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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. ahh an update on my lastest bungles.

    OGSFB... Has finally decided that artillery that falls with 100 to 200 meters gap between shells is usless and sent his FO home. I really had to many men at the begining and I got confused. Now that he has weeded out the chaff for me. I might be able to do something. Not win! That would be against my very nature. But something.

    Moriarty...Well, when we started this battle Mori said it would be a fight to see who wanted to lose the most. Guess I'm winning at something then. God how I hate shermans and thier blind TCs.

    Germanboy... Just started. I'l post again when I'm losing....tomarrow?

    Meeks... Much like I laugh at hamsters, when they scratch at the glass corners in thier cages, getting nowhere. I laugh at Meeks tactics. I'd be foolish to say I'm winning. But eliminating an entire platoon for the loss of about 4 of my men. Gives me hope.

    Berli... Still waiting for Satan to ring hells bells and signal the start of my distruction. Good news is that not only will Berli have fun laughing at me, But Fionn has decided to peer down from heaven, at my setup, and laugh his arse off too.

    Seanachai...Yes, it appears that I've lost this one too. Does my pain have no end!? Battle will be over soon, due to turns or my surrender, I know not. I'm glad I have given him a bloody nose, but saddend that future generations will miss out on a Rommel land mark.

    Yes sometime ago it was said that my id/ego was shattered. Nay, after my latest string of PBEM games, I find it already scrambled and fried into an omlet.

    I guess I need to go back and read my books again. I have:

    "AoP: Infantry tactics"

    "AoP: Armor on the move"


    " The care and feeding of your new Hamster"

    what am I missing?

    By the way:

    If anyone lives in the winston-salem,NC area and has no life. Feel free to meet me at the waffle house at Hwy52 and hanes mill road. I'm there everynight around 12:30am. I'll be the idiot reading obscure WWII books and drawing up battle plans on napkins. Just ask Rhonda, Penny, or Dwaye the cook to point me out.

    God I have no life...

    Lorak the loathed.


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  2. Steve,

    Ok thats what I was wondering. Our dozer wasn't an automatic either. We had a throttle lever that set the engine speed. The thing was geared so low that changing gears while at engine speed wasn't a problem. Like I said it was more like old riding lawnmower.(don't laugh). Yes when shifting gears you do get a lurch but not damaging our anything. I was just wondering in old tanks worked the same way.

    Obviously not.

    Thanks for the reply



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-13-2000).]

  3. Steve,

    One question.

    In WWII armor did you really have to control the throttle all the time? Like I pointed out in an earlier post on my uncles 50's dozer(don't laugh). You pretty much set the throttle and then used the transmission for speed adjustments. Seems to me this would have also been the case in WWII. A tank when entering a fight would throttle up to 1500-2000 and then use the transmission for speed and manuerver.

    I could be totally off base, but that was my thinking.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  4. Nice post.

    The one thing I do like about CM is that it is flexiable.

    For example:

    Why couldn't a scenario designer, (with your battle example), design exactly what you want?

    All it would take is a map, position hill302 on it in a good overwatch position, (maybe already defended). Then set an exit zone (making it to the road). Have a small group of germans defend the hill, then have german reenforcments arrive whose goal is to make it accross the terrain and to the road. The allies goal would be to stop the germans from exiting. They can decide if the hill is important enough for this goal or not.

    Obviously This scenario would have absolutly NO flags, the only points are for exit/non-exit. This battle would be perfect for a Human-Human battle. Not sure how the AI would handle a straight exit map.




    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  5. well..I see Steve took a little time out of chopping firewood to level a blow on Meeks thread.

    peng/meeks game recorded.

    bauhaus/Haiko game recorded.

    To my PBEM foes: Wife is making me take her to the mts. this weekend. Should get turns sent of tonight, and on sunday, but saturday is a no-go.

    In my latest news.

    All Games... I'm getting my arse kicked.

    Seems the only victories I can get are outside of the pool....and they don't mean crap!

    Cpt. Foomanchu, Damn I got so many games going on now I can hardly see straight. But what is another loss among fnord brothers.

    If you like feel free to send me a fnord setup.

    Damn I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  6. by cavscout

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So is the strive of CM, "game balance" or "historical accuracy"? Either one is fine but I dislike the hypocrisy shown by some of CM's players. It is always the reason of "game balance" when Allied advanatges left-out are asked about but when the Germans seek an advanatge left-out it becomes "historical accuracy".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Cavscout, incase your wondering you are right in both of your points above. What you are not hearing/understanding is all of it.

    Allied advantages left out for "game balance". Exactly! What is hard to understand about that? The allied advantage was in man power and equipment. CM allows you to give the allies an advantage. Just ask everyone you play to give the allied side a 10%-20% bonus. That takes care of what you are asking for. All we are saying is that doesn't make for a balanced game. Myself, weather playing allies or axis, I am looking for a good fair fight. So I can battle the other player with tactics ect... I am not looking for a walk in the park. Reguardless of historical reality.

    German players wanting historical advantages. No, what they want is for the equipment to be as close as historicly possible. They then try to prove thier point. I have not seen one person opposed to a big point increase if the equipment gets changed and made better. I would much rather see the equipment modeled right, and not be able to afford it.

    For the record, so you don't assume I'm an anti-american urber-tank groupie.

    I'm an american vet, damn Proud of my country. In PBEM games I play both sides, and mostly american for the moment.

    12 PBEM games: 4-as germans 8-as allies.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-13-2000).]

  7. posted this in the other thread too. but since they both relate.


    Mannheim Tanker,

    You might be surprised but I agree with you.

    But there has always been a case here of OT threads getting locked.

