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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. I'm pretty sure the TRP is a registration target. Thats why on board units can fire at this target without LOS. As the location has already been dialed in. Oviously they lose the TRP advantage if they move because thier range and bearing are no longer good. Same with your off board artillery. An FO can order fire at a TRP out of LOS without it being scattered fire. Because the Off board guns already have the range and bearing to the target.

    So I think TRP's should most likely be used by defenders, who have had the time to set up and prepare areas of fire. As an attacker you can still use them, but think of them as " we pre-shelled this area before the attack, and this is where are guns were dialed in.

    make sense?



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  2. First off,

    I didn't run my shreck team into a building knowing someone was there.

    This was a city fight, and this house had good LOS to the road comming in on the right side.

    They were snecking into the building to set up an ambush. The scheck team was already hiding there.

    They were part of my platoon who happened to be in a very heavy fire fight with a platoon accross the street. This building seemed like a good ambush spot and was out of the line of fire.

    I'm not saying tactics aren't a big part of it. I'm just saying they should have some means of self defense.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  3. YES! thats it. Laugh a little harder. Laugh until your holding your belly... holding your belly and rolling on the floor.

    Then sir you will be at our mercy!!

    Of course my CCT's don't know the meaning of the word mercy..... or any other words for that matter...

    None the less! When you sir are surrounded and being torn to bits by my CCT's and awaken to the sight of an ambush marker on your groin. You will know a horror like no man has even been witness too!

    For the Litterland

    Sieg Heil



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  4. you guys must be all be peace loving..

    I had the same thing happen. a bazooka team and a shreck team both thinking this light building by the road would be a good hiding place.

    My case my be a fluke....

    But I targeted the bazooka team (after 2 turns like this) and my shreck fired.

    end result: Bazooka team eliminated. House on fire one member of sheck team down upon firing, second member cut down by american squad as he ran from the burning house.

    guess it ended in a draw either way...



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  5. Andy,

    umm.. never really even noticed the smoke.

    Trying to remember back, It was by your wire and your guns.. correct?

    If so don't worry about it. I had already found my path up the side, so I could avoid that area. It just looked bad from the get go. Too bad I had to get a bazooka slaughterd to find out for sure though.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  6. wow.. I am speachless. (which makes most of you happy I am sure.)

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now there is an actual rodent we like to call TC Schutz, of the chinchilla variety who is often seen with a mythical elven king named Lorak. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>However he is a fine tactician and is apparrently the brains behind Lorak's recent spate of victories.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Nice Peng... Just give away my whole tactical advantage to the newbies! As for the "spate of Victories". I laugh ! You can't prove I've had a victory, never the less a spate of them. Just ask my foes.



    Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  7. Someone call for chinchillas?

    Stuka.... You should know by now there is no hiding from our onslaught...we know you have an ammo dump full of cedar shavings hidden somewhere...and we will find them....oh yes... we will...


    Lorak : proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 08-21-2000).]

  8. Assimilated?

    Several have been here long enough to remember when the Borg was just a spark in Bill Gates eye.

    They were here to watch the creation, the building and the launching of the Borg vessel.

    and no.. Not talking about my self. I'm still a newbie to those people. Only been active here since the beta demo.



    Lorak : proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  9. LOL.

    I was a tribes fanatic for a long time. Haven't played in several months though.

    The way it worked before was you downloaded the custom skins and if a player was using one it would see if you had it on your machine. If you didn't it would default to the standard. Not sure if it is changed or not.

    Not sure if Tribes 2 came out. So the above was with Tribes 1.



    Lorak : proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  10. Greetings all.

    I know of three ladders for CM.

    Rugged defense

    Grognards ladder

    CMHQ annex ladder.

    Just wondering if any of the guys playing on them had any comments pro or con.

    Some of my own thoughts..

    I'm only on the CMHQ ladder.


    Lots of players.

    Seems easy to us.

    Calculations take a lot into account.


    Seems only 40 or so people are using it.

    Not sure the calculations are correct, (but without a lot of users, who knows?)

    The Grognard site:

    Not a memeber, But I've spent some time looking. Covers a lot of games, but is an invite only ladder. Not sure how many CM players are there ect...

    Rugged defense.

    Haven't got much information here either.

    Hopefully this thread will let some people that are using them share their thoughts.




    Lorak : proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

  11. a little news for those on cheering for the allies.


    From Commander Hawk:

    "YEAH, good shot Sarge" - the crew couldn't tell whether their

    Sherman was still shacking because of the aftershock from two well

    placed 'candies' or from their excited eruption of joy and relief.

    The now burning Nazi tank and contorted wreck flak were the result of

    good judgement, courage, and fighting skills.

    The crew had very clear in mind what to do and how to react under

    pressure and their trust on their COmmander certainly reached a peak

    in those moment.

    The Sherman commander Sgt. Miller was anyway unaffected by all this.

    He had seen that and more during his service time and he knew the

    Nazi tank Commander was more a fellow than an enemy. He knew the

    pressure coming from being responsible for the lives of his crewmen

    and the task to accomplish. He prayed not to make mistakes in the

    minutes to come. Life and death was a matter of being few yards too

    much in front or behind.

    He put his mind back into work and ordered "Now reverse a bit and

    let's go under cover. We have to play the cat role against these Nazi

    rats, boyz".

    "You know Sarge" went Cpl Jameson, " I guess we took out their

    loudspeaker too with those kills. Indeed more than SS soldiers they

    looked like an entertainment team of clowns". The crew erupted in

    laughs and the tension of the battle subsided a bit. Sgt Miller

    smiled "Good" he thought, "the morale is sky high. We are gonna need


    The Shermam started to back off the crest and the search for another

    rat to kill started again.

    It was one of those moment in a cold rainy day in the Western Front.


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