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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. umm... We prefer the Cesspool or mutha of a bueatiful thread.

    And yes, as the Cesspool is considered the lifesblood by some, it is worth reading. Or at least skimming through. Or ignoring.

    Basically It can be summed up as this. It is a thread where people who PBEM go to taunt their foes and belittle them in front of all present. If you are man (or woman) enough to be drug over rusty blades,dunked in alcohol, belittled and be spat upon as you lose and it is made public. The Cesspool is for you. Of course you must possess character, humor, and a total lack of humility and kindness to fit in.

    Well worth the experience. That which does not kill me makes me stronger. or some crap like that...



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  2. LOL Dell,

    No I haven't had the pleasure/unpleasure of playing Joe yet. Still making my rounds in the Cesspool and his name hasn't came around yet. But it will.. Oh it will... and when it does!! I'll most likely lose to him too wink.gif

    by the way, like your sig.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  3. No people it isn't just with his thunder storm thread. The abuse he has recieved in the past has been much worse. How much can you actualy sit there and take and take and take?

    As for Rob being dyslexic? I honestly don't know. I do remember him stating publicly, after being harressed about his grammer, that he had a problem but didn't feel like discussing it here.

    Even then the snide remarks didn't stop. I've delt with the crap all my life, and basically just say WTF and let it slide. It just bothers me to see other people getting hit.Sorry to seem like I'm one a soap box but things like this bother me.

    Maybe I take it to personaly but thats my .02



    Proud commander of the CCT's! Chinchilla Commando Teams

  4. Actualy I don't blame Rob one bit.

    I think it is really sad when a person has a problem and a bunch of arogent assholes have to prove how much better than they are every chance they get.

    As I am dyslexic I can tell you what a Frecking pain in the ass it is being corrected ever damn time you turn around and the people correcting you don't realize that if you could Frecking fix it you would.

    Personaly I've learned to ignore jerks like that, but it still pisses me off when I see someone else taking the abuse like Rob has.

    These are the same people that when seeing a man in a wheelchair trying to reach something on a shelf would say something like " idiot,you need to stand up to get that" and walk away.

    Sorry for the rant but people that keep putting down others to feel self-important really piss me off.


    (p.s. I'm sure I've mispelled words above but feel free to correct them if it makes you feel better.)


    Proud commander of the CCT's! Chinchilla Commando Teams

  5. pillar... I believe you have started a post that can only go bad..

    But i will give you my opinion,

    RTS can be fun, You obviously can't control as many units or give as detailed a plan. Your more just clicking to get them where you want them and scaning the map real quick to make sure you haven't missed anyone. But the quick play does add a nervous tension.

    Turn based games I prefer for several reasons. First your not under a big time restrant so you can plan your tactics better and your plan follows more of a guideline. In most WeGo games you don't really get nervious because it is just plotting and resolving. In CM (with wego) the lines are blured so you still get the nervious tension when the movies are played out.

    In the most simple terms.

    RTS usualy equals fast and fun.

    Turn based equals slow and thinking.

    Wego( to me) is the perfect blend.




    Proud commander of the CCT's! Chinchilla Commando Teams

  6. well OGSF.. I'll quote matt here "BITE ME!"

    Yes my guys are stuck in town... yes your armor survived my last mortar attack on it. Yes your puma is running around all willy-nilly behind my lines. Which brings me to my question

    Whats your point?

    You have managed to "surround" my entire force. Sadly You have forgotten that they were already sitting on all the VL's and we are dug in for defense anyway.

    Your squad that charged my last poor surrounded squad in that house lasted what 10 sec? 15?

    Come get some hamster boy!



    Proud commander of the CCT's! (Chinchilla Commando Teams)

  7. LOL OGSF.... yes I can laugh at my self.

    He was nicely placed too, and had some backup too...well...until you blew up thier building.

    I'll have to hand it to you. that was real nice the way you approched that.

    Oh and your puma is starting to make my ass itch.. It is like a bad rash.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  8. Trolling comes from the fishing term. You bait a hook and drag it along behind the boat try to cath something.

    A troll on the board is when someone throws some bait out , usually a topic that will cause other to respond, and waits for others to bite.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  9. Von Brizee,

    Your topic doesn't reflect what you actualy did.

    Using AT teams to set up an ambush where you feel certain some armor will be comming isn't gamey.. It also isn't using them to run around the map as scouts either.

    I still think it is a tactic that can get your AT teams killed real quick against someone that uses combined arms. But not gamey. All it takes to counter is one or two infantry units(even half units) to scout foward for your armor. A lesson I'm sure the person you had a PBEM game with will learn sooner or later.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  10. I have to agree with both sides on this one. Putting your zooks and shrecks in a foward position is not gamey. Bad tactics in a lot of cases.. But not gamey.

    Trying to get your teams in position for an ambush is a good idea. And considering that these teams will only sit there and stare at the enemy as they are being shot at, makes it really easy to counter.

    A good recon force I have found is a zook or shreck team along with a half-squad for support. At lest they have a chance at escape if they are spotted (or get rushed by the crew of the tank they just killed).

    Just my .02



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  11. one thing people have to remember also. Is that all the armor, firepower, ect.. is hard coded into the game. So you can dress any thing to look like you want. but it will always be what it was. So in your VN battle you still going to be fighting with the americans (same FP) and the Germans(same FP) the only thing you can do is change their clothes...

    Now if you don't mind every VC unit having a LMG42 then fine. Just want you to know what the deal was.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  12. This post can really be summed up as this:

    It is a request for people that are PBEM'ing to honnor what they originaly stated. If you promise someone 2 or 3 turns a day. Then give them 2 or 3 turns a day.

    I find honesty is best. I tell people up front that I'm good for one turn a day. I work damn odd hours and I'm just not on the same time as other people. If I get lucky and find someone in a diffrent timezone then I can do several turns a day, but that is a bonus.

    Master Bates Idea....

    I like it. Even if it wasn't a ladder. Just a listing of people and the time they are avalible to play. Could be helpful.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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