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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. I think it has mostly to do with the standardization of the US army. Most all US infantry had the basic setup, then had equipment attached to fill out the unit. (other than airborne). So for a mech/armored infantry force. You just by regular squads and add in the trucks/halftracks.

    Same with the rangers I believe, A basic squad as far as men and equipment, you just would add an experience bonus for training, ect...

    Like Meeks I'd like to see some of the odd balls OOB and equipment list to verify the facts. So if any of you grogs got them, By all means throw them out.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-11-2000).]

  2. Thats the point Cavscout.

    It was a mistake in judgement. Germany thought that by declairing war on the US and standing by Japan, that Japan would in turn declair war on Russia and help Germany out. Germany hoped that this action by Japan would force russia to hold its forces in the east.

    As we all know Japan didn't declair war on russia and Germany (by declairing war on the US) had just made one on its biggest mistakes.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  3. You forgot that the German Tiger tanks, were really all captured Shermans.

    Hince the Great fear of tigers by the allies. It wasn't the Tank they were scared of, it was friendly fire. They would see another sherman and hesitate.. costing them the first shot, and they would lose.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  4. As for Germany and Japan not wanting a war with us..

    I believe this is correct. They did not want to go to war with the USA, but Japan had to do something as its war in China had reached a stand still and the USA was part of the reason they weren't reciving enough raw goods to continue.

    Germany declaired War on the US, in the mistaken idea that by siding with Japan against the USA, that Japan would help Germany with Russia.

    So yes, neither wanted war with the US, but through turn of events it could not be avoided.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  5. Holdit,

    Let me see if I can explain bad manors, as I used it.

    I don't consider Gamey tactics like the jeep rush to be cheating. To me cheating is finding a way to disable or get around a process in the game. (like Pillars turning of FOW cheat he thinks he has found).

    Bad manors is using something that the game allows, but leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

    Like the jeep rush. Someone using this just because they have figured out that the speed of the jeep makes it almost impossible to hit, is bad manors. I hate to see it, and I would never do it because using tactics like that ruin the win.

    Now taking a jeep and using its speed to flank a halftrack and shoot up its back side is a good tactic.

    Although both can be considered suicide for the jeep I most cases. I for one see them diffrently.

    I have no problem with ahistorical tactics if they are valid and don't just take advantage of the game not being able to model everything.

    Also, I just might be crazy. But I honestly believe that 80% of the people that use a gamey tactic know it is gamey beforehand. Therefore to go ahead and use it is bad manors.

    lol, bet that didn't clear it up. I have a tendency to ramble. sorry



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  6. Holdit,

    I'll answer your questions.

    Personaly I have to say that none of the PBEM games I have going, have used house rules. The people I'm playing just seem to know where to draw the line. If you have a real problem with the way someone did something in a game, ask them about it. After all having fun is what it is all about.

    Is it cheating to use gamey tactics? Do you consider players who use tactics like the jeep rush to be cheaters?

    No I don't think it is cheating. I consider it more a case of bad manors.

    Is it cheating if a player decides not to abide by house rules?

    Thats just silly. Of course it isn't cheating. House rules are simple. Either the players agree and play, or they don't.

    Do you always clarify the situation vis a vis house rules with your opponent before the game starts?

    As I stated above I have not used house rules. I tend to give my new PBEM people the benifit of the doubt. But I also see no problem with agreeing to house rules if my opponent wanted them.

    Do you see a player who prefers to allow the use of gamey tactics as an inferior kind of gamer?

    Nope, too each his own. Everyone has a choice as to how they wish to play. Same as everyone has a choice on who they play.

    Some people seem to be upset by the word "gamey". What other word would you use as an alternative that would not hold any negative connotations?

    I can not really think of another good word. Since by definition Gamey tactics take advantage of how the game models things.

    Are house rules a good thing in themselves or a necessary evil?

    Really depends on how they are used. We even had some house rules back during my SL days.

    For example maybe you and someone decide you don't want any armor, or no airpower, or no artillery higher than 105's. These are all "house rules" but really just define the parameters of the game you'll be playing.

    Everything comes down to choices. Nobody is forcing anyone to play by any rules. But you have to realize that no one is forced to play anyone they don't want to also.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  7. Cav Scout,

    As an american and a vet I do not take anything our country did for granted. This thread was a simple asking on why people like to play the germans. People are giving their opinions. Obviously you disagree with them. That is fine. But I don't think telling people thier reasons are wrong will get them to switch sides.

