a very silly comment on your part you know absolutely squat about me so How the hell do you know what I know of the industry? - Insert other foot


    Quote Manta RAY:

    You on the other hand just seem to want to chastize people for differing with your opinion. Hmm.


    the only people I have chastized are ones putting words in my mouth (like YOU). I really think what you had to say about us all Worshipping BTS was abit more along those lines . As far as differences of opinion go I THOUGHT I had made it VERY PLAIN in the opening of this thread its intent and purpose .Had you bothered to read you would've seen this, althought From your tone I really don't think you too much give a ****!

    I wasn't opening a debate on Piracy or any damn thing else so there wasnt anything to be disagreeing on that i could see.

    Either ya backed what i said on the way I felt toward this situation and acknowleged it or simply chose not to- I really don't recall posing any questions for platonic deliberation. Gee it seems you've run out of feet to insert.


    BTW here is the orginal request you missed in your zealous posting:

    With that in mind I encourage everyone in this community to acknowledge this by agreeing to the following.

    blah blah blah


    I think the above was more than simple to understand

    As far As your smile.gif faces went, It was placed at the end of the where the god comment was, but there damn sure wasnt any at the first load of BS you funneled out in that post . In previous posts they were also few and far between.


    Manta RAy Quote:

    and you also BTW, the programmers for BTS get paid just like the "big" companies do, so what is your point?

    I never said this anywhere once again you are reading in **** that wasn't there,

    this is what I said which you would've realized, if you bothered to read it instead of manipulating it into what ever the hell you felt like.

    I said:

    I merely said those that are working for the big companies get paid by them I do believe thats the way things work last time I checked So what exactly is all your rhetoric referring too? Why does it bother you so much that we appreciate BTS and their efforts anyhow?

    Well since you're out of feet I really dont know how much bigger of a fool you could possibly make of youself. I cannot believe how you just manipulate someones words to suit your own end. You did this earlier in your posts when ya went off half cocked talking about crap that wasnt the issue.

    This statement was another example of your obnoxious attitude..........

    Funny thing is that you know absolutly nothing about the computer industry except how to play the games. So you know really nothing except what is fed to you, and you eat it up like steak

    Do me a favor< i'll reiterate > read what is posted Do not profess to know me or anything about me - cause in this area you dont know ****. If ya don't have something intelligent to add, that is relevant then please don't post (at least on this thread)! Do not manipulate my words or the words of others to try and make out like you had basis for your statements! Last but not least keep your inflammatory remarks that have no foundation whatsoever to yourself!!!!!

    Next time I may not respond so kindly



  3. Gee Jon this is now another thread that you've chosen to attack me what gives? Last time I checked I hadn't done anything to you. Since when is supporting BTs and trying to get others too a bad attitude- from the posts youve made towards me I don't think Im the one with an attitude problem.



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

  4. Quote:


    Manta Ray

    Ok that is all fine and good that you hate the "big" companies and think that all of the people are sitting there getting rich, but the programmers are not buying expensive houses in Bel Aire, and living a Bill Gates life.

    Plus you all have this fascination with how great BTS is. blah blah blah

    , but jeez get off the BTS is god stuff.


    God ?? lol man where do you come up with this crap? confused.gif This thread was started over something you evidently know nothing about, there is no fascination with BTS,and this wasnt started to idolize anyone. This thread was started over the fact someone has possibly leaked the beta. Where you read into it we think all the programmers are rich is absolutely beyond me, I merely said those that are working for the big companies get paid by them I do believe thats the way things work last time I checked smile.gif So what exactly is all your rhetoric referring too? Why does it bother you so much that we appreciate BTS and their efforts anyhow? You write as if we have made some personal slight against you.

    I cannot believe how much negativity has developed over a thread that was trying to do something positive, nor can I believe the lack of responses by many supporting this issue frown.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

  5. Sorry to burst your bubble here Zamo but your statement is a rediculous one. How can you profess to know how each of us feel about this situation?

    My position regarding BTs is clear, without them telling me I could download it - I wouldnt. As I said in my other thread these guys have been very kool, I think it would upset them to know we were dling it, so I simply wouldnt be a part of it. So put a little thoguht behind it before you call everyone a liar smile.gif

    I dont profess to be self-ritcheous either I treat others as they treat me- BTS has treated me well I feel so why should I do anything other than that to them, in the same token that you summed us all up as being liars about wanting a bootleg version , I could inturn sum up all of those that downloaded a bootleg beta, as people that wouldnt buy it, both statements are rediculous. It's not a matter of whether they would or not IMHO, its a matter of the question would be in the back of Steve and Charles mind, as to how many sales they had lost over this BS.

    not trying to offend ya but some clarity was needed i think smile.gif



  6. Im at quite aloss here to as what on earth you are disagreeing with, evidently You didn't read my post to clearly, consequently reading into it what you wanted. I 'll say it again I DON'T CARE smile.gif How your derived something to disagree with from that Im baffled, Are you disagreeing with the fact that i should have the right not to give a damn? Or maybe it is that I'm utilizing my rights of free speech and expressing that? Either way I didn't say I condoned anything, and was only stating my position with regards to The BTS situation. Simply stated that this is a topic of another thread, should you wish to pursue this venue of banter. smile.gif

    You also never answered the question that I put forth perhaps because when reading something that wasn't there you missed a valuable element that was!

