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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. Hmm.. I usually have between 10-15 PBEM games going on. Sending turns usually tuns me between 2-4 hours a day. Sometimes a QB against the AI, Getting ready for the CMMC, Pillars RPG campaign, Turrents RPG campaign..

    Damn... way to much time spent playing CM.

    now if I could just quit my job and play full time....



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  2. Michael,

    IIRC I think BTS looked at the fox holes in tree coverage. I think it was just a problem in one set (tall pines maybe?) and stated that it should be additive. Then fixed it. Not sure if this was protection wise or LOS wise though.

    Honestly this was a long time ago.. If I'm wrong someone will point it out I'm sure.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  3. First, I just want to say kudos to Matt and the great site he has running.


    What the hell are you babbling about? Matt trying for a CM monopoly? Matt helped me a lot when I was setting up my CM web site. I even expressed intrest in a snow picture that I could use as a back drop. He in fact took the time to set up some shots and e-mailed the pics for me to use. He has went through the trouble of setting up the web ring so people can find "ALL" of the CM sites with ease, not just his. We use to talk a lot when I started the first CM chat room back in January. He even went as far as to ask for my feelings ect.. when he was considering buying his chat software, and expressed regret that I could no longer access his chat from work. He has been a gentleman in every instance that I have had the pleasure to talk with him. I've seen him go out of his way to defend others here, Offer advice to people starting, and provide POTD's ect.. to web sites before the game came out.

    Personaly knowing and talking with him for what... 10 months or so now. I can't think of one instance where I have witnessed him showing any of the behavior you alege.

    I think you need to personaly ask yourself if you are saying these things due to a problem you have with him personaly. Or if you really believe you have valid points that others are really upset about.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  4. Quick little update.

    Def is still on duty, so our game is on hold.

    Crossbar just butchered my men, So I give him the upperhand for the moment. But really to close to call.

    V.S. has gotten rid of al his infantry. So I'm expecting something interesting, now that his trap is sprung.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  5. I still see what the big fuss is about.

    ok, It isn't going to be a re-make of the board game.

    Once that is out of the way. You have to focus on the game for what it tries to be.

    It is going for the jagged allience(WWII)age), soldiers at war two, X-com(WWII), ect..

    If they can pull it off it will be interesting. This game is not trying to be realistic, and thier web site states this. They are going for pure fun in a WWII enviroment.

    If a game is fun. It is fun. Statego and Risk are not realistic but they were a lot of fun.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  6. Panzer Man,

    As one of the ones you despise from the Cesspool I feel the need to chime in.

    I noticed in another thread that you haven't tried PBEM yet. This might be one reason you fail to understand our thread.

    I'm sure you will find out shortly how addicting PBEM is. There is nothing more thrilling than matching wits and tactics against another human. Most of all, because you have no idea what crazy stunts they will pull. If you manage to play some good people you will also find out how quickly friendships can grow when you are sharing e-mails with someone everyday over the course of weeks or months. Eventualy you'll find yourself with a core group that you PBEM with and have a lot of fun with.

    This is in essense what the peng thread is. Most of us in there have been PBEM'ing each other since the beta demo (not the gold). Most of us have become good friends over the last several months and thats where it all begins. The Peng thread was started to simply throw taunts between players and make the game more fun.

    The thread has now become an intity of itself. We have new players show up there everyday to try thier hand at taunting and pick up some games. In essence it has became a large PBEM community. But with one catch. You will be taunted, ridiculed, and made to feel like an idiot in front of your peers if you lose. It is kind of like a mini-ladder system... except we use verbal taunts instead of points. It also weeds out people that take themselves a little to seriously. Our main goal in that thread and in our PBEM games in general is to have fun. Playing with people that have a great sense of humor just adds to the experience. Oh, and the fact that you get to ridicule them in public afterwards!

    It is simply a place on this forum where we enjoy the game for what it is... a game.

    Take care.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 09-14-2000).]

  7. Tom,

    Have you thought about downloading and running some free internet software? Like Juno ect... Yes you get ads, and yes it slows down your access with them running. But it is nice to have a back up ready to go.

    Thats why I use a Yahoo e-mail account. So know matter how I sign on I can still getmy e-mail without having to have everyone change.

    Just a thought.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  8. Dog,

    I don't understand your complaint. So CM cost $90 dollars there. Then you say all your games there run $70-$90. Where is the problem? Its prince falls into the same range as all the other games. If your complaint is that it isn't in stores and you have to wait for shipping I can understand that. But that is the only point I see you've got.

