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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader


    YOU big panzyassed, fruitcake loving, wanna be arm chair PRIVATE, yes I did say private, all your good for is scrubbing schmegma off of the latrines back at the base. You are the one Ducking the challenge last I heard from you was that whine you offered at xmas - "Can we have a truce" sniff sniff, damn that was sooooo pathetic, **** we shot at santa. AS far as that ELVIS dweeb he lies like a rug, its turn 18 in riesberg hes allies and has stalled at the first row of buildings lol- If he cant win in Riesberg as Allies he need s to go back to Parchesi and sipping geritol to Bing Crosby records. HE is the moset pathetic excuse for an attacker Ive ever seens- he throughs all his tanks down the middle road like the AI default - god my TODDLER PERFORMS BETTER, **** so does grandma for that matter! Hes down to one tank and he's got all his men huddled in a building. I asked him if they were watchin the USO, or maybe there was something he needed to let me know about his men. They seemed awful happy in there if ya know what I mean lol. It think his men were members of the BIG PINK ONE, I told him Id hand him his ass if he gave me allies - he had no comment lol in fact his following email was speechless. Kinda like you after my last attempt to get you to play a match . The only one been dodging is you Im ready an waiting any time - LOL I'm sure you aint got the Kajones tho they got put up with the rest of the christmas ornaments.

    And as far as the little Yellow bus goes he stopped riding that long ago ..........

    NOW HE'S DRIVING IT!!!!!!!



  2. Actually I was more interested froma n attackers point of view - I should be able to tell if iVe blown down a wall or something major - some general info would be good ie

    Builing condition

    Appears in good shape

    Slightly damaged

    Majorly damaged


    thsoe are general enough that wouldnt be giving away to much but what should be easy enough to tell

    IF I took out a wall or blew the corner off of a building I think I would be able to notice :-P

    And i know it isnt going tomake it in the 1,0 version

    I said as a patch or in the expansion Idont want to delay the first release any



  3. Hi BTS jsut ahd a thought whilst playing LD and was targeting the church.

    Would it be possible to make the buildings clickable like the units and have a their status come up, showing damage etc on the menu where the unit info comes up? MAybe this would be patchable or in the expansion since building deterioration wont be progressively shown graphically maybe this would be a good second smile.gif




  4. Hi Steve,

    I just got an interesting Email from one of my fellow clan members and it made me wonder if this had been adressed/allowed in CM.

    Basically what I wanted to know is if the MG 34 is modelled and under what conditions it is able to fire; eg prone, sitting standing moving or what have you :-P, and the reaoning behind it.

    I have some excellent photographs that show this weapon in action




  5. Hi Steve

    I thought I was pretty well informed onthe bug status but this one seems new. Im playing last defense and ahve a 50 cal on the second story of a building that is adjacent to another several meters between - an SS unit inthe other building walks from the second floor across midair into my building, ive seen teh midair thing in a building but never between them- has this been seen before? that really bit for my 50cal frown.gif or it least it will next turn



  6. Hi guys,

    I did a search on Ammo, ammunition etc and tried to wade through the plethora of results but was unable to answer this question. My apologies in advance if it has been covered adn I missed it.

    What I would like to know it what the ammunition number represents for small arms, does this represent magazines?, clips? they seem to be such small numbers and I found it hard to believe they meant single rounds

    :-P. I was interested to know if this was a scaled versions of rpm rof, or based on weight, bulk or what have you.




  7. Quote:

    And to tom punkrawk:

    If you aren't upgrading for a while, then just go geta Voodoo I card. You can pick a generic up these days for $25 or $30 (if you are in the US). Anything faster will choke on that P200 anyway.


    I beg to differ here I had a 200mmx that I jsut sold that had a voodoo 3 2000 and the card ran great smile.gif BTW tom that is also a great buy right now very cheap < $75 if ya hunt



  8. Hi man

    Aim and ICq are both chat programs. ICq has file transfer capabilities and that is the one I recommend for this . You can get it at www. downloads.com then choose 32 bit ICQ onthe homepage( assuming u have a pc, not sure about mac stuff )



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-04-2000).]

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