    IS it ok for these companies to take our money when they know going out the door the product isn't working right? I can site case after case of companies doing exactly this! Yet I still think this too has nothing to do with my intention of this original posting of this thread, and this discussion with regards to piracy deserves a thread of its own, which I encourage you to start since you feel so strongly about it. Any conversation here not regarding the BTS situation undermines the intent of this thread and the personal commitment to BTS that is behind it. smile.gif



  7. Hey im not promoting anything, I'm just simply saying I dont give a damn about the other companies - so i dont care either way. Just out of curiosity do you think its ok for them To screw us? Is that not wrong, or are we to be only ritcheous on their side? smile.gif I am not gonna waste my time feeling sorry for other companies that just dont care about us, These companies are only interested in one thing - how to get the money out of your wallet, christ its getting as bad as the insurance business ( thats a whole other conversation entirely) . I posted this message for one purpose only, and that was to try and rally the CM community to try and reduce the chances of the piracy of CM. No more no less. I Had no intention of making a soapbox stand, nor for this thread to turn into one, for or against piracy; my only concern is CM and BTS. If you wish to make some kinda stand on this subject in general another thread may be in order as this was not the intention of this one. smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

  8. I bought Swat 3 as well great game, I think what people are saying about the other companies is that they really dont give a crap about us ( unlike BTS) so why shoulds we give a damn about them?. I personally have but more games than I can care to count and the majority (95+ %) have been an absoute rip off. These people have worked onthe game also granted, BUT they are paid by a big organization, The big companies make their money from unsuspecting schmucks (like I used to be one of until I became cynical) who dont know any better. When you get the box or read the reviews ( which are often BS)it makes the game out to be some phenomenal innovation and raves about magnificent gameplay, you get the game home and it isnt anything like its represented to be. The game is usually majorly buggy or just plain sucks ass. These compaines reap what they sow IMHO and I dont fell sorry for them when thir stuff gets plastered all over the web.

    BTS is a whole different animal. The money lost from pirating here directly affects them and their families not a big corporation that is screwing us blind. These guys have basically seperated themselves from the rat race, lived on canned spam while programming undercandlelight, with 3hrs a sleep aday smile.gif to make sure we got a fantastice product.(okay so I exaggerated about the candlelight) THAT IS A HUGE REASON THEY ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS and that is why we are Up in arms ready to avenge our friends.

    Any Questions?



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

  9. I would like to take this opportunity to address a situation that seems to have possibly developed regarding the beta of CM.

    I am disheartened to see that anyone would do this to these guys this is NOT a big company and they have gone out of their way to work with their customers. Although I have never met any of them they feel like friends to me, and I think that anyone who considers compromising BTS in any way should crawl back under what ever rock they came out from under. These guys arent trying to take our money to the contrary they are trying to give us the best value for our dollar. THEY DESERVE TO BE PAID!!!

    Whether this latest news on the beta situation is true or not I want to make it perfectly clear that I feel all of us owe BTS a debt of gratitude for their efforts.

    With that in mind I encourage everyone in this community to acknowledge this by agreeing to the following.

    THAt regardless of the beta situation you will get the full version of CM and continue to encourage others to do so.


    AND Anyone caught doing it should be blackballed from thsi community with regards to opponents etc.

    If anyone does this it probably will jeopardize the future of this game so please agree to the above even though it should go without saying.



  10. Stabsfeldwebel;

    I never said I didnt want to know, I just accepted the fact like an adult that they were busy, and would respond when they were good an ready too. No you didnt come right out an say it verbatim, but anyone with half a brain could easily read between the lines by the tone of the posts. I am very appreciative of them taking the time to post, But now u really dont know anymore than what they told you last time do you? It still isn't done, they are working on it, and they dont know when it will be done. As they said before it wont be released until they are happy with it. So what did all this do for us, accept take time away from Steve?

    Steve - dont get me wrong I appreciated the update very much smile.gif But even I who is dying for the release, could see how this kinda post could become tiresome.

    Dont forget to take a break here and there man otherwise ya may go crosseyed eek.gif

  11. Xavier,

    Im sorry I jumped on ya - the initial portion of you post seemed well intentioned- ( well placed smileys) but the part saying the town was awful kinda irked me because Bill has been making a great effort to research an get us the best scenarios possible. I didn't realize your English wasn't good it seemed fine to me, in fact I didn't realize it wans't your native language. I guess when I saw you write "IT was awful" it hit me kinda the same way that Capt Maneris comments did over Colins site. Critcism is usually welcomed in a constructive manner and I guess the broad statement you made regarding this scenario sounded more like trashing. If this wasn't your intention please accept my apologies. I do realize that alot European towns have a lot of winding roads in them, So I would imagine that it has something to do with this particular tile format. I also noticed the 90 degree turns. Yet dispite this factor I hardly think it will ruin the playability of the scenario and I doubt very seriously if it'll spoil my fun.

    no hard feelings i hope I was only sticking up for the designer smile.gif



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