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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Welcome to the board

    Hey man - I dont think this is an issue that is really crucial to game development no offense intended. Not trying to belittle anyones efforts in WW2 in any way, but with all the other items still up for BTs to finish, I dont think we need a new one. As previoulsy stated above no independent races are specifically modelled as all do look like vulcans. To change the color on one human figure would change the colors on all, so to alter some to different pigmentation would affect the whole game Germans included, which would be unless im mistaken unrealistic. Basically you can go into paint shop and change the colors on the figures yourself - if i understood earlier posts correctly, that way you can change any graphical item in the game to suit your viewing pleasure. Hope this post remained inteh realms for polically correctness as it was intended to be so.



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-01-100).]

  2. Ohh my Mr Ping is in rare form, lol too bad it isn't his better form or else he may have made someone crack a smile.

    Ok after this you no longer deserve the title of Mr Ping, from here on out I'll refer to you as "Mrs Thang" (with heavy southern drawl).........

    Mrs Thang , I do realize that considring your latest failures in the plastic surgery ward have left you a breast-less wonder - yet your undeniable urge as a cross-dresser has yet to be squelched -Although this bout of schizophrenia is in fact extremely evident, I do wish you would save your adolation for that other (meaning other than yourself) impersonator Elvis. I appreciate the fact you think I'm wonderful but truely I'm not looking for a date - although smearing your little fairy self all over the battlefield shall be quite the fulfilling moment - ahhh yes i did say moment didn't I? You do realize that all it will be is a moment don't you? oh silly me of course youd don't I'd get more respnse for a geriatric - So let me spell it out for ya - it'll be a moment that haunts you until you suck the last drop of geritol from your sipper cup. Have you yet recovered from that trouncing Elvis gave you before the holidays - that little, oh can we please have a truce whine was just so..... touching. Well when ya get your christmas ornaments back where they should be feel free to accept that challenge I posted way back when fire was invented. Until then stop you snivelling and please do something about that dress.

    PS for those not realizing this this is a taunt in good fun smile.gif



  3. SCOTT - historical availaibility plays no part in a battlemaker set up in cc2 for point If i have 500 points on each side i can buy whatever I choose no limitations ; if i gave bvoth sides 1000 pts same thing . This is what i was talking about for Cm and it appears you 've realized that now smile.gif.

    I'm interested in historical stuff to, but feel they are not good for competitive play. This issue was argued and resolved in ladder play for cc2 also, with the point system with no limitations being the victor.



  4. I beg to differ Scott but as I have played CC2 extensively I must say that you are very mistaken inthe fact historical rarity is taken into account in battlemakers. In fact the game is still on my drive, CC3 is also the same with Battlemakers although I'm not sure if there is any point adjustment as i deleted the game cause it sucks. cc4 I have no idea- butthe whole point of my origianl question is for point based games -- not historical ones smile.gif

  5. BEing as Steve has already personally stated that making ascenario is a very fast process I dont think time is a big issue here. Steve has also stated on another thread that they have a lot more work to do on thefull version, so you may want to reconsider your position ssince it looks like it will be some time before we get the game



  6. I'm not so sure those reasons are valid but they mayhave others we are unaware of- in any case I'd like to hear it straight from the horses mouth so to speak smile.gif

    If those were valid reasons -fine or if others thats fine too but its just a request and a very hopeful one at that. Yet if this doesnt go through Im hoping that at least they will grant us a new scenario as the waiting is driving me mad -there are only so many wayts to play the scenarios we got :-P I think ive tried them all and a few extremely unconventional approaches at that. I really hate having to buy more coasters for the living room and buying any other games is pretty much adding to the great supply I already have :-(



  7. Doug

    1 .I expect the game to not be completed that is why its a beta smile.gif Also if it was in a complete stage theyd be shipping it and I wouldnt be requesting this smile.gif

    2. Also I am only asking for the same thing the other BETA TESTERS have no more no less.

    As far as the source code goes I dont see it being any more penetrable than it is in the demo but maybe im wrong here.

    3. if someone is intending on hacking the code it isnt gonna matter they will do it NO MATTER what! If you think that wont happen you are mistaken :-P Im hoping that those kind of low-lifes that would hack into a game to cheat, wont show up here cause I hate cheaters.

