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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Ok Pengle I really don't have time to do this but.......

    my lack of responding has made your elevated head somewhat larger than that microscpoic package of simu-manliness that wears the little army hat.

    All this has somehow contributed to an even larger case of penis envy

    - which evidently is due to the underlying fact of your evasive manly traits and unfilled prozac prescription (or so says the Queen err... King ? who knows sorry Elvira - games up your're out of the closet now)

    Peng you have been piling the fecal material so high the methane fumes have gotten **YOU** quite high :P

    At anyrate you usual onslaught of abnormal banter has become increasingly stale in content.

    Fuzzy slippers ?? Were you searching through the victoria secret catalogue in search of battlefield wardrobe inspiration again?

    You know what mommie told you last time she caught you with The Catalogue in hand eek.gif

    On that thought i think I will remove myself tobe sick after which I will dig up my Cm back up cd - reinstall and then try to catch up in the next day --

    BTW <>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    ITS YOUR TURN YOU SILLY LITTLE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im going to rip off your head and use it as a hood ornament on my TIGER .... hurry up with the turn I'll be back up in day and hunting

    TO ANY AC/DC fans READING THIS AC/DC's New CD "STIFF UPPER LIP " Absolutely rocks!!!!!!!!!



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-02-2000).]

  2. MantaRay

    Hey man no worries I'm over it, my temper has flaired before myself - so I wouldn't want to pretend I've never said anywords to that effect before :-P.

    At anyrate we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot and Steve Grammont spoke well of you - which is almost like getting a letter from the pope :P

    This is a great community so lets put it behind us and start over if you wish to do so. I accept your apology lets just forget it.



  3. My humblest apologies too all my opponents, I had to reformat my drive and have been so buried in school work that I havent even had a chance to reinstall CM frown.gif -- nor Have I been opened any gaming emails at my addy because I havent had the time to respond - I'm hoping to rectify this in a few days

    again my sincerest apologies

    BURIED IN SHOOL frown.gif



  4. I'll dl the demo for my son - but I'm sure I'll try it too. Realism is something this game will not contain, a look at the screenshots are sugestive of that. All teh combat shots have the vehicles slapped all over the place . It reminds me of the pictures of the ships in the channel at DDAY except far worse in the terms of chaos redface.gif. On top of that they have been promising a Demo since OCTOBER and they have moved the date numerous times - something BTS has not done to us smile.gif, but that also may be a sign that they are trying to release a good game (for its type)



  5. I admit the first game ya trounced me - but it was all part of my diabolical plan to anihilate you when it counts tongue.gif

    Now as far a s the second game went I recall you BARELY (and I cannot emphasize that one enuff) scraped a win out of the tattered remnants of your forces - it all boiled down to a point blank galleon style tank duel in which luck was on your side tongue.gif that sense of false security I shall proceed to hand you your head, heart , entrails and so on and so forth :o

    So grab your butt with both hands and prepare to kiss it bye bye smile.gif

    But seriously I did enjoy our matches - the second one was intense eek.gif

    Look forward to the next

    Ol blood & guts

    You thought ol Fioon was funny huh? If you are lacking nicknames huh try these on for size (in jest) tongue.gif

    Ol Pud & Nuts

    Ol Cruddy Huts

    Ol Fuddy Putz

    Ol Mud & ruts

    Any help? :o

    glad I could assist feel free to call on me for any more insulting nicknames :P



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-10-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-10-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-10-2000).]

  6. For what its worth I think your apoology is sincere and deserves to be accepted. I think everyone has been chewing off their fingernails in the wait for Cm ( me especially :P) It seems you realize the delivery of your post needed a little polish and are willing to change that. If you do as you say then I see no reason for anyone to bear any ill-will. I don't see why anyone would hate you regarless - ya ruffled some feathers a bit tho smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-10-2000).]

  7. I buy lots of games -- too damn many :-P ;

    I am currently playing Shadow Company, I had bought the game for my son figuring we could play networked (which as soon as his upgrade parts arrive we will) But while waiting I found that I actually enjoyed the game - IT has camera/terrain styling similar to CM Graphics are pretty good - I dont think there is anywhere near the depth of complex calculations as in Cm as it is real time - but it is in no way a click fest as it is quite tactical. The game allows you to move in your men well together setting up ambushes and allowing coverfire etc. The game is cheap right now at EB so it is definitely worth the twenty I paid for it - shoulda got it sooner smile.gif



  8. Fionn,

    Under any other circumstances I would agree but unfortunately I cannot tolerate a liar. When I play opponents I prefer them to have a thing called honor, in that respect they can be evaluated as being trustworthy - since he has lied repetitively and has manipulated the facts he has proven to be unscrupulous, I wouldn't care to play him.

