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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. OK, Yes I'm afraid you do have to be a member to see the POTD's on the combat mission club site. This is why they are also being sent to Colin to post on his CM4Mac page.

    When I started the club i was looking for an easy way to get a live chat area set up for CM. This was the easiest way that I found. Along with being easy to use, and giving me the space, it was also free. By starting the club there is also added a couple goodies like the photo section, message sections, and calender areas also. I tried to make this open for everyone by making it a "general admission" club where everyone with a yahoo idea could join.(instead of an invite only). I understand there are those who hate Yahoo and have problems with them (they aren't my favorite either). But one of the reasons you have to be a member to view the photo section is that you can not only view pictures there, but also create your own photo album and place your photos in there as well (I can't make it read only).

    If your leary about joining Yahoo thats fine. (i just gave them false information),I can understand your position and we will miss seeing you there. I'm starting to ramble now so i'll cut this short. Just thought I'd give a little explination about why things work the way the do over there.





    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 03-06-2000).]

  2. Good evening all. The new POTD is up at the yahoo club sight. It has also been sent over to Colin's Mac page. This Picture is the 2nd in a series. The series shows off some good textures, and lets you see exactly what your tombstone will look like.





    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  3. Hello everybody! The New POTD is up at the combat mission club. Just look under Photo's for the POTD album.

    This First Picture shows that there are more things to fear in the woods than just Bears.

    Matt also wanted to run a "caption" contest. So leave a message here and the best one I'll post under the Picture and send to Matt. (for what? I have no idea.)

    Thats it for now... enjoy!




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  4. Oh, Just for a little direction.

    When you goto the club to see the pics. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub

    On the home page you will see a "our pages" section on the left. just click "photos" and look for the POTD album.

    any questions? just let me know.




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  5. Good article Steve.

    I guess I based my ranges on the first few games I played. After a game or two you learn pretty quick how effective your units are over distance. So I follow your pattern (without counting tiles). I just eyeball the distance between the target and where i'm at. Move my units into what i feel is a good range and then use the LOS/Target lines to make small adjustments.

    starting to ramble now... so i'm out.




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  6. Chaos, Your right. I do remember reading that in the magazine. My question is this... If he is a "wargamer", then wouldn't he be on this forum? hiding under a false name... I guess I just don't see how your could be a real "wargamer" and not be here.




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  7. You forgot that pointed shaped blades/weapons are not allowed. Only Flat blades can be used. So the wounds inflicted on your enemies will heal faster.

    I'm sure there are many others. While I'm all for rules for warfare (POW'S,ect). Battle ground rules are insane.(when using conventional warfare). As for firing on retreating units... They are not POW's! they are retreating.The whole reason you retreat is to regroup so you can fight again.

    Just my .02




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  8. Thanks Lindan, The situations were ones i just made up on the fly. Interesting to see the diffrent tactics people use for the same problem. I'll try to think of a couple more.




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 03-02-2000).]

  9. FallshirmJaeger.. Humm.. let me think.

    Have found the following:

    1)chutes were very bad.

    2)couldn't carry any equipment on jumps(see 1)

    3)had to wear knee and elbow pads (see 1)

    4) landed on their faces (see 1)

    5) had funny looking helmets (this may have been because of reason 1, but i'm not sure, I guess if they used the WWI spiked helmets they could have been used as human lawn darts though....)


    P.S. sorry, just i haven't see to much on them either.



    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 02-29-2000).]

  10. I love the wallpaper you have put on your site. Has also got noticed here at work. More than once when commented on it I've had to reply "Yes thats combat mission, the game i've been telling you about, Dumb ass. "




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  11. ok.. maybe it would help if this was in context. IIRC the iraqi's that were buried were in a trench. They had dug a trench to prevent the american armor from crossing. The american army called up tanks with blades, lowerd them and ran at the trench. This of course filled in the trench so the armor could cross. Also buried anyone that was in the trench also. I see no way this would be a war crime. (unless a war crime against the iraqi army for bad tactics).




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  12. Fionn.... Happy endings? LOL I'm sure you have read enough Irish Lit. to understand that the most popular ending is this.. Every Man and woman in that heroic battle parished except for (insert name). Thats where the story comes from. smile.gif



    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  13. Humm, In WWII the german FO's usually had a 200 meter land line back to their positions. So when they called in fire they just judged the distance from them to the target and added 200meters( for the line) when they called in the strike. Seems that this is a case where lack of wireless radios may have helped them out.

    Just rambling




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  14. Well... Since my Face is about as Generic Irish as you can get.. I'll give it a go. Maybe I'll get lucky since i got here to late for the "names" call. frown.gif



    Man i have no life.. I play nothing but CM and Rogue Spear all the time.. Just Brewed a Stug and yelled "tango down".... sad really. frown.gif



    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  15. well.. I'm just going to guess at this. but here goes. When watching the rounds land in the demo(counting shells ect..) It seems that at most there may be two cannons firing. This wouldn't cause the wholesale distruction of an actual barrage, which would in fact level the whole city area of LD pretty quickly. More like for this little battle you managed to bribe yourself a couple guns. Just my opionion..




    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


  16. Pink Floyd without Roger... I miss Sid more than Roger. I loved Floyd with Roger, but they have made some great music sence then also.. I think we should all feel sorry for Roger and the fact the his God complex has allowed Floyd to continue on with greatness while he sits in a damp celler eating crackers and spam.

    LOL whooo.. are we looking for topics or what?


    P.S. forgot the CM tie-in thats needed for some. Anyone have any information on the part the relitives of Floyd played in WWII?

    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 02-25-2000).]

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