    4. as far as distribution I really dont think this will be as big of a dilema as u perceive - especially when they can go ahead an charge the cards to those approving smile.gif i dont see being a whole flood of people making extra work most will probably want to wait for the gold but i may be wrong here too. if it does take a day or so - if we are looking at three months does it really matter?

    4. lets let Steve address this question as that is who I posed it too smile.gif rather than everyone speaking for BTS

    5. If BTS does say no to my second request lets hope they approve the fiorst because it looks like we may be in for a long wait

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-27-99).]

  8. Hi Steve I hope you've had a great Holiday so far as you definitely have earned it.

    I read your post on the release date and the uncertainty of it. I like many others have been drooling over the release of this whilst being teased with tasty morsels at TGN headquarters. Don't get me wrong seeing the shots of what some of what we are getting is way kool, but now reading the post on the uncertainty of release, it feels a million miles away. I know that this has been requested but in light of the current situation, I humble ask you to consider the following before we need therapy smile.gif

    1. a last good scenario with excellent replay value ( good sized deploys and equipment)to hold us off until you get all this stuff tweaked

    2. let us prepays that want it- have the beta the testers are using-- this will be representative of the sale and then just give us the gold when its done - I would be SOOOO happy to play the beta - charge the card thats what its for smile.gif I trust you to get us the full version when its done - there may be reasons for not doing this that I haven't considered but if this order is too big PLEASE consider number 1 again smile.gif

    I'M hating to have to pay money for another game to keep me occupied - Id rather Prepay CM2

    Thanks for responding



  9. hey man there is no way this will happen it would be TOO easy for someone to bootleg the game, Hopefully none of us here would deny BTS their rightful dues as they really deserve it smile.gif. Im a little dissapointed now as I got to go buy some other game to try and keep me entertained till the gold demo comes out. I was hoping to see the BTS grant us the xmas scenario but unfortunately this didn't happen. Yet despite this I can't forsee or want to see the dling of the full version materialize.



  10. Uggh I was taunting Mr. Peng all in good fun because he was taunting Elvis and it looked like they were having a good laugh - think you may have gotten the wrong impression or the situation Bill. Mr Peng correct me If I'm wrong Plz. Either way there is a difference between taunting and flaming and flaming I was NOT doing. smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-26-99).]

  11. Ahh yes Ping, SS_pantywaster thats me - I have laid waste to many a panty in my time smile.gif Unfortunatly for you just wearing panties doesnt make you a qualified applicant so stop dreaming. Speaking of dreaming - that is what I was doing; getting some sleep. Otherwise, I'd have trounced ya worse if ya were a one-legged-man in an arse-kicking contest. So, the side effects of your thorosine once again forced you into an all-nighter, leaving you to groggily try to and salvage the tattered remnants of what you call self-respect. Oh, what it must be like to have thoughts of how to reply, occupying that one cell that constitutes your mind - Eventually making way for you to post some half-baked reply over medicine; a sad day in the institution indeed - have you told your little friend Elvis that you're posting from CHATAHOOTCHEE?. Therapy is a good thing if its needed, but damn i think they need to turn up the voltage on you man. It is nice to know you'll have that shoulder to cry on though, because after I'm through with you they'll have a brand new condition to write about. Tell me MR LAG how is that Shock therapy coming after that humiliation you recieved at the hands of the transexual Elvis impersonator? I mean to be reamed by one who isn't even sure who the hell he is nevermind where the hell he is, is a sad state of affairs in nutball land. So you snivelling little whelp, stop your feeble attempts at taunting its time for you to watch re-runs of Judge Wopner like your Idol in Rainman. Any time you are ready to be handed your ass, just feel free to have somebody write you an email and make your mark at the bottom. As far as Elvis went I think the king shoulda left the building a long time ago while he was ahead, infact when he tried to do performance with me at RIESBERG he found he got a warm reception - of course it wasn't what he was hoping for lol. HEy Elvis BTW how are those nice new shermans running these days? :-P Maybe a little less hip gyration and feigned glamor and you wouldnt have gotten your ass shot off. So Girls I suggest you keep playing with each other before ya start looking to embarrases yourselves where the grown-ups play smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

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