    Games in the US(new) run between $40-$60 dollars. CM with shipping is $53.

    and who cares about a box?



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  9. I'm not sure if any of you out there use voice programs while gaming on-line. I've used roger wilco in the past and finds it works pretty well.

    The reason I bring this up is because even though CM doesn't have TCP/IP yet. A lot of people use ICQ to play or even email each other while both are on-line.

    My old Clan had a channel registered on the Roger Wilco website and I figured I'd switch it to CM.

    I don't have a static IP address so having them host the channel seemed like a good idea. If you are interested in using it, some instructions follow. (by the way I don't have the IP address and I'm barred from the site at work, If I get just the address I'll post it later)

    1)goto the Roger wilco website.


    2) at the top click on Our community

    3) click on User groups

    4) this will bring up a search box. Just type Combat Mission where it says name and hit find.

    5) this will bring up the Combat Mission club. (game listed for us is rogue spear, my old clans game, just ignore that)

    6) click on the little ! symbol in blue to connect to our own private channel.

    Thats all there is too it. Now you can taunt and ridicule your enemy, and make it personal. wink.gif

    I have ask Roger Wilco to add Combat mission to their games list.

    and like I said If I can just get the IP address for that channel I'll post it here.

    **BY the way**

    If anyone else is using any voice software you think is better, please share.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  10. Pat,

    I think most of it comes from them seeking better cover. Your troops that were hiding behind the hedge, were they taking fire?

    If so. A hedge offers really no protection. So maybe they were just running towards the nearest cover... which happens to be where the enemy is.

    Just a thought.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  11. Yep, Your find getting a y-cabel or a switch a much better choice then pluging and unpluging all the time. I can't use a regualr mic with my pc because my speakers kill it. So the only option is a headphone and boom mic. I did the switch back and forth for a while... what a pain in the ass.

    Also for those of us that stay up and play while the mate is sleeping. Headphones are a lot nicer than just no sound at all.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  12. Lord General.

    That sums it up in a general way.. If a wrong one.

    No one is saying that CM is perfect. It isn't. But it by far is the best thing going. CM is going to improve and things will be worked on. What most people are pointing out is that suggestions are taken seriously if they enhance gameplay, can be done, and are discussed in a civil manor. What most people don't like is the "It needs to be done this way!" approch.

    For example. I would like to see added terrain tiles, random vehicle textures, buildings in several states of damage.

    These would be nice. Would they be hard to code? would it tax the graphics? I don't know. It is BTS game and they will do what they see fit. Thats the way it should be. $50 bucks doesn't buy me a place on the design team. BTS has done a wonderful job bringing this game to us, and I for one trust them to do what they think is best.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  13. ok, I'll try to answer these. But the answers will be short.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It says "Infantry Sounds? 10m" or something close to that. The red line extends from my men to a empty space on the map. Is this normal?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes, pretty normal. I'm surprised that your men haven't actualy spotted the unit if it is really on 10m away. But when dealing with sounds it is really hard to tell.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Also, in fog my men tend to run at and over enemy foxholes that suddenly appear in view. Shouldn't they really stop running once they see them rather than assume that they're empty?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    the run command is just that. Your telling your men you want them to go from here to there as fast as they can, ignore everything else. In FOG or at night is is almost a death wish to order your men to run places, unless you know for sure there are no enemy units about. Much better to only use move. Or if you expect the enemy to use sneck.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh, and also, is it generally better to rest your men before combat or save time and enter combat ASAP? Or is it more of a better if you can, but sometimes you can't sort of thing?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It is always best to make sure your units are rested (listed as "ok" before battle). If they are tired or Weary they will not do near as well. If your units are only tired, usually a turn of inaction will rest them up. If they are weary if could take several turns. If you are finding a lot of units that are having problems being tired. you more than likely are rushing into battle to quickly. Slow the pace a bit. Unless there is an objective or location that you really have to get to now.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

  14. Well, personally I like playing the axis better. But will play any side to get a game going.

    As for Cav's comment. It is true that a lot more people enjoy playing the Axis side since fights can be fair in CM. But I guess I am one of the few that doesn't care. I really don't mind playing the underdogs, I don't mind knowing I am going to lose. For me the challenge is doing the best with what I have.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats

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