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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. MR Lag

    Oh my my poor ears - is that the best you come up with after three hours of deliberation an analogy on stool eating?, is this a subconcious analysis of what you KNOW you will be doing once we meet onthe field of battle? Wow THat PSYCH 101 was actually useful :-P

    As far as Elvis goes well I'll let him trash ya -not that there is much left of that crusty shell of a wannabe to pounce on.


    PLEASE dont LIE to us about the damn BArbies. Elvis already told me about your high heels, mini skirt,s and world class colection of Barbie dolls - so please don't use your poor children as a cover for your deviant ways :-P

    IM ready to plaster ya any time your are feeling froggy



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

  2. Ahh he speaks- Mr Peng, who we shall refer to now as MR PING due to his Lag in response time, has risen from his innate period of sulkling to leave himself open for more attacks that he cant repel. So I shall ozze pus from a thousand festering wounds huh? lol; Good it'll give me something to have on my toast during breakfast, while I'm simoultaeneously kicking your arse back in to oblivion! Oh and was it Shore I compared you to? From your sissy antics with Elvis, I should think its more like Diana SHore. Christ man pull yourself together and stop whining like a chick. As far as the children go, I think they'll have to pick the flesh from your decaying bones, right after they fight off the buzzards. Of course Your ears will wear nicely around my neck at my next cocktail party. Getta Grip I think be for you stray to far from your mothers coat tails you better finish your lessons or else ya might wind up dinner for the big bad wolf



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

  3. As far as realism goes I think having that much info available in a game is way off the map. A tank commander never had all this at his disposal, God we hav all that information and its like having The LAPD forensics team on the job.........

    ooops thats a bad analogy lol smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

  4. IT seems that Jon and Tankersly have experinced other ways of bidding - I will be willing to try them for evaluation purposes as they do not seem to be in line with what we were subjected too. The type of bidding Sten suggested is the kind we had to deal with ; that I will have no part in, as for the rest I will keep an open mind smile.gif

    The community that is growing here does seem to be a much better one than some of what cases ladder brought in. We haven't got to a competitive level yet hopefully the sentiment that is developing here will remain as such.



  5. Scott no offense intended but I asked for people interested in playing Battlemaker style play no on is forcing you to play this way to each his own- but there are tuns of players that enjoy the way battlemakers in CC2 worked. IF you are into historical rarity then CM has a place for that but that is not why I started this thread. smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

  6. HI Steve and CHarles @ BTS

    MErry Christmas to you both smile.gif

    Ok I had some thoughts on possible enhancements for play in CM2 Hope it is something we may see

    would it be possible to adjust the styles of defense to incorporate prepared defenses into a map?

    IE basically thre are two types of defensive battles IMHO

    A prepared defense and a hasty defense

    the prepared defense would allow for things such as purchasing dummy tanks/at guns, ratholing or destruction of buildings, additional mines laid. It would also allow for the preperation of buildings to accomodate reasonably sized AT guns ( unless of course it was a massive structure). IT would also allow for the placement of Dragons teeth etc etc.

    THe hasty defense seems to be what Cm1 will cover is it possible to incorporate some/all/or more of the features listed above for CM2?




  7. BAZOOKA guys suck :-P

    I am playing a game with John H and I literally shot 6 times in one turn at a range no greater than 100 meters; three of which were at 64. They all missed completely, the turn before that I shot about the same amount of rounds at another stug from a second story window at less than 50 meters and didnt hit crap.

    Then he gets a shot on my tank with a schrek at over 100 meters and the tank goes boom first shot. I HATE ALLIES god knows how we won the war :-P



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

  8. Sten

    This is the exact kind of system that was forced upon players in cc2; It is highly unfair and the time involved in preparing to play is lengethened considerably.



    How many points would you require to attack with the Axis over this (known) terrain against 600p of defence? I'm willing to do it with 1150 points."


    The person that knows the game better has a SUPREME advantage over a newer player

    He also fields this advantage if he has a better knowlege of the map.


    - "I'd do it with 1100 points."


    The player truely wanting to defend can bluff here forcing down the attackers points

    this goes on and on and gets out of hand TRUST ME


    - "Hmm, maybe I could do it with 1080."


    If this player doesnt want to defend and this goes on for several bouts he ends up attacking with a force less than adequate- after losing a game of poker


    CM is Ww2 simulation. If you want to bid have the boys over for poker on friday night smile.gif

    Trust me unless Jon Has some new variation of it that DRASTICALLY changes this format, I will not play like this and I'm sure I'm not alone. I have played this as have many others and it is simply not fair!

    What would help in determining point spreads in these kinds of scenarios, would be is IF BTS gave some overall general point spreads for an even match which would act as a good guideline in determining the point ration for engagements. I understand they are very busy My hope is that this would be something that woulndn't be to time consuming if at all.


    HEavy URban Setting GErm Defending -- GErms 100% ; Allies 200% -----

    VISA VErsA appropriate pts

    Large TOWN GErms Defending 100% Allies 175%

    VISA VErsA appropriate pts


    *THESe are ONLY Examples to suggest an Idea *and do onot emulate exact point suggestions

    MY reasoning for suggesting BTS release General guidelines, is because they hav hands on exp form the start with every unit their code composition, playability etc. I think Steve maybe able to give some GOOD general Parameters as to what is fair in an point spread for a battle.



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

  9. Yah Tankersly I guess it was just a small nerve :-P: guess ya had to have been there to understand my strong opposition to the bidding suggestion. Other cc2 players will most likely know the situation I'm referring to, and how bad it was for gaming. My opinion was voiced so strongly because I would hate to see the same kind of scenario develop in another game that I really enjoy .

    Sorry if I sounded harsh.

  10. NO Jon it had nothing to do with who i hung out with - I couldnt stand the guy - it had to do with the some of the undesirables that competition tends to attract, ones that will do anything to win - play any angle, any grey area and break any rule they think they wont get caught at.

    Unfotunately this particular person decided everyone had to play his way or no way- and since we were not playing poker the majority of the CC ladder players felt this was absolute BS since he sat on top of the ladder. NO one could advance unless they were prepared to play his way And listen to a three hour lecture he'd prepared on the wonderful merits of his "bidding system"

    trying to out bid your opponent is grossly unfair when u get player that knows the game and/or scenario bidding against someone that doesnt no matter what convincing arguments u may have on bidding i gaurantee I heard them all from his as did many CC players who were forced to listen to his tirades.

    Not only was the bidding system unfair the amount of time involved in getting going was rediculous - This game already will have downtime we dont need to increase it IMHO

    Sorry but ya hit a nerve on this one guess ya had to be a CC player on cases ladder smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-22-99).]

  11. NO Offence intended Tankersly but


    this was a BIG BIG PROBLEM with certain CC2players it ultimately led to their removal from the top of the ladder for unfair play.;

    I agree dbl blind is gonna be tough the best way to play ladders was proven in CC and don by the use of allotted points for each side with both palyers allowed to view the map

    this allowed for no two games being the same an FOW by not knowing what your opponent has purchased- MAYbe Steve can give us some ideas for fair point spread in the different types of engaements



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-22-99).]

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