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Everything posted by Colin

  1. uhhhh....Those videos are taken directly from the Close Combat 2 CD. And because they are they are probably illegal! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  2. Hehehe that's funny...Summer of 99! What a joke that turned out to be! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  3. There's a level in the game Medal of Honor for PSX that deals with Heavy Water and D20 and the Norwegians. Man I love that game despite the historical inaccuracies. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  4. Haha!! just though I'd try and get one in before it closed! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  5. A cousin(US Navy network security person) of mine told me this one: BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again Pretty much how this board is working now ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  6. Mr Peng, GO ON ICQ!!! Your post times indicate that you are online but you are clearly not on ICQ. SO GET ON!!! Steve feel free to delete this as soon as you see it. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  7. That's just pathetic now. Come on folks. I really do hope that Steve bans him. Well I'm sure he'll just come back with a different user name. Hey Von Shrad better start up the van again...now where did I put those boots. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  8. My whole dream is for the beta demo to come out tomorrow morning. So Steve when I get up tomorrow I want to see a big fat thread saying GOLD DEMO RELEASED! Alright? Good. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  9. I too am I glad I own a Mac! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  10. Yeah yesterday I was setting up an ambush in CE and some Rolling Stones music came on and I realized that there was no third step. It was pretty scary. And I swear a when I was trying to assault a heavily defended position a squad I was commanding said: Denken Sie Unterschiedliches (That's supposed to be Think Different but I don't know how well Altavista translated it.) ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  11. That's a really good idea! I have a very limited knowledge of French and German but I still think that would be beneficial to everyone playing CM. The more people that buy it the more money BTS gets and the better CM2 is. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  12. Alright then....How about we don't argue about this damn frickin' thing and talk about Combat Mission!!! That's why we're all here. To talk about Combat Mission. So let's do that. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  13. I'm not American. I'm Canadian, eh? That what this is aboot. Kettle Black, I'm only 14 so I'm sure your already dsiregarding my opinion. But do you seriously think that your saying this helps anything? Soon enough Steve will close this thread (and rightly so) but before then I'd just like to say that no one will benefit from this thread. In fact I'm sure some people will even be offended by it. This board is supposed to be about Combat Mission: Beyond Overload. A game. A game. And now we spend most of our time writing long posts about how we don't agree with someones opinion of something. Until we get more on topic threads I suggest we all ignore threads like this. Hell, I think I'm gonna ignore the board altogether until the game comes out or I think there is something worth posting about. Obviously everything is being misinterpreted now so I'm going. Colin out ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  14. I like screenshots Remember when some kid found out about this one game and re-posted everything which had been covered before he arrived in the span of a week. I think the highpoint came when he started a thread called German Tanks....Tanks Anyway. Or maybe it was when I claimed to feed Madmatt, Fionn and Das Boot to his German Shepard and cat. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  15. I can joke now eh? So one time this kid was playing this game called Combat Mission with some people. And theres this one setting that lets you see all the other peoples units. So he turns this option on with out telling his opponent. Oh course everybody considers this cheating so....Oh wait that actually happened. So then this kid made fun of another (even younger) kids webpage when this first kids webpage is nothing but stolen jokes and racial slurs. Just bringing back some memories! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  16. Hey man nice tactics! Those are really helpful. Well I'm gonna go and study for my exam tomorrow. Gonna work on my webpage after that. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  17. I agree...Maybe the current beta demo scenarios will be compatible with the final release. Here's hoping ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  18. Oh yes something else I forget to mention. I fart in your general direction. The last thing I want is a platform war. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  19. Fine you little bastard Elvis! I've put up those damn AARs for you!!!!!! Stupid AH64D in that other thread. No Mac support my ass. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  20. I have a Mac. I play CM. I have a Voodoo 2. I play CM. If I want to play games I'm not going to buy a PC. I'm going to play CM! I too have been waiting 6 or 7 months. I'm 14. If they don't make CM for Macs that means less people buy CM. Which means CM won't get all those great graphics we all want . Why don't you think before you create! Maybe then everybody who comes to this board wouldn't have a bad opinion of you. Thanks for your time. Madmatt I don't know if your using a Mac but theres a great utility called GlideHack that lets you make movies simply by hitting F11 to start and F12 to stop. Check out http://mac3dfx.com/ . ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  21. Hey Elvis, I'm gonna update my AAR's soon probably tomorrow. I'm done my exams tomorrow and I get a week off of school so I'm gonna fix everything. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  22. Hey Steve fill in the blank. The 100 little things we have to do will __ days to complete. How about it? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  23. I'm with ya there...pretty boring of late. I think we should all head the the chatroom on Yahoo! The Combat Mission club. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  24. Nooooooo! Another dead bodies thread.... This is so Steve doesn't have to spend any time saying what has been said many, many times. NO bodies...not hanging from tanks, or laying in trees or flying across the screen when a mortar hits near by. No where! At least not in CM 1.0! I still think that three three represented figures should move around but thats just me. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  25. I think you should make the quick links at the top of the main page take you to directly to the article in question and maybe have a newspaper icon beside it and have that take you to the news for the day when the article was released. Other than that… ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
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