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Everything posted by Colin

  1. **** I think it's time for a new video card. 12 Voodoo 2 is okay but it won't hold out for long. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  2. Jeez man of course!!! CoolColJ and I have decided that we will try for a simultanious Mac and PC release for these. Should be amazing. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  3. Is it a Nashorn? I'm not sure but I think so. If so has the textures changed since the Heavy Metal special feature? I like it! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  4. Well Captain if you are back then where is our PBEM game. It's your turn and I've been waiting for a long time. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  5. Hey small update at my webpage. Added an interesting POTD. I have some movies and stuff but they're not very good. Sorta a slow news day so I though you might liketo stop by. Sign the guestbook please. Also my page was mentioned at Mac Gamers Ledge so that should help CM! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  6. I was just playing Close Combat 2 on Gameranger and I realised that it doesn't make a difference wether or not tanks have turrets in that game. They rarely really use the turrets anyway. However, Jagdpanzer IV's still kick ass in that game. 5 76mm shells bounced off of mine. Hehehe....damn I want this game... ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  7. Fionn, I knew what an FO was but I didn't know that they had them for spotting naval gunfire. I though that it was planned longer in advance because of the size of the gunfire. I think I'll just shut up now. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  8. Dammit Peng why aren't you on ICQ? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  9. Hey John!!! Yes you can play each other in PBEM!!! I have a Mac and I lost to Mr Peng with ease!! Don't know about TCP/IP but I'm sure it will be because Steve is a Mac guy. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  10. If you wanna sees some public relations work check out http://www.macledge.com Click on the Mac Combat Mission fan site headline! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  11. Let's try for another chat session like we did yesterday. Could be good! http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  12. Here's an interesting link I found. http://members.tripod.com/fingolfen/tiger/vk4502p.html ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  13. Is that the 16 inch battleship shell? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  14. Well the archive link in the news part is different then the link in the direct link part. But there's nothing new there! Great POTD though and I'm loving that AAR! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  15. Hey Matt wheres that pic from 2/8/99? I can't seem to find it in the archives. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  16. Yes.....they'll be plenty of demos for all......soon....soon...soon....so soon....arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh.... ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  17. Movies is what you want eh!!! That movies is what you shall recieve!! Make sure to stop by the COmbat Mission club at around 9:00 EST for a little announcment about my site. Of course what I have is just a small beggining but you have to start somewhere! http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  18. I'm pretty sure Steve said those we're probably gonna be in CM2 but not CM1. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  19. Hey Matt that sounds great!!! I'm working on a gallery to put up tonight to! Should be a good night for CM pix. Remember 9:00 EST in the Combat Mission Club! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  20. Fionn I don't doubt you for a second. You are way more knowledgeable then I but let me explain the logic in my thinking. With guns that big wouldn't the orders have to come from higher up then some unknown FO in a small part of Western Europe? I'm not arguing but I'm just curious. Might as well learn something from this. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  21. I think they are. Didn't Madmatt do that for the Flame War special event? ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  22. That's right Dave! That's what I was getting at but couldn't put it quite eloquently enough. Thanks for the response anyway Fionn. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  23. I think that would be a waste of resources and time (although a cool looking waste ). There are more important things (like finishing the game). ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  24. Bicycle units have no place in CM. They didn't fight from their bicycles so there wouldn't be much point in having them there. ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com
  25. There that got your attention!! Now go to my webpage! I've started a new POTD section and today's is a doozie. You can see yesterday's by going to the archive page. Yesterdays pic is courtesy of Madmatt and Fionn. It really makes you feel for the Americans when facing German armor. And don't forget to sign my guestbook! ------------------ Visit my webpage! http://cm4mac.tripod.com [This message has been edited by Colin (edited 02-11-2000).]
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