    I will simply ignore his existence from now on provided he will do the same smile.gif



  9. I apologize to all in advance for this post but MantaRay needs a definite reality check.

    NO ONE POSTED A THREAD ABOUT BEING GLAD I WAS GONE! I'm sure some may have been glad I was gone but There are those that arent as well. The likes of you not liking my presence suits me just fine but kindly keep it to yourself or at least stick to the truth.

    MR PENG Posted a thread in jest jibing at me over our game and wondering where I had gotten too - a few other friends that I play with responded as well.

    UNFORTUNATELY you had to be the rude, ignorant SOB that you are and flame me. I had gotten over your last attack on me on a prior thread without to much thought. So what do you do? You waited until you thought I was gone to snipe at me again. This time I held back and didn't post much of a response, but your latest lies on the other thread where you said the game was done were a bit much, I don't appreciate your twisting of words nor your blatent lies. Saying that someone posted an entire thread about bing glad I was gone was utter BS. Comparing the quality of my posts to yours were utter BS also so in the immortal words of Steve "KISS MY A%%^^&&*"

    I won't just bitch I have a solution---

    SO here is my proposition for you:

    We obviously can't stand each other and don't live near enough to settle it in the ring - So I will forget you exist and I prompt you to do the same.

    Steve my sincere apologies but he finally pissed me off - please lock this post smile.gif



    PS-- I can spell TYPO IN title (ignorant)

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-09-2000).]

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay:

    Maybe he left to go find a personality. He may be studying rock formations, and getting "Hooked on Phonics." I hope he is GfG. smile.gif



    Well MantaRay once again you have shown your true colors. BTW Peng, the smiley face on his post was next to GFG which stands for gone for good i believe. Well i must say I'm glad to disappoint you MantaRay - in fact It makes me quite pleased that I have evidently bothered you too such an extent that you found it necessary to strike out at me in my absence, which further amplifies what a coward you really are. I am not going to sink to your level and give you the flaming you so justly deserve, because the last one must've really stung hard, for you to still be holding a grudge. Personally, I was over my conversatation with you on the last thread, with my last post. What have you been doing with your suppressed anger since, plotting revenge on innocents at the local mini-mart?

    I hate to break it to ya bud, but I'm not going anywhere. Maybe you should seek some professional help.

    PENG - Ahh you have gotten brave in my absence - I shall continue on my path of wanton destruction right after I relieve my self on you gravesite.

    Elvira - you twit its been your turn since before I left

    Foobar thanks for the support smile.gif

    Ok guys working on my turns now my apologies



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-06-2000).]

  11. Major Tom if the possibility that no one really exists is indeed a consideration, would'nt this jeopardize MadMatts new found status of coolness? Wouldn't the fact that we are non-existant undermine the application of the United Nations charter examining the events invoking the status of coolness? Wouldn't that also mean the wait for CM was a neverending cycle, because it too would'nt exist? Argghhhhhhhhhhh what a concept did we have to go there smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-28-2000).]

  12. Stephen Smith,

    I find your remarks unfounded and categorically unsound. Maybe this "logic" applies to you but I'm more inclined to think you are trolling for flames, If this were not the case you would have simply emailed Maneri with this plethora of worldy advice. There are numerous threads with interesting topics going on, although I do believe the quantity is immeasurable to 3 or more months ago. At any rate, just who are you to label and categorize everyone that posts on this forum? I think to say that most here are only "yes men" is absoultely ludicous. There are heated debates (debates being a keyword) in several areas, and bar a few most have intelligent dialog behind them. You comparison to high school is plainly absurd - high school was alot more lethal smile.gif Maneri put himself in the position he is in, Yet I do not disregard his posts as invalid just because they are his. I treat his posts individually and they are taken at face value, what I did find irratating was the incessant posting that he did when he first came on, and his inability to use the search feature. Consequently, he eventually backed off and I commend him on that. I think before you start handing out your words of wisdom maybe you should think about how they will be perceived yourself.



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