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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Goanna, You have to click on the little chain link icon beside those text links to take you directly to the article in question. Madmatt, Maybe you should change it so that you can click on the text to take you to the article and maybe clicking on the date will take you to where that feature was described in news. I would do this for my site except I can't update often enough. Damn exams on Webnesday! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  2. I'm pretty sure I heard BTS say that they would have liked to have interchangable vehicle "skins" (I guess thats what they are) but that they would take a long time to do or would hurt the System Reqs. Nice work there man that looks great. Definetly spending sometime on getting these for Mac! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  3. Hey man nice pics! Something seems odd with that Das Reich Tiger but ow? I wish that CM had different textures for vehicles depending on the terrain. Winter camoflage in snow for example. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  4. Yeah! OZ is a really frightening show. All the sudden male nudity scarred me for life. I think I'll compain to the damn producers about that. They put it on at 11 PM. Well damn thats when alot of kids my age are just getting up!!! *Colin wondering if anyone cares about his posts anymore* ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  5. I know Matt! You can let me post the POTD at my webpage! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  6. That happened right after the board was fixed. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  7. I don't think there will be that many scenarios. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't release any new scenarios. Just let us continue playing the original 3 with the new enhancments. Well I'm heading off to the Combat Mission club to chat. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  8. The weirdest moment in CM that I have experienced was when I was playing LD as Allies. I had a bazooka team hidden in the house on my right flank. A StuG fired a HE round into the house so I though he would just keep firing until the 'zooks was dead. But instead the StuG turned around 180 degrees and reversed toward my bazooka!!! At a distance of about 6 meters the zook killed the StuG took out its whole crew too. First time I'd ever brewed up anything with a zook. Pretty cool though. Actually I have a movie of this but I didn't put it on my webpage because of its size. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  9. Buy a Mac!!! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  10. Modern warfare is way too fast paced. More things happen more quickly. One man with an M16 carries so much firepower the CM engine would have to simulate everyone. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  11. FPU calculations are math calculations. Graphics AI anything...Trust me the PSX 2 can handle CM.
  12. February 9th eh? If only I were so lucky...but Feb 9 would be good...I have an exam that day so I could just come home and spend the rest of my time off playing the gold demo. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  13. I'm sorry...I'll preorder soon I promise...in time for it to still be a preorder!!! I don't know what this world is coming to either!!! Yeah we should get to visit Steve and Charles!!! That would rock!! Doesn't Steve have a G4? Maybe if I bring a big enough suitcase I can fit it in. Then I can make a nice escape on that Weasel of their's. But seriously I think that them signing our copies is unrealistic. Mainly because my copy probably won't get signed. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  14. Yeah well when I was 16....oh wait. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  15. Fionn said in another thread that you can't. If you don't give orders to either side they will just sit there not get up and play by themselves (its self?). Just think about it for a second. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  16. Ummm Captain IIRC you've been here since November, I've been here since late July but other people have been here way longer then both of us combined!!!! Steve and Charles have been wanting the release of the game since the day it was started. In a thread a while back Steve said that NO ONE wanted the release of Combat Mission more than he and Charles. Chances are the wait for CM2 will be less painful because we'll have something good to play with *glancing around for girlfriend* while waiting. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  17. Hmmmm... I should probably order soon... ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  18. Thanks a lot man...maybe I'll add a little something special soon ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  19. Nah IRC is annoying...stick with ICQ and make sure to visit the Combat Mission club on Yahoo! There are links to it on my page and Madmatt and Fionn's site. ICQ is way better. Much easier and more user friendly. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  20. Yeah go CCJ!!! Can't wait to get smoke that doesn't look like crap!!! And as always this will be converted to Mac!!! And you all know the exclusive site for downloading CCJ's mods for Mac... And SS_Pl...what happened to your mods? I have room to host them I think. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  21. I also would appreciate some feed back on the Mac SPR sounds. Were they easy to install or do I need better instructions? General comments on my site are welcome too of course ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  22. I also would appreciate some feed back on the Mac SPR sounds. Were they easy to install or do I need better instructions? General comments on my site are welcome too of course ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  23. I'm an idiot but I'll give it a shot. It all depends on where the shell falls. If its by the treads then it could immobilize it or even cause the crew to bail. As you destroying Panthers....I'm not too sure...I'm sure you could get lucky with 105's and things like that but of course in CM like in real life this don't always happen consistently.
  24. I had some trouble getting the SPR sound mods hosted because Geocities seemed to think I was hosting some warez. They said I had Quake 1 hosted but I only have 15 megs of space so even if I wanted to host it...ah well Xoom.com is great so far... My URL is still the same though...also I changed my ads so no more annoying popups! There is a poll in case you don't like it. So if you have a Mac download them!!!
  25. I find it humerous that all the people who have posted so far in this thread play CM with a 3d card despite the title of the thread. Just my observation.
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