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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. Lewis,

    Now that is a lame post.

    Using a lot of the sights mentioned means nothing. Yes vibration is bad, look on the edge of your vision at night, when scouting in dark areas keep an eye out for inverted "v"'s and the like that are not normally found in nature, yada,yada,yada.

    For one I think that the sights we have now are most likely better than the optics the Germans had in WWII(not including thermal, laser, ect).

    Here is a question. How much of a percentage would you give the american sights(regular) today over the german ones? Also once you come up with a % I'd love to hear how you came up with it.

    No one is arguing that the german optics were not better. The question is "How much better?" What were trying to figure out is a realistic bonus and at what ranges. Not just a figure someone is pulling out of their butt.

    Also what does being a VET have to do with having sense? I saw a hell of a lot of idiots in the forces.

    By the way I am a vet, but unlike you I joined to do my duty, not wear the status like a badge in a secret club.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  2. Soldat.... Pulling memory from my ass.

    He was in german artillery. Did take part in France, then went to the east front. Other than when he was wounded he spent his remaining time there and in defense of Berlin during the final days. I know the book is just one mans story, but it seems to give good insight on what the average Soldier thought and was up against.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  3. Ahh, Seems you have some taste after all.

    The lassie is from the band Altan.


    They sing traditional Irish music. She is singing in Irish by the way.

    The song (just a short sample repeated) is "Ta Me Mo Shui" (I am awake) off the Blackwater album.

    There are also some MP3 samples on their web site.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-02-2000).]

  4. Here is what I wrote about the cesspool some time ago. Generlized though it is.

    And yes, as the Cesspool is considered the lifesblood by some, it is worth reading. Or at least skimming through. Or ignoring.

    Basically It can be summed up as this. It is a thread where people who PBEM go to taunt their foes and belittle them in front of all present. If you are man (or woman) enough to be drug over rusty blades,dunked in alcohol, belittled and be spat upon as you lose and it is made public. The Cesspool is for you. Of course you must possess character, humor, and a total lack of humility and kindness to fit in.

    Well worth the experience. That which does not kill me makes me stronger. or some crap like that...



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by Mark IV

    ...I thought we were an inebriated, undisciplined mob with torches and pitchforks?...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Mark.. Your looking out the window again.

    We are the inebriated, undisciplined mob inside this damp, dark cesspool. Covered in filth and promoting all kinds of illuminatist ideals.

    The people with the pitchforks are clearly on the outside. Lucky for us the grate is too small for a grogs head to fit through. wink.gif



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-02-2000).]

  6. LOL, old threads...

    OK, My name is from the dragonlance novels. Lorak was an elven king who had dreams of greatness. He ending up dooming his people to live in a living hell of nightmares he created.... Much like more poor men in my PBEM games..... Hence Lorak.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  7. Personally, I love the FT teams.

    If your fighting on a low-visability map then an engineer squad is a great investment. Also the german flmae-hlf-track is a great asset also. If you have eliminated or countered any afv threat. Just suppress the area and move the track into place. Even if you don't seriuosly injure the enemey, you usually route them from the area.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  8. LOL.. Just a cesspool web site? Nay Lad. We're going to start a whole Cesspool web ring! Then we will Sart our oun Game!

    "Cesspool Mission: Beyond the taunt"

    And Our sound files wil be... ummm interesting.

    ....a quite foggy night, a lone squad making it's way to a woodline. All of the sudden the silence is rent by the sound a machine gun fire... " ahhh! you bloody twit! You've taken off me leg! May the pebbles of a thousand hamsters infest your filthy gob!"

    Yes... twill be lovely...

    web site indeed.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  9. Kitty I for one really like your pictures. They add a bit of fun, and are good comic relief here at work.. (I print them out and post them smile.gif)

    Don't worry about M. Bates. I read Dennis the Mennice every day and just view him as Mr.Wilson. That isn't ment to be a flame towards Mr. Bates at all. Just some people are by their nature are dry or grumpy. My uncle is the same way. Love him to death, But has the sense of humor of a dead opossum.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When I am searching for a hull-down position for vehicles, or a safe stopping point for infantry, I plot the movement then place the camera over the end point in view 1 to see what I can see. If I can just barely make out the target or piece of terrain, I figure I'm in the right spot. If I see too much, I pull the end point back until I like it. This method isn't foolproof, but it works well enough most of the time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This is the same way I do it also. One thing you need to have is patience. I usually also follow this up with a reverse command also. So that I'm not left out to dry if he doesn't sopt the unit.

    It also helpt to pre-target before you move. Also have a little patience. If you don't go far enough up the fist time to gain LOS You have only lost a min. Better to be a little short, waste a min, and still be out of LOS also... Than get in a hurry, plot to far forward, and die in a horrible smoking wreck.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  11. What exactly are you guys complaining about?

    The graphic for the house blowing up?

    If so it is just a graphic. In the beta the house just dissapered and the rubble tile showed up. Trust me this is a lot nicer.

    If you guys are complaining that houses collapse to easily... I'm not sure so I can't say for certain. I will say that when I went to Europe I did see some of the out lying village and farm houses. Didn't look like it would take a whole lot to bring them down truthfully.

    I think a lot of it comes from a feeling of security we place in buildings. Actualy it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to really bring down a house or small building.

    Most of the houses in Europe are not brick ranches like we in the usa are used too.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

    by the Commissar

    Not to worry, tests will continue. Since the people who habbit the Cesspool are awful scum of humanity, nobody will mind when their gone either.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Thats a good start.... If you could have found some way to belittle my tactics and insult my herritage, you would be closer.

    I think with a little work you would fit right into the pool.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 09-28-2000).]

  13. Hell, he has plenty of time to sleep.

    5 min girlfriend

    120 min eating

    10 min posting to forum

    20 min updating site

    that leaves 21 hours and 25 min for sleep.

    hell.. I'll give him 2 hours for playing CM.

    19 hours 25 min



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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