    I think you need to listen to your self a little more. "THE ALLIES WON THE WAR!"

    So you can stop fighting it now.

    Remeber for any game to be worth playing, somebody has to play the bad guys.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  8. lol, no flames here.

    I play both sides about as often. I think the reason I like playing the Germans is the neat factor. It is also the reason I believe more german mods are done than allied ones. You just have more to play with. list follows


    Infantry (some had camo)

    Tanks (camoed, looked low and mean, sportscar factor).

    There are just a lot of camo textures to play with.


    Infantry (some winter camo)

    Tanks (ugly. No cammo really to speak of. Shermans were really tall and kind of ugly)

    How many shades of olive green are there?

    I am also from North Carolina. I tend to play the rebs in that one too. I think a lot of that is just the underdog factor. The last thing I do is let the political issues of respective sides get in the way of the "game". If I did this there would be very, very few games to play. As most countries have fought for bad reasons at one time or another.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  9. Patience, patience, patience. A lot of times the best course of action is no action.

    Also as Fionn has said plenty of times. A good defense can also be an attack. If the enemy leaves himself open to a counter or thin on the flanks, Don't hesitate to take advantage of it. Always keep your options open.

    Protect your flanks!



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  10. heard about it a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

    Then heard mention of it again on the CC foums. Came here and started lurking like a cockroach at noon. Soon had the beta demo and everything has been wonderful since.


    by foobar:

    Do any of you guys remember playing Chance Encounter from different starting places just so we could keep it interesting?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LMAO, you remember the ok. When the game starts both sides move all your forces 90 degrees right. When were in place then start the atttack. I won't even mention the threads where people were making up names for ducks at the small pond at resienburg... Ahh, the good old days.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  11. I've tried to not say anything, But It has gotten to where I really don't understand what the issue is.

    I view the Quick battles in CM as kind of a WWII chess match. Try and make both sides as even as possible and then duke it out. If you are having problems facing players that demand to play the germans and then only by uber armor. Then you have just found some bad sports. Write the games off and move on. There are plenty of us out there who play to be fair.

    Now if you are looking for a material advantage for the allies just for the sake of history, thats fine too. I just think you'll find it hard to play anyone that way. I like games to be fair, (yes I play all sides, not just german).

    But there is no way I would consider a chess match in which I got a full set, and the other guy got some pawns, and 1 bishop, fair. Hell wouldn't even be fun enough to play.

    As far as the PBEM "problem" being BTS's fault? what the hell are you people talking about?

    BTS had one job. To depict the equipment and units used in WWII as close and as accurate to their historic counter parts as possible. To me they have done one hell of a job.

    But their job ends there. Setting up a PBEM game. With what ever forces you wish to use, ect... That is your job.

    You just have to keep in mind that if what you want to design is a totally one-sided battle, your opponant list might be real small.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  12. Retreating units off of a map, Will save you points. AKA they are not surrendered at the end. You just need to know which map edges are friendly. Usually I pull them back and off the map in the same direction we came. aka... running home to mama.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the current physics of the game already takes into account the superior trajectory of German guns"

    Quite frankly I think that statement is VERY debatable if you look at the debate in the 88 Lacking punch thread.

    I'm not at all so sure that the game does accurately model the superior trajectory of German guns. I am not the least bit worried that "adding in an optics bonus may be double counting".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    As a long time lurker in both threads I would like some clarification.

    I assumed from all my reading that the 88 thread revolved solely around armor penitration. Not the trajectory or flight path of the shell that is modeled.

    Sorry I am just a slack-arsed lurker, But I honestly believe if you have nothing or any thing diffrent to add, to just say nothing. Maybe I'm destined to be a slack assed poster boy. smile.gif

    Just thought I'd ask about that one point though.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  14. I see it is still growing.....

    Give way to the dark side. It is powerful. Soon....yes soon. Your thread will grow and become loathed too...

    it spreads...

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-05-2000).]

  15. Lord General,

    I think most of your points also happened quite a bit on the westrn front also.

    Basically If your tank made it to the battle chances of it lasting the whole 30 min to an hour were really good. Things like fuel, engines ect... pretty much happend on the way to the fight, not in it.

    One thing I don't think I have ever seen though, is a weapon malfunction on a tank. Like the coax getting jammed ect..

    Thats just my .02 though.