    I brought up the china/taiwan issue a long while ago. While having some good discussions I can understand it being locked for it being off-topic. Same with the Kursk incident. Now with the US navy vessel. They are in no way related to CM or WWII and I understand them being locked. Granted the other ones took longer to get locked, but in my opinion it was because there were less people to watch the board.

    The latest locked topics, Which were about WWII, I feel got locked due to the flamming nature of the post. Granted I enjoyed reading some in all of them, but they seemed to turn in to fights and insults too fast.

    As for our Peng/cesspool thread. As crazy as it is.. In a way it is on-topic in that everything in it is related to PBEM games. Even if silly. Every fair, no matter how great the rides or food, has to have a freak show. wink.gif

    I also think KD is right in pointing to the General disscussion forum for the OT post. The reason I feel that it is not visited is because of its lack of content. If more people started posting topics there, I'm sure people would come. Same as I always check the tips/tactics area ect.

    One possible solution would be to post a thread here stating that a topic is there. Then people would know of it and migrate over. Maybe even giving it a bump every now and then to keep people informed.

    For example:

    The US navy incident today.

    Post the thread exactly as he did, outline the information as he did. Then at the end add a " Join the disscussion in the general discussion area." Maybe even link the thread in the message.

    I have no idea how BTS would treat this. But I feel it would be a great compromise.

    Your thoughts?



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  8. Mannheim Tanker,

    You might be surprised but I agree with you.

    But there has always been a case here of OT threads getting locked.

    I brought up the china/taiwan issue a long while ago. While having some good discussions I can understand it being locked for it being off-topic. Same with the Kursk incident. Now with the US navy vessel. They are in no way related to CM or WWII and I understand them being locked. Granted the other ones took longer to get locked, but in my opinion it was because there were less people to watch the board.

    The latest locked topics, Which were about WWII, I feel got locked due to the flamming nature of the post. Granted I enjoyed reading some in all of them, but they seemed to turn in to fights and insults too fast.

    As for our Peng/cesspool thread. As crazy as it is.. In a way it is on-topic in that everything in it is related to PBEM games. Even if silly. Every fair, no matter how great the rides or food, has to have a freak show. wink.gif

    I also think KD is right in pointing to the General disscussion forum for the OT post. The reason I feel that it is not visited is because of its lack of content. If more people started posting topics there, I'm sure people would come. Same as I always check the tips/tactics area ect.

    One possible solution would be to post a thread here stating that a topic is there. Then people would know of it and migrate over. Maybe even giving it a bump every now and then to keep people informed.

    For example:

    The US navy incident today.

    Post the thread exactly as he did, outline the information as he did. Then at the end add a " Join the disscussion in the general discussion area." Maybe even link the thread in the message.

    I have no idea how BTS would treat this. But I feel it would be a great compromise.

    Your thoughts?



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-12-2000).]

  9. lol, A little common sense please.

    Locks from the last few days Have all been on the same topic (just worded diffrently). Just read the post. They may start out diffrent, but within half a page you can't tell one from the other.

    The other lock on the US navy ship being attacked. That was locked for the simple fact that people didn't want to discuss the incident, they wanted to discuss politics and the upcoming election.

    I think before you complain about locked threads you really ought to take a hard look at what is in them.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  10. Wow! Like the new crib.

    Don't know why we wasted money on the tile floor.. considering what is about to cover it.

    Now for my update (egads! I actualy managed turns today.)

    Moriarty... you psycotic punk. The next time you borrow one of my TC's for a battle, at least be kind enough to not kill every one of my AFV's with one shot/one kill. At least I have some dignity and have proved who wants to lose more.

    Berli... Since the planets were aligned in galaxy AT5643T and the third star in vergo twinkled at exactly 3:46:45:12 this morning. I managed to get the setup sent back to you. Let my slaughter begin.

    OGSF... I really love the way you use artillery like an UZI. Spray and pray. Don't think I didn't notice those airburst on your own troops either. Oh, and your still a bastard.

    Meeks... Mr. Peng master wannabe. I love the way your gun blows up empty buildings and your men charge and die in the defended ones. Nice tactic. I'll remember it for later when I start to win a game and am about to destroy my perfect record.

    Germanboy...Has put me on defense, So alias another loss for me. No matter. At lest I get to shoot a lot of stuff before I lose.

    Now if you excuse me I need to read some more of "ronald mcdonalds: mcnuggit tacktics" and prepare for my upcomming embarassme.....err, battles.




    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  11. FutbolHead,

    We get a lot of people trolling in the pool. For some reason, some members of the forum loath us for having a good time.

    I seriously think your introduction was misunderstood and went down hill from there.

    So please. Feel free to stay. We'll just start over.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  12. Ok this is not a flame towards PE.

    But considering that PE is purly a tank sim, I still think the Tanks in CM look as good as, if not better in some cases.

    I think we owe all Of the texture people working on CM a round of applause.

    *side note and plug* For those that liked PE but want to try modern armor "Steel beasts" is a blast.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


  13. ok, I usually keep mouth shut because I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said.

    Well, I have something to add... but I'm not sure if it is relivent.

    When I was younger I used to drive a CAT(dozer) to clear brush off my uncles farm. It was an old model, 50's I believe. When using it I basically set the throttle when it was time to work. Idle for doing nothing, then set the throttle up when it was time to work. During work you never really messed with the throttle setting, you used the transmission to control speed ect.

    Much the way you do a riding lawn mower. When you mow you don't keep moving the throttle. You set it and control your speed direction with the transmission (gears/hydostatic,ect). The only time you throttle it down is when your done, or getting off to move something ect.

    This may have nothing to do with this topic, but I figured a 40's tank may be the same way.

    Are there any tankers here or heavy equipment guys that could comment?



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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