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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. This came in my clan email today form my buddy SS_Sturm, thoguht I would pass it on since it was about WW2

    Heres a report I found on the 12th SS Div from the 6th Armored Canadian Regiment's historians which was reported after the battle of Le Mesnil-Patry,where nearly the entire Regiment met their demise at the hands of the Hitler Jugend.

    "They fought like lions on both sides so that the dead lay corpse by corpse. We searched every house, every courtyard to avoid ambush. And here is the confirmation of how ferocious last night's battle must have been. The Commandos lie dead in rows beside the dead SS. Grenades are scattered all over the roads and on the porches of houses. Here we see a commando and an SS man, dead in each other's arms, having slaughtered each other. There, a German and a Canadian tank have engaged each other to destruction, and are still smouldering, and from each blackened turret hangs the charred corpse of a machine gunner. Over here are a group who ran towards the wall for shelter and were shot down before they got there. And there, by the church, as the advance guard of C Company and the carriers turn the corner, there are three Germans. Only three. But one of them instantly draws his pistol and hits one of our men. A Bren gunner kills two of the three SS men, but the survivor still does not surrender; he dodges us and gets away. Now, we understand with what kind of fanatic we have to deal."

    Lieutenant Holler, a member of a German brigade which had an ongoing rivalry with the 12th SS, speaks of his competition. "In Caen, Hitler Jugend were always our neighbours to the left. They fought bitterly for every yard; the help of one comrade for another was so spontaneous and unselfish that it was unequalled; and although you yourself have only heard detrimental facts about them, I can speak of experiences of a most humane nature."

    XII SS Panzerdivision Hitler Jugend




    Belgium then Normandy (1944) and Ardennes. Austria 1944

    Capitulated 1945



  2. Mark IV

    The transparencies are gained by finding a graphic that contains a large amount of a peptol bismol pink color - these are used as a backdrop color, apparently this color is coded to be invisble. Simply open the file with the pink, use the eyedropper tool in Photoshop ( if ya have it) to make the palette that you work from that color, then use the appropriate tool to color the area desired to be invisible.

    As far as the tower goes you cannot alter the tower's physical shape only its general appearance - I've already tried, the builings roofs all come from the same tile. Therefore you cannot remove the shingled portion on the pitched sided of the tower, which allows you to only alter on side of the tower :-(.

    I found the best way to work withthis stuff is to magnify the image to 1000% ( some worked well at 500%) then do what needs to be done. you must restore the file to its original size in order to save it and use it, If you do not you will get no texture on the polygon.

    I do not work in pixel mode - I found it simpler to work with the airbrush smile.gif



  3. Hey guys

    I have been trying my hand at a little tweaking and have given the Vulcans a more rugged look. I also redid the church to try and get a more "european" feel to it. First attempt, so feed back is welcome- i need somewhere to host my files if anyone is interested or else you can email me and i will send em to ya via icq

    hope ya like em



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-24-2000).]

  4. Hi Steve,

    I have been fiddling around with the graphics trying to do some different things with various bmps , I figured out how to make things disappear, In doing so I realized the CM was only rendering graphics onthe outsides of the buildings, i figured this out when I altered a tile to try and change the appearance - My question is; Is there anyway to show the bitmap as two-sided rather than one? This is most likely a coding issue I'm sure but I'm hoping it isn't, because it would open up so many possibilities.




  5. Excellent information smile.gif , I do have a couple of things to point out that seem to conflict with CM and/or themselves

    #8 - this doesn't seem to work well in CM - when you order a tank to move on fast I have yet to see a tank fire or return fire

    #16 and #19 seen to be a bit contradictory maybe some grognard clarification is in order here smile.gif

    Other that that very insightful info

    Thanks man



  6. Mr PINK I see you in here regularly gloating about your mastery of the game but I dont see you coming back to continue that reaming you were being subjected to...............

    ....can u say SUE........EEEEEEEEEEEEE

    squeal like a pig baby smile.gif



  7. Hi

    This has been discussed at length before but I will hlep some if I can. A search will provide more on this tho than I am able to give

    rubble has been improved somewhat form what I understand, although there will be no major stages of degradation.

    Im not sure if the texture crew can do anythign with it or not but I'M sure they will be trying all sorts of stuff when the full vers comes out.

    One thing I wondered was if they could model buildings that are damaged from battle (still standing stuff tho) in teh expansion pack as that would add great visuals to the game- i dont know if this could be done in textures or not- although the damaged areas would be values as solid by the PC.



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-21-2000).]

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