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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. Thanks,

    Printed out the info and will try it out when I get home tonight.

    I agree that re-installing windows was most likely a bad idea. But I really could not find any other choice. I couldn't even get my machine to boot in safe mode.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  2. I will testify that Madmatts CFS2 screen shots are awsome.

    I will also testify that the game kicks ass!

    Now if only the joystick I bought wouldn't have caused me problems and hosed my system. I could play it... frown.gif

    By the way Matt, I'd love for you to post some of your screen shots. Looking for some nice wallpaper. smile.gif

    By the way Matt, along with the message board ot the hanger, They have a Forum set up also. In case you missed it.




    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-20-2000).]

  3. OK guys thanks.

    My machine is by gateway. I used the Gateway restroation CD when I deleated and reinstalled Windows. Seems everything else is back to normal, except for not being able to get the modem and net connections working.

    And yes the modem is an internal US robatics 56k win modem. So I'm pretty sure it is a PCI.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  4. LOL Jeff,

    I know win modems suck ass! (came with the system though). Might just go pick up a new external.

    I did unplug the joystick before running the delete and re-install windows option on my restore disk.

    The problem is that when I try to use connection wizard or what ever to use the damn modem. I get that crazy "not enough memory message".

    Any thoughts on that?

    Should I use the hardware manager to remove the modem and then reinstall it?

    I really just have no ideas.


  5. Posted this in the tech forum also.

    This isn't so much CM related, ecpect for I have hosed my system. I'm really looking to see if anyone here has any advice.

    Ok, here is my long and stupid story.

    Bought a new USB joy stick. Plugged it in and worked great.

    Tried to sign on to the net and I got a "modem not connected or in use by another job".

    So I shut down and went to bed.

    When I rebooted this morning I got a "modem conflict" error. Couldn't not go into safe mode ect..

    Tried to re-install windows...same error..

    So I did a deleate and re-install windows.

    This got me into windows and everything appeared fine.

    Now when I try to use connection wizard ect..

    I get a stange "not enough memory, please shut down other applications" blah, blah blah.

    I've got 128 of memory and nothing else is running. So I am thinking I may have a memory conflict of something.

    Does anyone out here have any suggestions?




    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  6. this isn't so much CM related, ecpect for I have hosed my system. I'm really looking to see if anyone here has any advice.

    Ok, here is my long and stupid story.

    Bought a new USB joy stick. Plugged it in and worked great.

    Tried to sign on to the net and I got a "modem not connected or in use by another job".

    So I shut down and went to bed.

    When I rebooted this morning I got a "modem conflict" error. Couldn't not go into safe mode ect..

    Tried to re-install windows...same error..

    So I did a deleate and re-install windows.

    This got me into windows and everything appeared fine.

    Now when I try to use connection wizard ect..

    I get a stange "not enough memory, please shut down other applications" blah, blah blah.

    I've got 128 of memory and nothing else is running. So I am thinking I may have a memory conflict of something.

    Does anyone out here have any suggestions?



    System info


    P3 500

    128 memory

    Robotics 56k win modem


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-20-2000).]

  7. by peng:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>(this information supplied solely for the uninitiated, novice and nervous among the readers here. It is not intended as a reiteration of known fact for the Illuminati or as a request for money, although any contributions are, as always, welcome.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Peng...illuminati? what in the fnord are you talking about?

    "someone you trust is one of us" Eye-2.GIF



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-18-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-18-2000).]

  8. I started to get the feeling that the Cesspool site was starting to get too serious for the umm "crap" it is suppose to represent.

    So I updated it. I believe most of you will enjoy the changes.

    Oh, and I got rid of the Who is playing who page. Because there was no way in hell that was ever going to stay current or right.


    Lorak the loathed.


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  9. Why Thank you Joe Shaw. Glad I could make you internet viewing nicer. I didn't take into account those that sill use flat rocks as PC's.

    Went ahead and added jshandorf as a squire. Why? who the hell knows.

    Also added Y2K as a squire also. There is just something about the bannana fetish that makes them(her?) a prime canadate to fit in with the rest of our rabid insanity.

    For the rest of you mal-contents. I managed to get out several turns today. But not all of them. I decided to do something more important with my time... like wallpaper the inside of my refrigerator.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  10. Stuka.

    There is no conspiracy... and if there was. So what? Actualy Mensch was overlooked when the site was started.. He was one of the original posters here.

    As for playing you in a game? wasn't your "veteran" SS troops losing to my "green" amis enough of a thrashing for you?

    Besides If he got the nick Mensch from a series of books.. then he is even more deserving.

    LOL "SQUIRE" stuka.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  11. Ahh.. Seanachai you worthless Pseudo-celt.

    Just wondering if you are about ready to surrender or not? You may have bashed my little chinchillas Eye-teeth out... But damnit they will knaw on your bones with thier molars if they have too! This Game has been a lot of fun and educational... T'would be a shame if it has become time for me to unleash my reserves. So rare that I can't make it a whole game without using them. smile.gif

    LOL!!! Bleed a lot now you... you... Pict!

    Lorak the loathed.


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-16-2000).]

  12. All right you drooling pack of siberian cheese mokeys. Lorak is back, and in a bad mood. Why? you ask. Well.. After my darling wife decided that we needed a vaction in the mountains to engage in some hard core sex. We both managed to strike out and spend the night in the hotel with each other.

    For the rest of you crying bastages, the cesspool page has been updated. Joe, I am going to assume that you can read... or at least know the diffrence in what numbers look like. I have your record as 0/0/1. Assuming there might be a problem with some browsers.. I'll change the way it is shown so idiots like yourself can still read it.

    As for my games in the Cesspool...

    Lorak: you drunken, sorry, excuse for rabid three legged mole. Your tactics stink as bad as a frenchwoman after boiling pig turds, to make the soap she bathes in. PBEM games usually refer to giving someone a challenge and matching what some even refer to as wits. Lorak you fool. It does not mean sending insane files back and forth to complete stangers, that validate claims that you are an insane dolt standing on his head, drowning as your drool runs into your own nostrals.

    Damn If I could insert a red hot poker in to my ear and burn out the part of my brain that consists of the Lorak persona I would.

    Lorak loathed by all (even himself).


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-16-2000).]

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