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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. I believe you guys are reading a little too much into the AAR. The AAR does sum up the actions he took, but you have to add a little color to make it interesting. Like the diffrence in saying " We entered the house and close assulted them" and... "We stormed the house and Joe and Mike had to wrestle two Germans before they finally fell to thier knives."

    Just my take on things. Grain of salt and all that.





  2. SS,

    I have played many a ladder game. My clan in tribes kicked ass. I can see your point to an extent. I do remember reading where the victory conditions have been vastly improved over the beta. So I guess I'll have to wait and see how the Gold plays out. As for the standings on the ladder. It isn't a liner process. You haven't got to beat the number 2 man to be number 2. Hell you could have 50 guys all tied with the highest ranking. Its just a "skill" rating. And you playing a lot of ladders you know that there are a couple checks in place. One chooses sides, one chooses maps, ect... If a person makes cheater maps I'm sure it won't take to long for his named to be made public, so he'll get blackballed. Same as happens with cheaters in other ladders. So if you do play this guy once your "skill" rating may drop a few points. Easy enough to make up in another game or so. I'm sure most of you are familer with the chess ranking system. To me that is how the CM ladder will be. It's all about "skill" rating not positional rating, that is one thing I think most need to keep in mind.

    rambled enough now... smile.gif




  3. Ok, I have to chime in here. I love ladder play, and enjoy climbing it. smile.gif But i think SS is pointing out why a lot of people here refuse to play in ladder games. People get so involved with "points" that the "game" loses all its fun. I've loved all my PBEM games thus far, and the friendships made during them are great. I was hoping that could carry over to ladder play with the ranking being a judge of skill more than a rating. But if the ranking means so much that I'm forced to continue a PBEM game for an extra week or two just so someone can save 10 or 20 points to his rating.... Then to Hell with it. Personaly I couldn't care less if i was rated 1800 or 1780. It is just a yard stick to measure yourself against. This is a wargame, not tribes, quake,rouge spear, where those ladders to me, have a totally diffrent meaning.

    Just my opinion.




  4. Hey this is most likely a dumb topic but what the hay. After reading the thread on how people got their names, I started wondering about gaming enviroment for CM.

    I have to listen to music when I game and was wondering what other people use to put them in a "let's blow this up" mood.

    I'm a little strange in musical taste.

    I find CM goes really good with soft celtic music. Instrumental are my favs. Followed by anything in Irish or latin. For english Lyrics I'll go for some Eithne (Enya). Oh, and LOL I like the pipes too.

    ok, so now I've removed all doubt that I'm a nut. Any comments? besides the obvious smile.gif




  5. Kettle,

    That is what I do. I hunt up the crest and issue a reverse order. Usually works pretty well. The only problem I have is (when your outgunned) is I wish there was a "pop shot" option. I'll explain, Sherman vs. a Tiger.

    Sherman hunts up the slope to get a shot of at the tiger. He gets a good postion and fires. Here is the problem, It seems he just continues to fire at the target until it or him is dead.

    If I was a commander I would fire once and yell something like "damn missed! back up! back up!"




  6. Getting Hull down is easy with a little practice. You just issue the hunt command up the slope. (not all the way to the top smile.gif) when your tank spots the enemy he'll stop. usually in a nice hull down position. By using the diffrent armor you learn to gage how far up you need to go (so that if nothing is spotted you don't go to far).

    It is also very helpful to pre-target the enemy before moving. that way your tank starts switching ammo, getting ready to fire, while the target is still out of LOS. So when the target does come into LOS you fire really quickly.

    Hull-down: when the Hull of your tank is hidden or protected from the enemy. basically the only part of your tank showing to the enemy is from the main-gun up.




  7. Iggi, Thats a tough call. The FO if he sees your guys he might stop calling in the artillery. But due to flight times your guys will still suffer a turn due to the shells in route. Best to let your shells fall, cancel your FO's target next turn, and issue a 30 sec pause to the troops you plan on moving. This should allow the shells in route time to hit before your guys start moving.




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