    [edit: sad when you can't even spell your name right. <sigh>}


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-05-2000).]

  16. Wince, Basically you have described what the CMMC/CPX is all about. You can read more about it at http://cmhq.tzo.com .

    The only diffrence is it isn't all handled by the game. It will consist of upwards of 200 players each in charge of a batallion, recieving and giving orders over the campaign. Everything from Army HQ leaders, division HQ, ect.. are real humans, playing the campaign out on a huge map. Using CM to process battle resolution through PBEM when two enemy units meet.

    I'm pretty sure this one is full (might still be some divisionl HQ jobs open). Thought you might want to take a look at it, and see what is up.

    Lorak the loathed.


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  17. question.

    Feel free to flame.

    Why does that thread bother people so much?

    Do people believe we don't take CM seriously enough? Considering a lot of us have been playing CM about a year now, Are active in the CMMC, Hell even two of the writers for the CMMC/CPX newsletter are in our thread. I can't see this argument. All of us there are very serious about CM. What is wrong with us thinking that CM should be fun too?

    When you consider the number of games that come out of there, we have also saved the board about 100 "looking for PBEM" threads also.

    I just don't understand the loathing people have for us, when all it is, is one thread listed out of about 10,000 that you don't even have to click on.

    Really I'm looking for an honest answer. Why do people think we are so bad?



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  18. Assuming you have no HE.

    Do you really need to take the building? Can you encircle the building and then attack the hidden squad from the back side?

    Also try attacking the building from two directions. This will cause the squad to:

    A) get shot in the back facing flanking fire (which also is a huge moral killer) or

    B) split thier firepower to fire at both attackers. Which also leads to a huge attacker advantage.

    When routing units out of buildings a multi-directional attack is about the only way to go.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  19. what I have always done is just rename the files.

    So the old one becomes v104.exe and then just drop the new one in.

    That way I still have all of the versions on my PC. Has actualy proven usefull still having 1.01 and 1.03 around for some of the AAR's.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  20. haha...

    a spring leaks forth from the earth...

    and along came Mark IV...

    who tainted it with water from the pool...

    Then in steps Cpt Foobar sprinkling grains of fnord all in it...

    Yes is is growing, darkening, taking on life.

    ... I remember now, I remember how it started, I can't remember yesterday, only doing what they told me...told me...told me...



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  21. We all ready have a division of labor...sort of.

    Peng...Well.. His job is being Peng, and fighting off the smiley hordes that try to bring a ray of light into our darkened dwelling.

    Seanachai... Hum, I guess his job is to try to belong to every country at once, and keep us enthralled by his story telling. (Keeps us occupied and out of the forum proper)

    Hamster/Meeks...I really have no idea of his purpose. Basically he acts as a target when we get together and need to lash out and hit someone with a brick.

    Berli... Master of darkness and all things evil (if you have ever had the misfortune of playing on one of his maps you truly know hell).

    Mark IV... His job is to actually bring a little knowledge into the pool. You can sometimes see him taking part in threads that are actually useful.

    Germanboy...He seems to be the best player in the pool, (not that that says anything). Also acts as an axis spy in England.

    David Aitkin... While as far as I know not actually playing anyone in the pool... He does provide comic relief in pictures.

    Joe Shaw... Psychological warfare captain, Mormon wives. nuff said.

    Moriarty... other than a cool name, a nice fellow who PBEM's giving others a chance to win.

    Elvis... Has seen Peng in real life. nuff said

    Pawbroon... everyone's club needs a French man to make fun of.

    Chupacabra.. Resident goat sucker

    Goanna/Joanna...jury still out on this one.

    Bauhaus...Same as above, I believe they PBEM to see who gets the skirt this week.

    Hakko Ichiu... hamster x. Heads up our rodent genetics research lab.

    GI Tom... The Git is kind of quite, but speaks volumes on the field of battle.

    jdmorse...Seems to know a bit about law. So we keep him in there as our public service.

    And Me

    Lorak... I'm just an idiot in search of a village. Seem to double as a scribe, by sorting through the garbage err. Rhetorical wit of the thread, and tallying wins, loses, games in progress ect.

    Special thanks to Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh of Altan. For showing us that even in the darkest reaches of this pool there is still beauty in this world.

    Lastly but well... least.

    Our misbegotten children. The Squires who joust for our amusement. They're only goal in life to become one of us. So the general public too can loathe them.

    Thank you for your time.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-04-2000).]

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